Thursday, October 21, 2010

Which Way to the Jon?

Jon Stewart, the so-called "most trusted newsman in America for those who don't really understand the concept of news," got good news and bad news relating to his October 30 "Rally to Restore Sanity" in Washington DC.

The good news is that Barack Obama has endorsed the event, thereby putting his official stamp of approval on the notion that voters should get their news and views from a comedy show. Moreover, the president will appear on Jon Stewart's program to support the rally...while avoiding news programs on which he might have to support his policies.

The bad news for Stewart is a critical lack of available portable toilets for his rally, owing to the fact that the Marines have already reserved 800 of them for a previously scheduled event, and they don't feel like sharing the facilities with Stewart's audience.

We don't know if the "Rally to Restore Sanity" needs so many portable toilets because a large crowd is expected or, more likely, if it's because the Park Service is estimating that each attendee will be filled with more crap than usual.

But rest soon as we find out, Hope n' Change will give you the straight poop.



  1. All I can say is...Semper Fi, Uuuurahhhh and Get some! God Bless the Corps....

  2. I expect that the marines have a reasonable accurate estimate of how many they will need, and any 'sharing' would lead to overcapacity issues.
    One would think (there I go, thinking again) that given the lead time, a sufficient quantity could be imported from the greater NY region, or Philly, or... I mean, REALLY!

  3. I suggest that the rally attendees march right over to the Marine's event and take the porta-johns by force. I'm certain the Marines won't mind and I'd be happy to video the resulting polite exchange between the two groups.

  4. Angry Hoosier Dad - your comments made me laugh so hard milk shot out of my nose...

    GREAT idea!

  5. Which way to the Jon? Loved the title.

  6. Kinda scary that in a poll of most-watched journallists, Jon Stewart and his show beat out some REAL journalists...good grief...its a COMEDY SHOW!!! Dont people know that?

  7. Pryorguy- It's really scary that many people can no longer tell any difference between entertainers and politicians, or news and comedy. Maybe it's because there isn't much difference anymore. And maybe it's because America's younger generations have been raised in such a way that they believe being "connected" to information is the same as actually being intelligent, informed, and able to use logical reasoning to differentiate between lies and truth.

    Comedian Stephen Colbert was called to testify in Washington "in character." The alleged president is appearing on Jon Stewart's comedy show. The Whitehouse rarely speaks to the most-watched news channel on television, but puts the president on MTV for a full hour...using a hand-picked audience of questioners who had to submit resumes and applications in order to be cast for this "reality" show.

    And maybe that's the actual problem; our country doesn't know - or care - what "reality" is anymore.

  8. Amen, Stilt, A-effing Men...

  9. In politics especially, perception is reality. Obama knows that well and used it to his great advantage. But perception is a double-edged sword and it's the other edge (the reasonable perception that the economy is in the toilet and Obama is jiggling the handle) that is now cutting him deeply.
