Saturday, October 9, 2010

Unhappy Meal

When Barack Obama was cramming his healthcare plan down the throats of Americans, he emphasized one point over and over: "If you like the healthcare plan you currently have, you can keep it. Period. Case closed."

What he didn't mention was that you could keep your policy only if you got a special waiver from the government...and that those waivers are only going to 30 big corporations and Democrat-heavy unions. Period. Case closed.

And amazingly, the corporations - including McDonalds and Jack in the Box, need the waivers so they don't have to end employee health insurance...which is what Obamacare demands. In fact, without the waivers one million currently insured people would completely lose their policies. Which isn't exactly the message that the Democrats want coming out just before elections.

The problem is simple: Obamacare demands that employers either give employees a terrific insurance plan which is nearly impossible to afford...or no insurance at all. And so companies that have traditionally offered inexpensive healthcare plans to employees have no choice but to drop those policies.

You might compare it to a starving man who is being offered a hot, fresh Big Mac...but who isn't allowed to eat it because the Democrats insist that he deserves nothing less than a 7-course meal with vintage wines and strolling violin players. And so the man gets nothing.

None of this should come as a surprise to anyone who has paid attention to Obamacare. It has always been about killing the private insurance industry. It has always been anti-business. It was always going to raise costs and decrease quality of care. It has never been about medicine, and always and exclusively been about seizing power over our lives.

But still, when it comes to Obamacare, the Democrats are telling us to "eat it." And they don't even ask "do you want fries with that?"


  1. I'd like to know exactly WHO in the United States is SURPRISED by this turn of events. Barack Hussein isn't, that's for sure!

  2. Its so awful....blatant lies to destroy our country. Obama should be not only impeached, but shipped overseas. He's such a traitor.

  3. Suzy:
    Like I said before, impeachment is not possible. The Clinton experience has guaranteed that. We have no viable option but to wait for 2012 and work our butts off to throw that vile, socialist turd pile out of office and begin the hard slog through repealing his despicable acts. Any Republicans who balk at that task need to be dealt with even more harshly than Democrats. You listening, Lindsey Grahamnesty?

  4. Just like Nancy Pelosi said, we had to pass health care to see what was in it. Well, we
    are finding out now aren't we? Not only is it full of stuff that will cause health care costs to rise, people to loose their insurance and doctors to find other professions, but its also full of all kinds of language to make corruption and special favors the norm.

    Too bad most of us little people figured that out before it was passed.

  5. And of course all the major unions are exempt INCLUDING THE TEACHERS UNION. The type of insurance that is BEST for people is now illegal. All sorts of CRAP people would rather not pay for they are forced to pay as part of their monthly premiums and then they are told that those things are FREE. B.... S.....
    This includes, by the way, insuring kids up until age 26 while they are out having car wrecks and children. If you have REAL children.. 8 10 14 years old??? That's just part of your payment, too. This guy is a complete and total IDIOT.

  6. This is what we get for letting Barack Hussein get away with telling his constituency (all the fools who think they CAN have a free lunch) that they have a "right" to health care. NO ONE HAS A "RIGHT" TO HEALTH CARE!!! That would imply that doctors have NO right to NOT provide it. In other words, doctors are to be slaves. So Barack Hussein wants to impose slavery on health care providers. Also taxpayers, because SOMEBODY'S got to pay for the giveaways....


  7. Clowns scare me. 0bama scares me. Coincidence? I think not...


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