Sunday, December 26, 2010

Haappy Holidaays

Can it really be that a whole year has already gone by since last Kwanzaa? And the answer is "no it hasn't" - because Kwanzaa is a week long, and so it's only been 51 weeks since the last one. Still, it just doesn't seem like most of a year could have gone by so rapidly.

It is, of course, a time of warmth and nostalgia for all of us, filled with holiday traditions and memories. Hearing Bing Crosby sing
Nguzo Saba...watching "How the Grinch Stole Odu Ifa"...or settling in with a cup of hot cocoa to watch Jimmy Stewart in the classic "It's a Wonderful Walimwengu."

We only wish that everyone could keep the spirit of Kwanzaa in their hearts "24/7, 364 days a year" (as Janet Napolitano would say). It seems like it's
always our goal...and maybe this year we'll actually be able to stick to it!

But for now,
Hope n' Change wishes one and all a very Heri za Kwanzaa. And a Hotep Ase Heri!



  1. Actually, a Menorah can also have nine candles....

  2. A faux "holiday" that "has it's roots in the black nationalist movement of the 1960's" (per Wikipedia, not me). This phony holiday is yet one more wedge driven, by progressives and black racists, between Americans of different colors and given credence by pandering fluffers in the media and like-minded fellow travelers on the socialist, America-hating path. I don't expect to be wished a "Happy Kwanzaa" as I am of the wrong skin tone, but if I am, I will respectfully suggest the wish-giver go out and buy a clue...or I could just wish them a Merry Christmas and let them sort it out.
    Finally, I am quite certain that if most Hispanics weren't Catholic (or other denominational Christian) some separatist puke would have come up with a fake holiday for them too. Who knows...maybe they're working on it already.

  3. Here is the perfect PC holiday greeting for December. It covers Ramadan, Hanuka, Kwanzaa, and Christmas. Are you ready?


    Lol...yet another example of how ridiculous political correctness really is.

  4. Aw c'mon, you're just making those words up! (I'm kidding.)

  5. Is it just me, or is it utterly asinine to pretend that all "black" people share common heritage / African ancestry? Is it not equally foolish to assume that all AFRICANS have common heritage / languages? Seems to me there's a word for people who treat others a certain way based solely on skin color - yeah, Liberal (koff) progressive, yeah, that's it....

  6. Pete(Detroit)- Yes, but that word sounds more impressive in Swahili.

  7. You're right, Stilt! Oo-bah-GOO-ie (ubaguzi) *is* more impressive (and thanks for the LOL moment!)

  8. Funny, but it must have been because of all the good drugs that were flowing around in the 60's ... but I have always thought (and heard him actually SAY once at a rally I was at as a youngster), that Dr. King's Dream was "equality of all peoples" ... the quandry in my mind is that DE-segregation does not compute properly with making up fake holidays and making more entitlement programs into laws (Affirmative Action, etc. etc) that only drive the seperate races APART! This was NOT Dr. King's Dream! All these things have done is cause MORE Segregation and race hate! Well, one more thing it has done is to make plenty of lazy, over educated and pot stirring radicals into multi-millionaires - who, except for screaming "racism" no matter what happens to a 'person of color' ... would have no money or percieved power at all! We ALL know who some of these people are ... they all claim to be ministers, or reverends, or pastors, or Imams - and they all are great orators, but for most of them ... they don't even HAVE a church, but merely run around preaching thier hate against white America, to whomever will put money in thier pockets! If they don't get thier way, then they incite riots and 'protests' until the white establishment pays them off to go away! But only until the next time ... and there will always be a next time because - they need INCOME (usually tax free - because they are allegedly a 'Man of God')
    Why is no one doing something to stop this stupidity, this idiotic insanity?

  9. Since everyone tries to distort Christmas and Easter by removing their original meaning I choose to do the same for Kwanzaa. So may the Holiday turtle bring you plenty of PizZAA and may all your Kwanzaa recycle cans be filled with glad yonkers and happy snoodles. Now I'm off to put up my Kwanzaa umbrella and watch the traditional Kwanzaa holiday special "Gamera verses Tokyo"

  10. Readers- Very good comments above, even if it seems like some of you aren't really in the Kwanzaa spirit yet. Fortunately, there are still six more days to go!

  11. for those wondering about Kwanzaa, do a search on YouTube for "Shirley Q. Liquor" & "Kwanzaa song". she pretty much explains it.

  12. I think Festivus is the better fake/made-up holiday. Plus, it's older than Kwanzaa so it's a more traditional fake holiday. Easier to say, too.



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