Friday, June 14, 2013

Private Prophetry

obama, obama jokes, nsa, prism, muslims, mosques, terror, spying, hope n' change, hopenchange, stilton jarlsberg, conservative, tea party, newspaper

To calm the many people who are upset that the government is using invasive methods to collect anti-terror information from every source in America, the Whitehouse has made it clear that this is not the case - because they're not collecting data from mosques.

That's right - in the push to uncover radical Islamic acts of terror before they take place, the government has decided that political correctness forbids having the FBI focus attention on those places radical Islamists are most likely to be.

Mind you, the government used to create sting operations within mosques to see if anyone was interested in blowing American innocents to hell and gone. But there was a serious problem: the program worked, disrupting many jihadist terror plots. So the ACLU and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (one of those "apolitical" organizations the IRS actually favors with tax-exempt status) sued the FBI to create a "hands off" policy - which is ironically the same policy practiced by amateur bombmakers if they can't tell the red wire from the blue wire.

The FBI is now on such a short leash (a choker chain that formerly belonged to Barack Obama's alleged dog, Bo) that following the Boston Marathon Bombing, the bureau didn't even take the security camera pictures of the Tsarneav brothers to local mosques for possible identification...out of fear that it would seem insensitive and (even worse) fear that it would reveal that Muslims really were behind the terror.

And so, the government continues to mount the largest and most expensive intelligence gathering operation in history, excluding only those people most likely to be the ones they're looking for.

Which raises two important questions: why then is the government spying on the rest of us and why, in the bloody aftermath of Ft. Hood, does the government of Barack Hussein Obama still place a higher value on political correctness than saving American lives?


  1. Speaking of the alleged DOTUS Bo, there hasn't been much about him in the news lately. I suspect all of this scandal has taken him out of the public's view. Especially if Ă˜bama is a nervous eater...

  2. Over a DECADE ago I stated that Mosques should be infiltrated and investigated. If anti-American activities were going on then they should be BURNED to the ground and any Foreign Nationals involved thrown OUT of the country. And, any Americans involved should be sent to prison.

    Apparently, Obozo and his "followers" are letting MORE of these Terrorist Wombs to be built EVERYWHERE throughout the United States. Why even HAVE an NSA and DHS??

  3. Mind numbing -- Orwell couldn't conceive of this -- So, they poke through the hay stack -- and they're not even looking for the needles?

  4. C'mon now folks, we can't keep an eye on EVERYBODY! After all, nearly 1/3 of the world population is Christian, so imagine how much time it takes to watch them. Crimony, imagine a world where we didn't stifle those radical bastards. Why, there would be masses of people doing crazy shit like (gasp) helping their neighbors or PRAYING in public!!

  5. If the war against terror, or whatever Dear Leader chooses to call it, is officially over then I suppose the vast military-intelligence complex needs a new foe. I guess that would be us, the American citizen.

  6. @ Doktor "any Foreign Nationals involved thrown OUT of the country"

    Yes, prefferably from a B-52 flying at maximum altitude.

    @ Jim Hlavac
    And evidently the Obama regieme is NOT going to look for the needles... even after we've been stuck ( or pricked ).
    Face it folks, with this bunch of .......... (sorry, I can't find the words bad enough, and I once made a special forces operator blush!) in the White House we are simply screwed.

  7. Before I learned of this latest bit of PC idiocy, I was firmly convinced of another scenario when the latest version of the Brothers Tsarnaev "popped" up.
    NSA: "Our banks of Cray supercomputers were so overworked processing the metadata we just missed 'em".
    Now we lesrn they aren't even looking in the most likely place to find them? Sheesh!!

  8. @The Doktor asked,"Why even HAVE an NSA and DHS??"

    It is simply because there still are a significant, though shrinking, number of patriotic Americans who believe in the constitution of the United States as the law of the land, self-responsibility, a work ethic, and believe that all men (and women) were created as FREE men.

    THAT is something that a growing number of the current population is fearful of, and just cannot tolerate, as it is a perceived threat to their liberal utopia where everyone is "equal".

  9. Speaking of Bo's collar, has anyone seen him lately?
    Did B.O. get the munchies after smoking some choom and have the White House Chef rustle him up some rica-rica?

  10. As we said in police work..."round up the usual suspects." Too bad the NSA - National Stupidity* Administration aren't real cops or else they would know whom to be looking for.

    * Insert whichever word works best for you. (Socialist, Shithead, Secret Agenda, etc...)

  11. It's Friday, so let's make up something about 0bonghit that will outrage us and make us all shouty.

  12. @Emmentaler Limburger- Bo doesn't get many photo ops since he's usually with his handler (a 6-figure position) rather than the president. Then again, maybe he did become a midnight snack...

    @The Doktor- Per the linked article, mosques used to be infiltrated, but apparently it was deemed offensive because the FBI found potential terrorists too frequently.

    @Jim Hlavac- It really is Orwell meets Kafka. Which reminds me, I should watch Terry Gilliam's "Brazil" again.

    @Colby- I'm surprised the Whitehouse hasn't said that mosques were taken off the watch list due to sequester cuts. Actually, once they read that last sentence, they probably will say that.

    @TrickyRicky- I think many members of Barry's administration have made it clear that conservatives are high on the enemies list.

    @graylady- It would seem we're screwed, but lately there's a little fraying around Obama's edges. Hopefully things will really start unraveling soon.

    @It's No Gouda- If the FBI had identified the Tsarneavs from their photos a bit earlier (by asking at mosques), it's possible that the brothers could have been apprehended without additional deaths and bloodshed. But that didn't happen.

    @American Cowboy- Actually, the NSA and DHS should be playing a vital role in protecting us from terrorists, and a lot of the data gathering makes sense. But until this administration admits that radical Islam is a threat, and "balance the budget" Tea Partiers aren't a threat, the system will remain corrupted and crippled.

    @Bobo- I think the NSA knows who to look for. They're just not allowed to.

    @Anonymous- Wouldn't it be great if we were just making up stuff that outrages us and makes us all shouty? But sadly, those provoking incidents are all too frequent and all too real.

    @Readers- One other note: not only is the FBI not looking for terrorists in mosques, it turns out that they're also not talking to Tea Party groups while investigating the IRS abuse of Tea Party groups.

    It's time to change their initials from FBI to WTF.

  13. People, do remember that from the Progressive perspective, radical Islam is not the threat to their agenda, we are! In fact, we've known that since the very beginning of the Obama Administration:

    Today, radical Islam isn't seen as the real threat, but simply as the political justification for the massive police state that we've built up over the last decade.

    If you are conservative, Christian, Jewish or similar, you are the real threat to the Progressive megastate.

  14. @Stilt: I think Anonymous might have been referring to the usual Friday Dump...

  15. @John the Econ- Sadly, I don't really think that any sane person could question this conclusion.

    @Emmentaler- It's possible, but a certain troll who shall remain nameless was also trying to put comments on older pages at about the same time, so I assumed (perhaps wrongly) that the troll was trying to slip under the radar by not using his actual name. If "Anonymous" is reading this, feel free to offer clarification!

  16. The libshits over at the lefty circle on fark are at it again.

  17. @Anonymous- I took a look over there, but it's pretty much a snooze. Everyone is smug and nobody has any idea what's going on. FBI surveillance on mosques was quashed in 2011 (hardly "under Bush" as one Farker suggested, though that may have simply been a liberal Tourette's outburst).

    Also, our earlier "anonymous" commenter here proves to be one "Marcus Aurelius" who was so proud of his wit that he copied his Fark comment here word for word.

    So Marcus, feel free to use your name when you post over here, and also feel free to explain why you believe the 2011 ruling against the FBI is something which we made up? Just ringing our doorbell and running away doesn't impress anyone.

    By the way, the story is from the staid Investors Business Daily - not exactly a tin foil hat site.

  18. Haha! Pretty witty when you can be misinterpreted to be sane! Good ploy, Marcus! Well played. (But it still sounds to me exactly like what this administration tries to do every Friday...)

    Fark? I think their cross-posting of Stilton's work is a ploy to drive up their numbers - and generate more revenue through their ads = by getting conservatives to peek in to read their very droll rejoinders. I'll not indulge (or unwittingly fund) them...

  19. @Emmentaler- Trust me, you aren't missing a thing by skipping Fark. One commenter actually posted an offensive picture of a blackface minstrel show, saying that such represents conservative humor. Actually, it only represents overt racism by the moron who posted it, and the other morons who didn't call him on it.

  20. Continuous, unrelenting, viscious aaahhh.....wholly encompassing HATRED of America, and all things, values and ideals American; this is Barack Uhhhbama.

    It's almost like he was spawned by a marxist radical, raised in a hotbed of islamic radicalism like Indonesia!

  21. @Stilton, of course that post also displays another liberal prejudice - one fanned by the DNC and the current crop of their elected members - regarding conservatives. Remember: we're all racist rubes clinging to our guns and our religion - not a bunch of enlightened cosmopolitans such as themselves... I won't for aminute suggest there there are no racists who are also conservatives, but I will say that the bald-faced display of the tendency sure seems to come more from the left than they would like to acknowledge. Could they be projecting what the mirror shows them on their "enemies"?

  22. I'm with you all the way, folks!

    Very sobering stuff coming out
    of Turkey! As in every country that the muslim population reaches a certain point, they ALWAYS make demands, and we all know what happens when muslim radicals don't get what they want! You're dead! Ask the british soldier who was hacked to death. Oh, sorry, we can't... he's DEAD!

  23. Emmentaller, Projection, sadly, is not limited to the left, but they *do* see to have mastereed the technique. Because they're mainly lazy and useless, the ONLY way to get $$ for anything is to hold people up, one way or another (right, Mssrs Sharpton and Jackson?). Therefore, all "rich" are "evil" because it's simply not possible to EARN a fortune...
    Etc, etc...
    Kind of tragic, when you think on it, what a miserable place to live, in the head of a liberal.
    (Heh - fat-fingered that as "Loberal" the first time, I *like* that...) all angst, and victim hood, blown hither and yon by the vicissitudes of fate, always questing the next freebie...
    ON the other hand, it might be freeing to never be responsible, and to come up w/ solutions that only have to sound or 'feel' good - who CARES if they actually WORK, right? I mean, it's the intention that counts, right?

  24. @Queso Grande- I think you may be on to something there...

    @Emmentaler- I'd say that projection is exactly what's going on. The Left likes their blacks "gangsta style," which is more or less today's equivalent of a minstrel show. Why? Because lefties can't consider themselves to be the "good massa" unless blacks are incapable of caring for themselves - a tenet rejected by conservatives but taken as gospel by liberals. Along the same lines, lefties reduce women to their genitalia - again, unable to care for themselves (or for that matter, even their genitalia).

    @PRY- I read a nice quote on the Internet recently: in countries where Muslims are a minority, they demand minority rights. In countries where Muslims are a majority, there are no minority rights.

    By the way, had a soldier been hacked to death on a U.S. street, Obama would have called it a traffic accident.

    @Pete(Detroit)- Life must be very nearly stress free for liberals; there's no thinking involved, and the things you get upset about also make you feel really, really good about yourself for caring.


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