Monday, October 25, 2010

Funny Money

The reason the GOP is expected to achieve massive electoral victories next week is not because of their ideology, but (according to Joe Biden) is actually due to an advertising budget of $200 billion dollars which has been supplied by mysterious, Illuminati-type organizations and fiendish foreign powers!

An accusation of this magnitude certainly deserves an in-depth investigation. Specifically, an investigation of what kind of prescription medications Mr. Biden is taking, and whether he knows that you
shouldn't swallow the whole bottle at one time.

Mr. Biden's stated figure of $200 billion for campaign commercials, which he repeated twice, is incorrect by
$199.8 billion...although in the current Democrat-controlled administration, this technically amounts to a "rounding error."

And Mr. Biden's claim that "we don't know where it's coming from" is accurate only because he (and Barack Obama, who is making the same claim in his stump speeches) have failed to find any demonstrable examples of the GOP getting money from mysterious sources bent on our nation's destruction. And because we'd hate to accuse the president and vice-president of ignorance, we'll simply assume that they're happily lying through their teeth.

What happens at the polls on election day is
not going to be the result of either campaign commercials or conspiracy, however much the Democrats would like people to think so. And the only "unseen" entities truly affecting the outcome will be the wise founders who wrote our Constitution.



  1. This is one of your best!!! Outstanding!

    By the way, anything special planned here for the evening of 11/2, for those of us who are going to try to stay up all night? "Live" updates, open threads, miscellaneous cartoons that didn't make the cut?

  2. And his choice as VP was still the best decision Obama ever made. May God have mercy on us all.

  3. If the Republicans had that much money they could just give a $1,000 check to everyone in America, who could prove they voted Republican.

  4. Dems are so childish when it comes to money (well and everything else, but....)! Its like a kid who cheats his little brother in Monopoly and wins every time....but then little brother finally gets wise and figures out how to beat his big brother and big brother points a finger angrily and says "Unfair! Cheater! Unfair! I'm not playing anymore!" and throws the board at him.

    Democrats are nothing more than spoiled children.

  5. As opposed to John McC, who's VP choice is rocking the world. Not a fan of her as a candidate for the Big Seat in 2012, but she's sure inspiring a lot of turnout!

  6. This year's largest single source of campaign funds is the public sector union AFSCME. Obama and Biden are deliberately misdirecting, I mean, lying through their teeth.

  7. alan markus- No special "Hope n' Change" plans for election day quite yet, but we'll start thinking about mischief to get into!

  8. As Obama says about us little people....we are just so scared that we can't think straight! Otherwise we would just keep those turkeys in office! Ploy after ploy rolls from their lying lips!

  9. How did Joe Biden ever get elected to anything? Has he always been stupid? (Never mind, don't need to answer that one!)

  10. Joe IS consistent. When you need something stupid to be said... he's your go-to guy.

  11. And his choice as VP was still the best decision Obama ever made. May God have mercy on us all.


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