Sunday, March 17, 2013

Wearing of the Grin

saint patrick's day, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, irish pub

Today, let us give praise to the Irish - who actually got coffee right by kicking up the alcohol content, and invented a holiday so great that everyone else in the world just wishes they were Irish today.

Personally, I'm the grandson of a piano-playing redheaded son of County Cork, who never quite got around to marrying my grandmother before skedaddling out of town under cover of darkness,  but did leave her with a wee bairn who became my Dad. (Quick! Everyone raise a pint in honor of me bastard father!)

And speaking of bastards, he sequed deftly, let us not forget that Barack O'Bama himself claims to be Irish, pointing out that he is descended from Irish residents of the small and almost unbelievably ironically-named town of Moneygall. No, really.  Although it's far more likely that he'll be on the green today, rather than wearing any.

But let us not talk of such unpleasantness today, and instead raise a glass to the Saint who drove the filthy snakes out of Ireland...and offer up a little prayer that he'll soon do the same in Washington.

saint patrick's day, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, irish pub, obama, obama jokes, irish, michelle, stout, st. patrick 


  1. Top o' the morn to you. And blessings on the house of those fine folk who got coffee right. I'll be havin' a wee bit meself.

    Speaking of coffee, I ruined another keyboard when I saw the 'proud to be Irish' cartoon. Great job.

    As for St. Paddy driving the snakes out of DC, well, some things are beyond even saints. Methinks 'twill take divine intervention from the Big Guy himself.

  2. Great post and thanks! And a Happy St. Patrick's Day to all!

    Unfortunately, due to the imagery, I may never be able to drink a stout beer again!

  3. That's "Barragh Padraig O'Bama".

  4. [raising my 'coffee' in a toast] Happy St. Patty's to ye too, me Irish kin! May you never be so drunk that a blade of grass can't keep ye from falling of the earth.
    God bless. :)

  5. An Irishman dies, and is surprised to see a barrel outside the pearly gates. The angels are pouring in beer and whiskey. "Hey now, what's all this?" he asks St. Peter. "Well lad, that's the test to see if you gt into heaven or not. Into that barrel we pour all the alcohol you've ever spilled, and then suspend you inverted in it. If you drown, to hell w/ ya."

    Happy Pat's to all!
    Drink responsibly, drive safely, and use public transit / cabs. It was recently calculated that it's cheaper to take a cab home from New York City than to get a DUI in Detroit...

  6. Me Good Friends- Sure and I'm enjoying the wit and fine fellowship here today. The missus is cooking a fine bit o' corned beef even now, simmering in rich juices and a bottle of Guinness.

    And I'm reminded of the story of the Irishman speaking to his friends and comparing the finest pubs in the land. "I know of a pub," said Patrick, "where they won't let you pay for any o' yer drinks, and when you've had yer fill they take you upstairs to get laid good and proper!"

    "And you've been to this remarkable place?" his friends asked.

    "Meself? No. But many's the time my sister has been!"

  7. Stilton, regarding your post of 2:24pm, is that the corned beef simmering in the Guinness? or is your lovely wife who is simmering in the Guinness? also, about the pic with our 'illustrious' president .... he might be dark (somewhat) .... he might be bitter .... but he damn sure isn't stout!

  8. @George in Houtx

    You misunderstand: it is *Michelle* who is dark, bitter and stout.

  9. @George in Houtx- It was indeed the corned beef which was simmering in juices and Guinness. And as Coon Tasty points out, the gag is that it is Michelle who can be described as stout, dark and bitter.

  10. March 18, 0423 am: In the back room of McKinney's Bar, Paddy Conway begins to "prophetize"...
