Friday, October 8, 2010

When The Going Gets Tough

Fulfilling his promise to be our most transparent president, Barack Obama is taking an extended trip overseas...with the departure date rather transparently moved up to be as close to election night as possible.

So as much as Obama might like to make himself available to domestic reporters and answer questions about the expected drubbing of Democrats and what the election returns mean about the mood of America toward his failed policies, the president feels it is more urgent that he arrive in India in time to help celebrate the Hindu holiday Diwali.

And while Obama would surely like to have the opportunity to let American voters know that he's heard their voices, this overseas trip will be among the longest in his presidency - with additional stops in Indonesia (where the president lived as a boy and earned pennies from the local children by showing his birth certificate), Japan, and South Korea.

The first lady will be accompanying her husband on the trip, just in case there's more lobster than he can eat without assistance...but Malia and Sasha will be staying behind in the USA, strongly suggesting that their parents will return once the fuss over the election dies down.

Darn it.



  1. Two years ago, Deepak Chopra said Obama represented a "quantum leap in American consciousness." Sorry, Deepak. It's the other way around. People were asleep at the wheel when they mindlessly voted for Obama. More and more Americans are waking up to the nightmare they elected. Let November 2 be "a quantum leap" in the OTHER direction.

  2. Presidenting is hard. Any progressive messiah would need great numbers of vacations, trips, golf outings, date nights, etc. to maintain his tremendous, laser-like focus on the, never mind.

  3. Again, it's like he doesn't want to BE president, just wants to play one on TV.
    Should have revived West Wing for him - even at 100% subsidy, it would have been a bargain...

  4. Of course the first lady is going...she hates the White House....spoiled rotten thing that she is.... That or she has something against "white"...

  5. Lame Duck originally referred to a President who was still in office after his replacement was elected --- nowadays a period of only of 40-42 days depending on how you count, but longer when slow communications and travel made it necessary. The hatred of Bush made it popular to call him a lame duck halfway as soon as he was elected to the second term which is ridiculous.

    Every time Slick leaves the country I am afraid WE will all be DEAD ducks, since Putin would be well advised to strike us and then capture Spud to negotiate the terms of Vichy_America's new place in the world.


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