Sunday, October 24, 2010

Reid My Lips

Senator Harry Reid has come up with a unique explanation for the reason his home state now has a disastrous 15% unemployment rate: it's because he was too busy single-handedly saving the planet to worry about Nevada and "but for me, we'd be in a worldwide Depression."

And truthfully, who can forget those exciting and dramatic days in late 2008 when
a new and surprisingly scrawny superhero appeared on the scene and worked such economic wonders? Remember when he lifted the World Bank all by himself, his cape flapping in the wind? Don't we all recall his rippling, spandex-clad body as he halted U.S. unemployment at under 8%? And it seems only yesterday that this same hero passed a gigantic stimulus bill which would have been immoveable by a mortal man!

Look- up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's...

Well, we can't
say what it is. But you find a lot of it behind a well-fed bull.



  1. One can only hope the people of Nevada are as desperate for change as he is that they not want that change. Granted, the next Democrat senate majority leader (assuming they hold the Senate) may be even worse, at least it will be a different kind of worse and that, at least, will have some temporary novelty value.

  2. He wins the Al Gore Internet award.

  3. I guess it's not his job to create jobs either since he's too busy propping up the world economy on his bony shoulders.

  4. I sense an "Atlas" caricature coming on....

  5. Suzy- An Atlas caricature of Harry Reid holding the world on his shoulders would look a lot like the Wicked Witch of the East "holding" Dorothy Gale's house: just feet sticking out.

  6. Doc D - Northern NevadaOctober 24, 2010 at 12:00 PM

    As usual ... Socialistic Liberal Progressives (Democrats)... who are more interested in One World Order happeneing during thier reign, sacrifice our own country (and states) to make this happen. Dingy Harry, Queen Pelosi and crews cannot "afford" to give seniors and military veterans any increses in their benefits, but we can afford to support every third world tin-horn dictator and give both houses of congress raises! Does not surprise me a bit! Time to clean the House ... and the Senate too!

    Vote them ALL out.


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