Monday, November 8, 2010

You Want Small Fries With That?

Although badly wounded in last Tuesday's elections, Liberalism is not dead. At least, not in Nancy Pelosi's San Francisco, where city officials have just voted to ban children's "Happy Meal" toys at McDonalds (and similar toy programs at other restaurants).

The logic, and we use the term
loosely, is that the toys are used as "bait" to attract children to food that doesn't meet the lofty nutritional standards of San Francisco's ruling class, and that over time "happy" children will become fat children.

Meanwhile, the San Francisco school system continues to give away
free condoms to students, with at least one school saying their condom availability program is "held during lunch on Wednesdays, with a question and answer session during lunch on Fridays."

Not only does this associate the "free prize" with a meal, but it raises the question of what the heck the kids are doing with those condoms on
Thursdays while waiting for Friday's "question and answer" session? We would suggest that they've got their schedule ass-backward but, being San Francisco, "ass-backward" is probably a part of their question and answer session.

Once again, liberal politicians have essentially proclaimed that
parents can't be trusted with parenting. And that in San Francisco, you can ban Ronald McDonald's toys...but you can never get rid of the clowns.

When life gives you lemons...


  1. San Francisco...the city that writes its own jokes...


  2. The really funny part of this (if there really is one) is that the very same politicians that are behind this kind of utter madness actually wonder why families with kids avoid living in San Francisco, or move to the burbs when they have kids.

  3. I spent a week in San Francisco one day...there is no shortage of Progressive thinking and action. A perfect example of a "nanny City" where one never has to think, just follow the collective mind and listen to the ruling elite. Maybe the new Survival Show should include a test of Conservatives selling Rush, Savage, Beck and Palin books on the street corner. But, fear not...they, too, will begin to feed on their young.

  4. It is so much easier to throw condoms at kids than to make the effort to instill decency, morals and restraint. Home schooling and religious education is tantamount to child abuse these days, but encouraging child sex isn't. And we wonder why God has turned His back on us.

  5. Wow I never thought of that little parallel...or paradox, whatever....

    Sad, and sick.

    I say everybody go exercise their right to buy their kid a Happy Meal today.

  6. "Any lovin' is good lovin'." Ass backwards...too funny...but that's what probably is demonstrated on Thursday at Show and Tell to fill the to speak... between Wednesday and Friday.

  7. It would be nice if they would ban inept parents who lack a backbone. Little Johnny can do without a happy meal, like we say in our house "Go hungry for a few days and you'll understand all meals are happy meals!"

  8. Oh I wish I owned McDonalds for one day. There would be no stores in San Fran anymore. On second thought, that would just make the libs happier.

    The ignorant libs still fail to see what happens when you impose idiodic laws on business that actually provide JOBS. The businesses move somewhere else, where they are free to practice, well... FREE enterprise. If that happens to be another country....?

  9. Seems to me McDonalds should take that crap to court...of course I know nothing of law, just doesnt seem right to impose a law like that on a business. What about Chuck E Cheese, whose entire operation is geared to get kids in, while the folks buy them a high-calorie pizza?!

  10. Readers- It seems that the San Francisco liberals are arguing that kids are too young to make good decisions, and parents are either too dumb or too weak to make good decisions. And that's really what this is about: not toys, not meals, and not weight...but rather about liberals wanting to take away decision making ability from people who are clearly too stupid to do the "right" thing. Which is the same reason they'd like to take away our right to choose our own healthcare, choose our own insurance, and choose for whom we'll vote.

  11. Did you guys read about the Twinkie diet???

  12. "Did you guys read about the Twinkie diet???"

    I shudder to think what that might mean in San Francisco.

  13. Eh yeah...sorry...should have explained better!!!

    As far as obesity and eating healthy...

  14. As is always the case, when we surrender freedom for the illusion of security, we end up with neither. None of us would choose to be slaves outright, but we do it by littles. That is the plan: Dumb down the populace (nationalized education), make them complacent (welfare state) then put them in irons (Obamacare, etc.). I pray we can starve the beast without violence, but I will not dishonor my ancestors and heritage by pledging to non-violence under any circumstances ala Glenn Beck. The last and most terrible of options cannot be discarded or the enemies of freedom will know they have won and only need bide their time.

  15. Indeed, AHD.

    By the way, I'm also a Hoosier, though I've been living in Ohio for a bit more than 1/2 my life.

  16. Mad props to Ohio. Any state that can create the roller coaster heaven of Cedar Point is all good. And let's not forget King's Island and the other theme parks, zoos, etc. I haven't even gotten to in Ohio yet.

  17. I don't care for amusement parks (I've been to both KI and CP) ... for one spends most of one's time standing in line, broiling in the humidity and sun.

    Have you heard of 'The Wilds'?
