Monday, June 3, 2013

Whose Deal Is It?

obama, obama jokes, clinton, deal, 2016, irs, scandal, devil, conservative, tea party, stilton jarlsberg, cartoon

In not terribly surprising news, it seems that Barack Hussein Obama made a devil's bargain with Bill Clinton to trade electioneering favors to help put Hillary into the Whitehouse in 2016.

This despite that Barry has previously referred to Slick Willy as a "racist," and Bill Clinton has referred to Obama as an amateur whose true calling should be serving coffee to his betters in a restaurant. And rather astoundingly, Hope n' Change actually agrees with both men on these points and few others.

Of course, none of this comes as any great shock. The IRS (and other agencies) attack on conservatives wasn't put together just to assure Barry one last shot at the brass ring. No, this huge, concerted effort has been designed to put progressives into all elected offices from now on- and while Barry got the benefit of the machine while it still had that delicious "new scandal" smell, the engine of tyranny will still be in great shape when Hillary takes it for a drive as her presidential campaign officially starts. About 30 minutes from now.

This deal also explains why Barry and Hillary are doing such an impressive job of trying to cover for each other in regards to the Benghazi debacle - you can't really sink one of them without sinking the other.

And speaking of sinking, Hope n' Change can't imagine anything more likely to create a sinking feeling than the thought of Hillary Clinton taking over the presidency in 2016, while Barry moves over to his new position as God King of the United Nations.

Hope n' Change would offer to sell its soul to the devil to keep those things from happening, but ol' Beelzebub couldn't possibly comply; after sealing the deals with Obama and the Clintons, it would represent one Hell of a conflict of interest.


  1. Robert Sudbury IIIJune 3, 2013 at 5:36 AM

    Depressing, isn't it?

  2. @Robert Sudbury III
    Depressing hardly begins to describe the depths of despair to which today's post has sent me. Plus, it's time to drag myself off to work early on a Monday morning so that I can pay "my fair share" to help fund the whole stinking rotten mess. Yippie!!

  3. Had to do a double take. At first glance I thought it said "dip your penis in blood". But that would be pretty hard for president jarrett to do I guess. And king hussein would have to retrieve his from the wookie.

  4. No surprise here, folks, but you can bet BO does NOT have all his eggs in one basket should Billary get her come-uppance and go down in flames for the Benghazi disaster (or something else). He may be a despicable little prick, but he's a sly dispicable little prick. I just wonder who is his number two pick. Susan Rice? Nah. John Kerry? Maybe. Satan? Logical, but a bit too obvious. Rahmbo Deadfish? San Fran Nan? Dickhead Durbin? Slo-Joe?

  5. @Robert Sudbury III- It's depressing, but at least today the cartoon is in color. Granted, that's not a lot of solace...

    @TrickyRicky- Don't shoot the messenger (wry grin). And look on the bright side: maybe some of the tax money you earn today will eventually get paid to the Tea Party in a massive legal settlement.

    @WMD- Mrs. Jarlsberg read the same thing. I'm going to blame it on Clinton, who immediately brings that association into all minds. And for the record, I'll go pretty far out on a limb to make a joke or make a point...but penis-dipping in martyr's blood is a bit too much even for me.

    @Colby- I'm sure there are Machiavellian wheels within wheels on BOTH sides. What we currently see is not necessarily what we're intended to get.

  6. @ WMD

    I admit that I read it the same way. However I thought after first glance that would symbolically fit the way those two have, and are screwing America and her citizens.

  7. @WMD- Okay, now I'm starting to think I should have written it that way on purpose. At the very least, I'd have gone viral in the liberal community!

  8. Oh, all the other Democrats who want to follow Obama aren't going to give Hillary a free ride -- why, they are her worst enemies. They've got three years to destroy her -- I'm confident they'll do a good job. All this blather about her being the "front runner" is just that, blather. She's got name recognition, and not much else.

  9. So, who has thiry pieces of silver?

  10. Forget hillary in 2016. I'm throwing my support behind Joe Biden. Who cares how he'll govern - he's a treasure trove of comedic entertainment value.

    Plus he's not a back-stabbing turncoat like Christie.

  11. Obama et al, will be stabbing the Clintons in the back, again.

    The Wookie will be running with Lamont Hill as her VP.

  12. ya know, what w/ all the bro-mance between them lately, it would not surprise me in the least to see Christie jump the fence, and receive Crap Weasel's ringing endorsement. As big a d-bag as he is, I can see a LOT of people preferring him to Shrillery...

  13. CTTim: Just think how grateful all the comedians would be for a President Biden. It would give them a chance to re-use all those "dumb" jokes left over from the Bush years and save them a ton of money on writers.

  14. Considering the fact that the potus is a consummate liar, why would the slickster believe that Obama would keep his word? And as the NYP stated, "But as Obama’s presidency sinks deeper into scandal and inaction, the question is — will Clinton even still want his endorsement?" And endorsement from this inept amateur could be the final nail in the coffin for a hillary nomination. It's seriously going to be an interesting few years in the making. And God help us if the American sheeple don't wake up! I think the devil is definitely "dancing with delight" as things are right now.

  15. @Stilt
    Was just at "I'm 41" and voted for you as best SOB for 2013. Good Luck.
    As for 2016 it's thunder thigh pants suit all the way. The corrupt commie class media has declared it so. So it is written, so it shall be done. Regardless how many actual votes she gets.

  16. Well, I can't be entirely depressed when Stilt is in such fine form! Laughter is the best medicine, eh?

  17. Does any of this matter anymore? Benghazi, an out-of-control Justice Department, an out-of-control IRS, and finally ObamaCare screwing absolutely everybody.

    What exactly will an Obama endorsement be worth in 2016? Perhaps the deal was for Obama not to endorse her.

  18. @John the Econ- As you and others have noted, Obama's "endorsement" may well be a moot point for the next election cycle because he'll be political poison. Not, I fear, for having done wrong - but for having gotten caught.


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