Friday, March 29, 2013

Scaling Back

Stilton Jarlsberg, epilepsy, magic scale, obama, obama jokes

Readers - Despite my alleged cartoon on Wednesday, it's become clear that I can't really juggle politics and important personal challenges at the same time: my family comes first. So I'll drop back to my previous message: I might post from time to time, but I can't make any promises.

Those of you with computer reminder programs, Post-it notes, or an open-minded nature about a really unusual tattoo might want to write "check to see if Hope n' Change is back" and drop by this page every so often. Alternately, go to the new MAILING LIST BUTTON at the top left and enter your email address, and I'll let you know when things are back to normalish. I will not spam you, or turn over your address to the Gestapo.

Johnny Optimism will keep rolling along (get it?) but I may not always be able to respond to comments in a timely way.

Again, thanks for your support - it means a lot.

And Buck Ofama and the horse he rode in on.    -Stilton Jarlsberg


  1. Good choice doc. We'll be haranguing around 'till you get back. Do what you gotta do and don't forget to take care of yourself along the way!

  2. You do what you need to doc, we've got your six.

  3. You take care of yourself and the Jarlsberg family. We'll be wishin' and hopin' and thinkin' and prayin'.

  4. You do what you have to do Mr. Jarlsberg. We've got your 6. I subscribe to your RSS feed. So I'll be around be when things return to a more even keel for you. Good luck and God Bless.

  5. Take care sir!
    And I second the Buck 0fama sentiment.
    However I must mention an old joke by way of explaining the exception I take to the last part of that statement.

    A travelling salesman stopped at a local bar for a cold one, and sat down on the only remaining stool at the bar between two older weather-beaten cowboys. As a CNN media celebrity was fawning over the 0bamacare the salesman said to the cowboy one his right, "Man, that 0bama is a real horse's ass!"
    The cowboy stood up and knocked him off his bar-stool and walked out.
    The salesman got up, dusted of the sawdust, sat back down and after a few moments silence turned to the cowboy on his left and said, "Man, I telling you, that 0bama is a real horse's ass!"
    That cowboy got up and also knocked the salesman of his stool and onto the floor and then walked out.
    After getting up for the second time the salesman finished his beer and asked the bartender, "Whats the matter with those two cowboys? Is this 0bama country?"
    The bartender said, "Nope. HORSE COUNTRY!"
    So may I change the statement to Buck 0fama and the W-H-O-R-E he rode in on?

  6. Came here to say don't blame the horse for carrying an ass, but guess AC beat me.

  7. Yah. What all the rest of the above said.

    Your family is more important than our free ice cream.

  8. Here is hoping everything works out well very quickly, Stilton.

  9. @Dr. J, Take care of your family, but don't forget to take care of yourself during the process. We all owe you a debt of gratitude for your faithful service here at Hn'C... I know your wit and insight have carried a great many of us through trying times. Now it's our turn to help carry you through. Noblis oblige, your obedient servant.

  10. We'll keep the light on for you. Difficult medical problems are harsh because there is not always a direct "do this to fix that" answer and what may work in one case may not work in another. And even when the problem seems to be under control or fixed, there is always the uncertainty that it may come back. Life is hard, Mother Nature is always looking for ways to kill us, but your family and friends give you strength.

  11. You take care of family, all else is not important. We'll be here when you get back. Subscribing to RSS feed now.

  12. @Readers- Once again, you folks make me misty (in a good way; trust me - I look very rugged while sniffling). Your friendship and support means the world to me.

  13. Hang in there, Stilt. Like you said, family comes first. We're all big boys and girls. We'll be okay without regular doses of H-n-C.

    After all, regular doses of obama and his cronies help us sh!t and go blind...

  14. @CenTexTim- Let me make one thing clear: I'm not gone, I'm just away and/or unpredictable for awhile. But what you see here on HnC is what I do and who I am. When I can get back to it on a more regular basis, I will.

  15. No problem Stilt. Your family comes first. Please remember you are in our thoughts and prayers ... and now my e-mail! God bless dear Patriot. Sparky ~:) and Steve (Da man in da family)

  16. I am old eough to remember a time before instant gratification and waiting and working for something. (Till I discovered credit cards:-)
    So I understand the need to to wait while you take care of your duty and obligatons.I just want to say I am a h-n-c fan because of guality not quanity (though getting both is real nice :-)
    Please keep us posted at your convience.

  17. God comes first; family comes second - cartoons sixth or seventh.

    I'd offer to substitute until your return, S. Jarlsberg, but then you'd have zero readership.

    Do what you have to do. We'll keep out the riff-raff.

  18. Your insightful, barbed wit will be sadly missed. But more importantly, thanks for helping make the 1st four years of our nightmare a bit more barable. Thanks.

  19. May God bless you and your family.
