Tuesday, November 2, 2010


THIS JUST IN! MSNBC's Chris Matthews voices his feelings about the overwhelming defeat of Democrats who had aligned themselves with Barack Obama!


  1. I hope the democrats go down in a ball of flames but I think the socialist republic of california is going to vote more socialist into office along with electing the same scum that's been taking it down the toilet for decades thanks to having 14% of the US populaton of freaks, freeloaders and illegal aliens.

  2. Hey, Chris & I finally agree on something.

  3. Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! !

  4. Readers- Fairly hilarious watching some of the real coverage on MSNBC; what a freak show! When Rand Paul won, they seriously and heatedly discussed whether this was a threat to the entire world (!) because "Paul could filibuster raising the debt ceiling, America goes into default, and the world financial system will crumble." Wowsers!

    Then they trotted out some computer graphics showing that voters are angrier, more dissatisfied, and more frightened about the future than they were in 1994... which, according to Rachel Maddow (or maybe it's her brother, it's hard to know) means that the Republicans should have had an even bigger win tonight, meaning that their win is actually a loss. Uh, yeah.

    Seriously, MSNBC is simply embarrassing.

  5. At least we got rid of Queen Nazi Peolsi!

  6. I saw that, Stilton. It's almost funny how deranged liberals actually are. Whose fault is it that America's facing a crippling debt? Obama's? No, of course not. It's the fault of a newcomer politician who's proposing fiscal responsibility.

    Really. Get with the program, libs. Rand Paul is "empowered" to take down not only the US but the world? Give me a fucking break. And you wonder why people are voting you out left & right.

  7. Hi all, I am deaf...I do not see any subtitles so what did MSNBC say that was so odd (or normal for them)?

  8. Eric- We imagine that trying to do subtitles for the fast-moving and frequently overlapping voices on MSNBC was nearly impossible. But frankly, last night they weren't saying anything that was odd for them. It was only odd when viewed from Planet Earth.

    Let's use Fox News's coverage as a baseline: the reporting on the races was treated as straight-up news, with facts and stats. They also had a panel to provide commentary, which at all times included multiple liberals for balance. The commentary was at all times respectful.

    By contrast, on MSNBC the panel was five rabid liberals. As noted above, they acted like Rand Paul was The Optometrist From Hell, ready to launch his plan for world destruction. When Christine O'Donnell was about to make her concession speech, Keith Olbermann sneered "get out your popcorn." And when Harry Reid hung on to his job, they were practically foaming with delight at this great political victory "for the people."

    There was never anything even vaguely like reasoned discourse or balance on MSNBC...and the people who watch it believing it to be news are getting a very warped view of the world.

  9. What kind of sick parent names their son Rachel?

  10. Hysterical!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
