Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Shove-It Ready Project

Democrats who are behind in the polls are now suggesting the president should do something with his behind.

Rhode Island's Democrat candidate for governor, Frank Caprio, is so incensed that the president won't endorse him that he said Obama
"can take his endorsement and really shove it," and added that the president completely ignored Rhode Island during a recent flood but is now "treating us like an ATM machine."

Specifically, the president is visiting the state for a $500-per-person fundraising rally, followed by a $7500-per-plate fundraising dinner, followed by $20,000-per-person unicorn rides.

Okay, we made that last one up. We hope.

But to be entirely fair, we have to admit that with only days to go until the midterm elections, Barack Obama has
finally made good on his original campaign promise to unite the parties; now Republicans and Democrats are telling him to "shove it."



  1. I can hardly wait until November 3rd to see all the whiners and what their excuses are for not being reelected!

  2. Oh, my, my, Oh Hael yeas!

  3. If Obama loses the Democrats, who's he got left, besides black racists, illegals and unions?

  4. Now THATS what I call "reaching across the aisle"....

  5. Just read on Drudge that Obama spoke for 20 minutes at the $7,500 a plate dinner and then left without eating. He claimed he still had to tuck the girls in, walk the dog and pick up poop. There should be a joke in there but he's such an unfunny man I can't find any.

  6. Speaking of dog poop, this is good opera:
    Obama! A Modern U.S. President

    Chorus at 1:50:
    "The hardest thing about his job is cleaning up the doggy poop.
    He leads the free world and he's also picking up his doggy's poop"

  7. Howcome Bush was just interviewed and said that when he was in office, he didn't have to pick up any doggy poop?


  8. It always gets crazy just before a big election, but wow, I understand there has been more money spent on these campaigns than was spent in the 08 presidential election! Crazy!


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