Monday, June 17, 2013

Home Cooking

Readers- No news-oriented cartoon today because I've given myself Father's Day off. If I was going to do a cartoon, it might have been about the Obama administration's proposal to bring Syrian refugees to the United States, and how screwed they'd be if they ended up in Chicago ("Welcome to Murder City!")

But instead, I've opted to enjoy a leisurely day with my family while sipping "coffee." Lots and lots of "coffee." Hope Father's Day was good for all of you, too, whether sharing time with family or simply enjoying good memories.   -Stilt


  1. Stilt, you take care of family! don't start hitting the 'coffee' too much .... I know it helps to relax you. just don't get too relaxed! we're all big boys n girls here. we could make it without you, but this gives us a place to gather & support each other.

  2. @George in Houtx- Thanks, and I didn't hit the "coffee" too hard (although the temptation was there). And yes, taking care of family remains my priority (and we've got some ongoing challenges). I don't doubt that the Usual Suspects will get some interesting conversations going in today's comments, though.

  3. Actually, Chicago might be a good place for them. A jihad between terrorist 'refugees' and Chicago gangs could go a long way to reducing both problems.

    And Happy Father's Day to all!

  4. There are lots of vacant buildings in Detroit. We could also close Guantanamo and if there were any subsequent problems, I'm sure Obama would be willing to kill two birds with one drone. Sorry, Pete.

  5. @Earl: No thanks - we have enough in Dearborn already. You take them.

  6. A very happy Father's day to you of you here.

    though, in the immortal words of Prissy in Gone With the Wind -- "I don't know nothin' 'bout birthin' no babies"

    I'm sure you're all experts -- and do a fine job!

  7. Thx, Jim, but I'm w/ you on this one - some mistakes you don't need to make yourself to learn from...
    Earl, yes, there ARE lots of vacant buildings here, and if refugees came w/ federal funding, I'm sure the crooks running the city (seriously, people doing jail time for corruption - but not enough of 'em) would figure a way to help themselves while screwing the poor bastards to the wall.

    Stilt - yay family, yay "coffee" - sounds like you had a nice day 'off'...
    'Turkey Baster' - wonder if she had to get it drunk first?

  8. How is this comic supposed to be funny? I mean you normally devote at least a paragraph to explaining your jokes.

    Are you implying that the Presidents children are not his own? Are you making fun of In vitro fertilization?

    I challenge you good sir to say something nice about the President. It doesn't have to be political. It can be as simple as he loves his wife and children.

    You can even copy and paste that if you like. I know it may be hard to type that out yourself. It's sad that you seem to have lost your basic human empathy.

    P.S. also going after someone's personal life is kind of a cry for help. More specifically his wife. What's next jokes about his kids being killed, or hurt?

  9. @CenTexTim- I wouldn't deliberately move anyone into Chicago these days. Well, other than a number of well-known politicians...

    @Earl- What you're describing isn't far from the scenario in "Robocop," where Detroit has descended into such lawlessness that quick-on-the-draw mechanical cops are required to restore peace (or blow people to pieces).

    @Emmentaler (I'm not even trying to write the rest of your name)- Good point; Michigan already has its quota. Maybe we can set the refugees up in Washington DC?

    @Jim Hlavac- Why am I afraid that Prissy represents the quality of medical caregivers we'll be seeing under Obamacare?

    @Pete(Detroit)- I'm guessing that your turkey baster theory is correct. Unless it was roofied.

    @Anonymous- And welcome to Troll Monday! Because I'm feeling generous, I'll actually answer your questions.

    • "Funny" is a subjective term. This cartoon is funny to me and quite a few others. It is obviously not funny to you, indicating that you don't know how to navigate the Internet to find sites that align with your viewpoint.

    • Yes, it would seem that I'm implying the president's daughters (or, as he sometimes calls them, "sons") might not be his. Or that if they are, genetically, it involved something more complicated than the traditional "Tab A, Slot B" method of conception. Although in fairness, Barry could be "bi" enough to have gotten the job done.

    • No, I'm not making fun of In Vitro fertilization. Although when you use a turkey baster, it is pretty funny.

    • Hmm, something nice I can say about Barry Soetoro. Let me think for a moment... It can't be the "loves his wife and children" thing, because I don't really buy that one (he refers to pregnancies that go full term as a "punishment" to parents). It clearly wouldn't be anything political, because there is nothing nice to say there. I'd almost go with the killing Bin Laden thing, only I believe he opposed it and it happened anyway. I can't really say anything nice about his past, since most of it is sealed for secrecy and I'm not nuts about his documented druggy period, or dislike of whites.

    I guess the best I can do is to say it was nice that he was an ardent and attentive churchgoer in Chicago for 20 years.

    • I appreciate your concern over my loss of "basic human empathy," but why should I be empathetic about Barry and Michelle? They have more money and luxury than I'll ever see in my life, he's the most powerful man in the world, and she's got a personal staff of 30 people waiting on her hand and foot. What part of that equation is supposed to stir my heart and make me feel sorry for their plight? I do, however, feel a lot of empathy for the many people who have been irreparably damaged by these two.

    • Actually, Barry has made his "personal life" a public topic by locking it in bizarre, court-protected secrecy. Speculation about the realities of the man is healthy for the nation.

    Additionally, I'm not "going after his wife" - a concept which seriously demeans Michelle as her own, strong entity. I'm perfect able to dislike her, too, for her political pronouncements.

    I won't even address your odious remark about the children. I believe you're thinking about what the Left did to George W. Bush's daughters.

  10. @Anonymous: OK! I'll bite. How 'bout in Øbama, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. Oh, wait. No. Biden already said that. OK. He's light skinned with no negro dialect. Erm, no again. Sorry. That was another bastian of the DNC: Harry Reid.

    Aaaahhhh, let me try again. Ok, how about this: He's doing a great job of undercutting everything this country's Founders stood for, destructively weighing down the economy, vacating the constitution, and speeding us down into the morass that all of Europe finds itself in. Now, depending on your perspective, that may be a complimentary...

  11. @Anonymous

    Not that I would say something "bad" about you, but I would be willing to bet that whenever you go home for a visit your mother runs out from under the porch and bites you in the ankle.

  12. Hi, Anonymous! Glad you could come and shill for the Leftists!

    I find it utterly hilarious that you would accuse Stilton of lacking empathy when it is your tin god, Obama, who seems unable to demonstrate any empathy.

    Remind me again, where Obama showed real anger and emotion?

    Was it:

    A. When he commented on the deaths in Benghazi,

    B. When he blamed faceless, apparently-omniscient "low-level" employees for the IRS scandal that targeted political opponents,

    C. When he failed to get gun control passed

    D. When he warned graduates to ignore the voices speaking of tyranny in government (ironically just before the IRS and NSA scandals broke, showing exactly WHY people talk about tyranny)

    How odd it was 'C,' and not anything that would have demonstrated human empathy for his fellow man, instead of the "me, me me, I, I, I" this Narcissist spouts.

    P.S. -- Coming here to whine about Stilton and not even bothering to come up with a cool nickname, like, say, Slothicus, Gladiator Extraordinaire, is really weak, man. At least make an EFFORT, will you? Surely Axelrod can afford better trolls than this?

  13. Stilton, some wise words from another blog:

    Whenever Leftists accuse someone of something, you can bet they are already doing it themselves.

    Words to live by, sadly.

    (should have put it in my prior comment, but being old, I forget things :P )

  14. Uh...something nice to say about the Obama's. About all I can come up with is that Potus does a good job of exiting Air Force One without tripping. (It makes up for the unfortunate photo of him riding a bike with the traing wheels off.) And Michelle looks better in her new wig with bangs.

  15. @American Cowboy- Nice!

    @Earl Allison- And let's not forget Barry's "empathy" when he gave a "shout out" to a Native American pal before announcing with no particular concern, oh yeah, someone had just shot the sh*t out of Ft. Hood and killed and wounded many of our soldiers.

    And regarding those "wise words," I believe them down to the soles of my shoes.

    @Earl- By golly, you did find something nice to say about them! Truth be told, on these very pages I once said something nice about Barry - complimenting him for authorizing the use of deadly force so that the Seals could take out some Somali pirates. But unfortunately, I was wrong. Subsequent reports said that Barry was furious, and actions which could be perceived as punishment were later taken against the Seals.

  16. Wow, this has been a very enlightening morning! I have certainly enjoyed the wonderful banter today. I'm just wondering if "Anonymous" has even bothered coming back to the page to receive a little further education! I have seen people post on Facebook about how furious they get in seeing "rude" comments about the potus. They say that we should be respectful of the office. I say that I totally respect the office of President of the United States, but I simply do NOT respect the man in the office at this time. I expect people to earn my respect. I will not give it freely to someone simply by virtue of the office they hold. When someone tramples on our country, constitution and God-given liberties the way this man does, how can anyone respect him?

  17. Hi Cookie, different anon here.

    When you say Obama has trampled on this country, the Constitution and God-given liberties the way this man does, could you be specific and site some examples, also, why hasn't the GOP moved to have Barry Impeached?

  18. Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there. Also Happy Flag Day Check us out at Flag-Works Over America

  19. @Cookie- Well put. I did respect Obama as the elected president of the United States and offered him the benefit of considerable doubt. But he's thrown that away with his serial abuses of power and an agenda which doesn't square with the America I believe in. President or not, I have zero respect for the man.

    @Anonymous2- Rather than asking someone to educate you, why not make the bold move of educating yourself? (And I'm suggesting that in a nice way - not a snarky way). You can read over four years of cartoons, commentary, and links on this site to show you innumerable examples of Barry's abuses. You can even find the keyword search box in the left column which will allow you to find specific stories which interest you.

    As far as impeachment goes, the Dems would never support it and any such proceedings would drag out longer than Barry's second term. Plus, the GOP lacks the balls to do what's right here - perhaps because of the dossiers that Barry and Eric Holden have on each and every member.

  20. @flag works- Happy flag day to you, too! While I didn't mention it here, it was certainly observed.

  21. Mr Stilton,

    I notice you keep calling the president Soetoro.

    Are you referring to the old school ID?

  22. You're grasping at straws there, Anon. One little item about whether Barack Hussein was adopted by Soetoro or not doesn't explain how he got into Columbia, and why nobody who was there at the same time can remember seeing him, and who paid for that seriously expensive education, to name but a few questions. The ONLY reason Barack Hussein is where he is is because of White Guilt, i.e. RACISM. If you vote for or against someone based solely on the color of his skin, YOU'RE A RACIST.

    Happy belated Father's Day to all fathers.

  23. Mr. or Ms. Anonymous just above: I'm confused why that would be relevant. Wasn't Lolo Soetoro Øbama's stepfather? Of course, as a LIV, you probably aren't aware of that. Or maybe you're just as given over to misdirection as this administration is...

  24. Is that why they call people "basterds"? (Long "A" for comic effect)

  25. With all doo [sic] respect, I think magilla equates the emptiness of the turkey-baster bulb with lamont's empty HEAD! Oh, magilla is my moniker for the (to be culturally sensitive and rap-song accurate) "first ho", and lamont is in deference to Redd Foxx in Sanford and Son, "this is my son, lamont... he's a dummy!" lamont insane obama is the full name and it is not capitalized because THAT distinction is reserved for PROPER nouns, and HE isn't PROPER.
    Regarding magilla's bangs, the more of that face that's covered up, the better, so I LOVE 'em.
    Those who say that lamont was a Constitutional professor will have to help me understand why he would see our constitution as a "constraint" to him doing what he wants to. What barry is is an anti-Constitutional despot, PERIOD!

  26. @Anonymous- Hey, no need to call me Mister Stilton. You can call me "Stilt," and I'll call you, uh, "Ann."

    Snopes isn't exactly an impartial site, but we can let that go at the moment. They're stamping "false" on one specific iteration of the Barry Soetoro story, and that's fine. But there are many other questions about if, when, and why B. Hussein may have used the name Barry Soetoro (per his beloved step-dad who taught him to eat dog) or conceivably claimed Indonesian citizenship. Neither Snopes nor anyone else has seen the school records, Passport records, or college records which would establish the fact that this president has always and exclusively used the name Barack Hussein Obama. And about the only reason to lock up such innocuous seeming documents is to conceal either his name or nationality - take your choice. Note that I'm not going the "birther" route - rather, I'm suggesting that Barry may well have claimed to be Indonesian when it was to his political, social, or financial advantage.

    @JustaJeepGuy- At this point, I really don't know how anyone can claim to support Obama other than through racism or ignorance. Or, most likely, both.

    @Emmentaler- Facts are such troublesome things.

    @Proof- Now that you point it out, I believe you're right.

    @Bruce Bausch- "We Want Our Country Back" may be the best rallying cry for conservatives at this point.

  27. Tough one. Something nice about zero?
    After considerable time pondering this I have a compliment for him. He is faster than the average fly! (considering how they are attracted to bovine fecal material that's a damned good thing for him) Does that cut it? Best I can do.
    As far as respect for the children, how about this- the left and Gov Palin. About the wife, how about the left and Nancy Reagan?

  28. Stilt,

    Claim: Recently released records document that Barack Obama received college financial aid in the U.S. as a "foreign student from Indonesia."

    There are plenty of REAL reasons to disagree with the President, you don't need to resort to Conspiracy theory BS.

  29. @Stilt: you left out "fealty" and "fidelity" as a reasons in your response to JustaJeepGuy. I'm certain there is a corps of informed voters that are beholden to the DNC and/or Øbama. I'm more certain of a corps of informed voters bent on the destruction of this country. Both of those groups would have voted for The Øne without necessarily being ignorant and/or racist - though I certainly am not saying you can rule the combination out...

  30. @Ann: He didn't resort to conspiracy theoy - you just did. Stilton pointed out that we don't know what Øbama has claimed over his lifetime regarding his status as a US citizen. And, unless you're on team Øbama, or a records admin that holds some of the sealed records, neither do you.

    Stilton posited that Øbama may have lied about foreign status to gain some advantage at some point in time over other citizens of the US. He positied that there is something of this nature in those hidden, sealed records. HE did not suggest taht And the Snopes link does not address that at all. THey cannot possibly know what name Øbama attended Occidental under - the records are sealed, even to them. The snopes article addresses only the email as a hoax, and does nothing to illuminate any information that may be contained in any records pertaining to The Enigma's past. Moron. Stop projecting...

  31. @REM1875- Good try on the "nice thing about Obama" challenge. Let me be clear: I did not laugh it off - I tried to come up with one nice thing to say about him and came up blank. There is nothing that I know about the man that is "nice."

    @Ann- You're wandering off topic. We're not here to discuss Snopes, especially as I outlined my position once already (yes, the Internet is filled with stupid, false stories about B. Hussein, and Snopes occasionally smacks down a specific story with specific wording). And if you do your homework (you haven't, have you?) and review past posts on this site, you'll learn that I don't engage in "conspiracy theory BS" but rather the "plenty of real reasons" that Barry sucks as a president and human being.

    @Emmentaler- You're right; ignorance and racism don't quite cover the whole spectrum of Obama voters. There are those who would be delighted to see our nation brought down, and additionally there are those who simply vote in their own self-interest hoping to get (or more likely continue getting) free goodies.

    Per your followup post (and yowsah, there were some typos on display!) you've summarized the Snopes situation very well. The sealed records are not "conspiracy theory BS," they're well known to be real. That fact alone raises troubling questions to anyone sentient.

  32. I can say one thing that would be considered "nice" about Barack Hussein: he and Michelle DID get married first, and THEN have children. I will give them that. Whether the daughters are beards or not I will not address.


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