Sunday, August 7, 2011

Miss Him Accomplished

Okay, I'm just having a little fun on Sunday. Still, you've got to imagine that Jimmy Carter is feeling pretty cocky today about handing off the "worst president ever" title to the current occupant of the Whitehouse.


  1. An unexpected Sunday delight. My fantasy is for the current POtuS to lose hugely in 2012 after which he leaves the U.S. permanently taking his millions (dollars and supporters) with him. Perhaps he could do some good building huts in Somalia and feeding the starving children. Michelle could go with him and teach modern farming.

  2. @Earl- Unlike Carter, it's hard to believe that Barack Obama will build any housing for anybody once he's out of office. On the other hand, I'd actually be in favor of taxpayers funding a very small, modest residence in Somalia from which the former first couple could do good works. We can call it "Habitat for Humility."

  3. And they could confiscate and redistribute pirate ransoms to all of Africa to ensure "fairness." After all, the ransoms come from evil oil companies. Of course, this may discourage pirates from pirating and then there'd be no money to distribute.

  4. Absolutely the worst. No contest.

  5. In a "Midsummer Night's Dream" moment, I wonder how Jimmy Carter would answer such a question:

    Interviewer - for many years you have been maligned as "the worst President" ever. Are you willing to cede that title to Obama?

    Unfortunately, Carter would be too dignified to respond. Obama, not so.

    Making a different point, would it be evil to hope that some day, ex-President Obama winds up in the bottom of a canal in Florida? You know, Habitat for Huge Manatees. OK, I confess,I ripped of The Simpsons for that one.

  6. And they said it couldn't be done.

  7. Finally, a PotUS that makes Jimmy C look like a global foreign policy chess mastermind and a domestic policy Defender Of The Constitution.

    As human beings, Obama isn't worthy to open a toilet stall door for the Man From Plains. Whatever his very real failings as CiC, Carter did everything he could in 76-79 to reverse the trend toward the imperial presidency, genuinely seemed to believe he was acting in the best interests of America, and his humanitarian commitment is beyond question.
    I bitterly regret the consequences of many of JC's misdirected decisions while in office and his globalist illusions, but I personally believe he loves our common country. He is as far above Obama as Obama is beneath all our contempt.

  8. @Andrew- It seems like Jimmy Carter has gotten to be more of a pain in the rear with time, but I actually voted for him when I was young and stupid. And of the two factors, "stupid" played a bigger role than my youth. But even so, Carter has unquestionably tried to do humanitarian things with his life, and loved this country. Neither is true of Obama, and I'm quite confident that neither ever will be.

  9. I don't know how much Jimmuh loves his country. He's done a LOT of hobnobbing with people who most definitely DON'T love America. Still, he didn't try to destroy America in the same way as Barack Hussein has. I personally hope Barack Hussein lives a l-o-o-o-o-o-o-n-g life--with many decades to think back on his ONE term as POtuS. Hopefully he'll suffer from maximum regret.

  10. @JustaJeepGuy- Notice that I said Carter loved our country. I wasn't putting the man in the grave, but I was absolutely using the past tense owing to some of the Georgian's pronouncements in recent years.

  11. Throw in "gas lines" and some more inflation, and we're there.

    As for the more recent Jimmy: Where is Rosalynn Carter when we need her? When Alzheimer's finally began to make Ronald Reagan loopy, Nancy Reagan kept him out out of the public eye to protect his legacy. On the other hand, Jimmy Carter has been running loose, spewing his anti-semitic nonsense. I'd much rather remember him as the ex-President who was more useful building houses.

  12. @John the Econ- Yes, a president should know (or be told) when it's time to get off the world stage. For instance, Obama should have been told two years ago.

  13. Not that it matters, but I just wanted to point out that Jimmy Carter did NOT found Habitat for Humanity; that would be Millard and Linda Fuller. Jimmy is just the most visible and famous volunteer.

    I, too foolishly voted for him (as well as several other kooks, like McGovern), but have learned my lesson. Strange how growing up and paying taxes changes ones concept of what a good president is. Now we just need a few million more people to grow up before November 6, 2012....

  14. @Colby- I knew that Carter hadn't founded Habitat for Humanity, but he has shown a willingness to pick up a hammer. I doubt that Obama has ever seen a hammer, let alone knows how to swing one.

  15. Oh, I'll bet that Barack has seen a hammer; I just think he asked someone what the weird golf club was for. He probably said, "How do you putt with that?"

  16. I love it, linked at my place Stilton


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