Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Wearing of the Grin

Last year at this time, Barack O'bama celebrated St. Patrick's Day by traveling to Ireland in search of his family roots. No, really.

But on this St. Patrick's Day, there are crises in Japan, Libya, Bahrain, and Congress...meaning the president needs to focus his full attentions on packing beachwear and sunscreen for his trip to Rio de Janeiro tomorrow.

But St. Patrick's Day isn't being ignored by everyone in the Whitehouse... because Michelle O'bama has officially announced that she's requested shamrock seeds for the Whitehouse garden.

Oh sure, she could just plant the living shamrock (with real Irish roots) which is presented to the president by the Irish Prime Minister every St. Patrick's Day... except that shamrock is always destroyed because of "security protocol" to protect Mr. O'bama. In case it's one of those radical clovers which is wearing a little bomb vest or something.

But for now, let's put our cares aside and celebrate the day when all of us are Irish (my family name was O'Jarlsberg until they got to Ellis Island). Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all readers of Hope n' Change, and may all of your shamrocks be non-lethal!


  1. Ok, THAT was just a bit creepy...

    As for being Irish, my great-grandmother's maiden name is the same as the family that sold Alec Guinness the original brewery, all the way back in the day. Not CERTAIN it was the same family, but the right name in the right town...

  2. O'bama. haha. O'my.....

  3. Obama searched for his Irish roots? I didn't even know there were Muslims in Ireland. It makes sense really. Someone had to teach the IRA their bombing skills. As a real descendant of Irish fleebaggers, I wish you all a happy St. Patrick's Day. Here's hoping I will be too busy to celebrate next year because I'll be working on Sarah O'Palin's campaign (wishful thinking).

  4. Brazil's flag is primarily green -- Obama is confused about foreign policy -- maybe he thinks Brazil is where the Irish are?

    Maybe he got a memo out on the green at the 13th hole and in the rush, read -- Re: O'dayjaneiro.

    Maybe he wants to be president of that country too, and so he goes to learn about the poverty stricken "favelas" which ring the hills above Ipanema; which American neighborhoods may resemble soon if he keeps up his economic policies.

    Maybe he wants a "cup a cabana" - a flavor of ice cream he hasn't tried yet.

    Or maybe he thinks any plume of radiation from any meltdowns in Japan won't reach him there.

    Or maybe all of the above and more; He is a complex man after all, we're told.

    (Meanwhile, his dear wifey is buying seeds for a weed that we expunge from our lawns? Yeesh.)

  5. Stilton,
    I really hate to sound, you know, racist, but SUNSCREEN?

    Pete (Detroit). Congratulations on being Irish! But, Alec Guinniess is the guy who played Obi-Wan. You are probably thinking of Arthur Guinness (1725-1803); he's the one who started the famous brew. Slainte!

    I'm just happy that BO is going somewhere besides here... the further, the better. Maybe even Rio is too close, but it's better than nothing and maybe he can't screw anything up while he is taking his 900th vacation.

    I have been thinking that we the taxpayers should build a second (but smaller) white house in Maui in hopes that he will just stay there. We could install mirrors on every wall; he wouldn't be able to pull himself away.

  6. @Jim H,
    Those are some good "maybe"s. I'm so glad I didn't have a swallow of Pepsi mouthed when I read 'em!

    Every time I read that people are happy that O'bama is vacationing, I'm reminded of the bit from "Fiddler On The Roof" when someone asks the Rabbi if there's a blessing for the Tsar and the Rabbi says, "A blessing for the Tsar? May God bless and keep the Tsar...far away from us!"

  7. @Colby_Muenster- Sunscreen is important to prevent skin cancer in all races. But the Bamster also needs it because (as a number of photos on the web show) he tends to get tan lines otherwise. He's part Irish, you know!

  8. @JeepGuy -- Not to worry. You will be glad to know that there's a government program for keyboards wrecked by spewing Pepsi, Coffee or even stronger stuff; it was in the stimulus packages -- for it would be jobs saved and created replacing them. The cost is only $12 billion, I think. Because everyone has a right to a clean, dry and unsticky keyboard.

  9. I thought St. Patrick was supposed to have gotten rid of all the snakes in Ireland. He apparently missed one.

  10. @Earl- Obama said he was looking for his roots in Ireland, not anyone who was still there. So it's entirely likely that St. Patrick did drive Barack's scaly ancestors off the emerald isle. Assuming they were swimming snakes, Kenya really wasn't all that far away.

  11. Shamus McDiarmid -- aka "Jazz"March 17, 2011 at 10:16 PM

    Happy Paddy's Day, one and all!

    Somebody once estimated that fully 70% of Americans have some Irish blood in their background ... and for the rest of them, there is Guinness. As enough Irish got driven out of Ireland and ended up everywhere else, one might assume similar results in at least a portion of the Kenyan population. So, I'm willing to accept that Barry o'Bama at least claims a link to The Auld Sod ... sod him! Well, in honor of himself -- or perhaps because of him -- I'll be lifting a splash of the Black Bush here shortly ... and I usually save the good stuff until Saturday night.

    And in honor of the rest of you:

    May joy and peace surround you,
    Contentment latch your door,
    And happiness be with you now
    And bless you evermore.

  12. Colby, you are of course correct. Too much Guinness on the mind, too early..


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