Friday, December 24, 2010


As a final parting gift to Americans before heading to Hawaii to get lei'd, Barack Obama herded enough lame ducks to pass his START missile treaty with Russia. And if you weren't worried about our nuclear defenses before, now would be a good time to START.

According to the U.K. Telegraph, "The United States, the greatest power on earth, has been browbeaten into agreeing to a one-sided treaty that rewards Russian aggression and intimidation."

In essence, the treaty prevents the United States from increasing or enhancing its anti-missile defense systems...leaving us increasingly vulnerable to nuclear threats from rogue states like North Korea and Iran. And in return for lowering our defenses, Barack Obama's team received almost nothing in return (other than the ability to inspect Russian missile sites at so slow a rate that some estimates say it will take us 40 years to visit them all).

Still, team Obama considers this Christmas START treaty to be a crowning foreign policy accomplishment which advances their continuing agenda of "peace through weakness."

To which our enemies in the world say "Ho, ho, ho."


Want to track Santa's travels on NORAD? Just click here!


  1. Breaking a law that goes back to the 1790's Obama tried to contact Putin and cut down on our missile defenses before he was even President. This is, has been and always will be his number one goal. Cut back our defenses, weaken us, surrender. May he rot and sizzle in HELL.

  2. Any chance of getting a repeal of that treaty in two weeks?
    Probably not - seems to me it passed w/ a count of about 75...
    Effing disgusting..
    I'm just ill w/ the kind of crap they pass that 'feels good' (it will make the world safer!) but do just the opposite...

  3. Why does this sound a lot like Neville Chamberlain's "famous" 'Peace in our Time'?

    And whatever happened to Reagan's "Trust but verify," or the even better "evil empire" or the even better: "The bombing starts in five minutes"?

  4. I wonder if the treaty only addresses land-based missiles and defense? Hopefully, they forgot about the nuclear warheads on our submarines.

  5. Man, I always forget how awesome you are at fear-mongering. Thanks for my daily reminder to be afraid of the world Stil!

  6. Anonymous- Paranoia is the gift that keeps giving. And giving. And giving...

  7. Thank you for posting! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

    Common Cents

  8. Stilton, Johnny and Lance - Merry Christmas. Thanks for the laughs, its the best gift.

  9. Merry Christmas Stilton and all of you good people.


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