Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Barack Ouroboros

Prior to last Tuesday's election, Barack Obama insisted on implementing a job-killing $700 billion tax increase on small businesses during a recession...and was perfectly willing to have the Democrat party enact it unilaterally.

But now, with Republicans controlling the House, the president is showing a new spirit of compromise, saying that he's willing to accept a bipartisan job-killing $700 billion tax increase on small businesses during a recession.

Unfortunately for Mr. Obama, the Republicans aren't really buying his definition of "compromise," and are instead insisting that they will adamantly fight any tax increases for any Americans in this brutal economy.

The peevish president is insisting that if he can't squeeze another $700 billion out of the small business owners who would like to be hiring others, he'll be forced to borrow it from China (gasp!)...and he's quickly running out of daughters to use as collateral.

In mythology, "Ouroboros" was a snake or dragon who eats his own tail...and keeps eating until he vanishes completely. And this will be the path of the American economy as long as politicians increase unemployment by raising taxes on businesses in order to cope with rising expenses which come from unemployment.

That ugly cycle has got to come to an end. And thankfully, that's what the new wave of Republicans is giving Obama to chew on.


  1. OK, the p*ssing in the shower controversy has got onto my blog. Why can't people leave well enough alone alone? What has that got to do with politics? I come here ( I mean I NAVIGATE here ) and you are talking about eating tail. Tell me, please, that BI-partisonship means nothing but "involving more than one political party" This Mayan Calendar ending is more serious than I thought and/or I am getting worried about nothing. God Help Us. Please.
    I love you all. Stay away from Ambien; it can cause amnesia. You do and say things that you regret. I am serious. This can include driving, sexual activity, even fighting. I own a gun and have no idea where it is. Missing for more than six months. As far as I know I don't hate anybody. Good Night.

  2. The only reason the "official" unemployment rate isn't much higher is the vast number of people who are underemployed, have exhausted their benefits and dropped off the system radar or are so discouraged they just stopped looking. Ole Jug-ears was counting on the "99-ers" to know which side their bread was buttered on this election. He didn't count on them recognizing the excrement the Dems had buttered it with. Now the Fecal-Stain-In-Chief wants another two trillion dollar "stimulus" but can't figure out how to come up with 700 billion without a tax increase. Party of "no"...we're counting on you.

  3. Not "party of No" but "Party of HELL NO!!"
    Need MORE revenue? CUT taxes - works EVERY time!
    Get the HELL out of the way, let businesses do what they do, and people will get HIRED!
    Good GOLLY what's so HARD here people?

  4. and MPol? if your gun's been 'missing' for 6 months, it sounds like you no longer 'own' it..
    just sayin'

  5. Obama is just flat crazy. There's no other way around it. He's just like Nero.... if he could get away with using white middle class males as torches to light the White House lawn, he'd prolly do it....

  6. Pete (Detroit)- Real tax cuts are pretty much the only tool available to government that can increase jobs and stimulate the economy. But from an ideological standpoint, it's also the one thing that this president will never do.

    Remember, when he was interviewed and asked why he'd raise taxes on the "wealthy" even if it meant a decrease in government revenue, he said that it would be "more fair." In other words, he was lying when he told Joe the Plumber he hoped to "spread the wealth," and his goal is really to "spread the pain." For whatever twisted reasons, this president wants to hurt capitalism and capitalists...and if the entire economy goes down as a result, he's willing to live with it.

  7. Not quite, Stilton. Taking down the entire economy may be the goal. It's the only way to implement the ideal Marxist state.

    That this president steadfastly refuses to allow anything that would actually help the economy as a whole drives me deeper to that conclusion.

  8. John the Econ- There I go, seeing the world through rose-colored glasses again (grin). Actually I agree with you. I think it is the president's goal to utterly destroy the economy and begin again with a blank slate that is more to his liking.

  9. The 'shocking' incident I recall, the "reporter" person asked if he was aware that cutting taxes actually raised revenue, he replied that "the object is not to raise revenue, it's to 'share the wealth'"
    This was around the time of Joe the Plumber, but I think NOT at that particular event..
    I was appalled. Scumbag Marxist, keep your grubby mitts the hell OFF my paycheck.

  10. Seems to me that Obama's efforts to dismantle our economy qualify as a man-made disaster.

  11. Remember Stilton, Obama is a rabid anti-colonialist and he sees the US as the worst example of colonialism. Here we have been pushing democracy and the vile concept of liberty on poor third-world countries whose best interests are found in the pure hearts of tin-pot dictators. In his diseased mind we deserve whatever ills befall us.

  12. Pete (Detroit)- Here's an excerpt from the interview I'm citing:

    MR. GIBSON: And in each instance, when the rate dropped, revenues from the tax increased. The government took in more money. And in the 1980s, when the tax was increased to 28 percent, the revenues went down. So why raise it at all, especially given the fact that 100 million people in this country own stock and would be affected?

    SENATOR OBAMA: Well, Charlie, what I've said is that I would look at raising the capital gains tax for purposes of fairness.

    So clearly Obama intends to hurt the wealthy. But doesn't that hurt the poor too? In fact, it doesn't - because that would only be the equation if the government was spending money it collected rather than money it's borrowing.

    Anonymous (two above) - a "man-made disaster." Exactly!

  13. Did anyone catch Obamas answer about jihad while in India yesterday? There was no answer....big surprise! Instead, it was the tired, stiff, boring platitudes about how great a religion islam is, with Obama ca-r-e-f-u-l-l-y choosing his words! Good grief, he makes me sick!

  14. pryorguy- It seemed he is in favor of the "good" jihad, and didn't have a lot to say about any other kind of jihad. You know, the kind that seems to blow the hell out of innocent people every other day...

  15. Obama spending $200M a day in India kissing butt and our new case is reporting someone spending $14K to take some people to the beach for a conference. What a joke our media is. Why aren't they reporting how your tax dollars at the rate of $200 M a day is being spend by some scumbag non-US citizen anti-american muslim mole, getting the people involved in removing this clown and his cromies from our soil.

  16. The pic needs teh precedent in the center ring with chair and whip (top hat & vest are a bonus) forcing the US to eat its own future. . .


  17. Oops, that was meant for DougM's graphic on the porch


  18. Pete(Detroit) said...
    "Not "party of No" but "Party of HELL NO!!"
    Need MORE revenue? CUT taxes - works EVERY time!
    Get the HELL out of the way, let businesses do what they do, and people will get HIRED!
    Good GOLLY what's so HARD here people?"

    That kind of thinking is snuffed out by the newly discovered Liberal gene.


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