Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Cold Poll

obama, obama jokes, cartoon, stilton jarlsberg, hope n' change, hope and change, conservative, tea party, obamacare, christmas, christmas story, ralphie, tongue, poll, pole

Forget about worrying that "you'll shoot your eye out" - it turns out that if you lie your ass off you're going to get stuck on a poll. Or so it would seem based on a new Washington Post/ABC poll which shows Barack Obama's approval rating at just 43%...the worst for any president in his 5th year since Nixon.

But Hope n' Change takes no particular pleasure in Barry's dismal approval numbers because we still can't figure out why they aren't lower. A lot lower.

Unless you're getting free money from the government (as so many are, by design), we can't think of any reason that anyone anywhere would approve of anything Obama is doing. Well, unless they're racists who refuse to judge a man by his words and deeds rather than his skin color. Or unless they're America-hating foreign powers building nuclear stockpiles.

Still, while the current lack-of-approval numbers aren't satisfactory, they may just be a start. Obamacare is already causing many of his former followers to turn against the president, and the real healthcare feces haven't even hit the fan yet (but will, on New Year's day).

After which, we triple dog dare any democrat to "run on Obamacare" in 2014.

obama, obama jokes, cartoon, stilton jarlsberg, hope n' change, hope and change, conservative, tea party, obamacare, christmas, christmas story, ralphie, tongue, poll, pole


TECHNICAL NOTE: On Thursday, Hope n' Change is switching Internet providers. Hopefully there won't be any disruption to Friday's post, but if there's a big bunch of nothing here on that day, don't worry about it. We'll be back ASAP.


  1. I know how to unstick his tongue. But then, he might enjoy it.....

  2. If it's any consolation, there are other polls that have Barry-O much lower. I actually think it pretty amazing a WaPo/ABC poll is that low considering they likely talked to absolutely nobody in rural America.

    And, speaking of Democraps trying to get re-elected... My TV is rife with Kay Hagan ads bragging about all the wonderful things she has done for us, like mercury abatement and sportsmen's rights (?). But nary a peep about her 4,823 votes to advance Obama's agenda, INCLUDING her support of ACA. I wonder why she isn't bragging about that??

  3. @Colby: Hopefully her opponent will brag on that for her. Nah. Probably nor. (R) strategists are too candy-assed to actually bludgeon their opponents with the truth. I hold out little hope.

  4. I'm with Ralphie - I've been saying "Oh Fudge" in reaction to the current administration's antics for the past five years.

  5. It all makes me want to hide in the cupboard under the kitchen sink. You can skip the milk.

  6. Today's post begs for comments about "poles" and "fudge" as they relate to Øbammy. I will though leave them to your imagination, with the hope you will be able to change the mental images.

    On a more positive note I want to wish all my fellow Hope and Change readers heartfelt wishes for a merry holiday season, and a happy and prosperous new year.

  7. The sad part is that several provisions of that wretched act won't kick in until after the 2014 elections. If it was enacted as originally planned even the GOP 'strategists' couldn't snatch defeat from victory in 2014.

  8. No offense, I just can't find today's cartoon as humorous as the usual ones. I'm wondering if the country (at least the peoples who have a clue)is going through the 5 stages of grief - we've had the Denial (this guy really got elected?), Anger (who the f**k are the assholes that voted for this asshole?), Bargaining (not sure about that one), and now Depression (3 more years of this shit?). The last stage is Acceptance (oh well, that's the way it is, this is the new normal).

    Sorry to be a party pooper today, part of the problem is I read Peggy Noonan's WJS article this morning. Very depressing, but unfortunately she is spot on.


    My worries came home with a certain freshness after the Mandela memorial, where the United States Secret Service allowed the president of the United States to stand for 19 minutes next to the famous sign-language interpreter who, it was quickly revealed, was not only a fraud but a schizophrenic con man who is now said to have been involved in two deaths. In fairness, the event was in another country and the Secret Service wasn’t strictly in charge. That said, it still looks like very basic negligence, as if no one is keeping enough of an eye on the Secret Service, no one’s checking the quality of the advance or sending emails asking: “Hey, what do we know about the sign language guy—any chance he’s a mentally ill criminal?”
    It all looks so lax, so loosey-goosey. In the place of the energy and focus that would go into the running of things, the administering and managing of them, we have the preoccupation with spin, with how things look as opposed to how they are. The odd thing still is that the White House never misses a speech, a list of talking points, an opportunity to shape the argument on TV. They do the talking part, but the doing?
    I’m worried, finally, that lines of traditionally assumed competence are being dropped. The past few weeks I can’t shake from my head this picture: The man with the football—the military aide who carries the U.S. nuclear codes, and who travels with the president—is carrying the wrong code. He’s carrying last month’s code, or the one from December 2012. And there’s a crisis—a series of dots on a radar screen traveling toward the continental U.S.—and the president is alerted. He’s in the holding room at a fundraiser out west. The man with the football is called in and he fumbles around in his briefcase and gets the code but wait, the date on the code is wrong. He scrambles, remembers there’s a file on his phone, but the phone ran out on the plane and he thought he could recharge in the holding room but there’s no electrical outlet. All eyes turn to him. “Wait—wait. No—uh—I don’t think that’s the code we use to launch against incoming from North Korea, I think that one takes out Paris!”

    I have to say, I’ve never worried about this with any previous administration, ever.

    Well, I am sure Peggy Noonan will get ripped a new one for having the audacity to talk about Dear Leader this way.

  9. It is of course quite easy to get the results one wants in a poll with the right questions to the right people. The "science" of polling is very exact when they need what they would like. Polling organizations left and right take great delight in the game.

    @American Cowboy -- I once worked at a place called the "Chocolate Factory" where we sold "north poles" made of chocolate fudge, with a ball of white chocolate at the tip -- I packed them tight in the box with nary a thought but "Merry." We also sold "sugar plum fairies" that were quite festive. Though the bosses did ask us to don gay apparel during Christmastide. Oh, I remember it fondly. :)

    @Stilt -- do NOT use a Canadian company that builds super big websites. I've heard they are prone to screw ups.

  10. I think Obama is ridiculous of course, but, Congress itself is off the charts in that area!

    Way back when, congressmen spent very little time in D.C. They had their farms and businesses to attend to, coming together only occasionally to legislate. In this day and age, their need to gather in person is totally nil and would help make it difficult for lobbyists to do their thing, which I feel is a BIG part of the problem! Spend more time in your district among the folks and getting entrenched in the Washington mindset cannot happen.

    Plus a Merry Christmas to all the patriots here at HnC!

  11. The Ralphie Christmas Story decoder ring image is a perfect analogy for the millenials getting stuck by Obama's economy and ObamaKare. Luv it.

  12. I find it ironic that the Peggy Noonan article look like the second half is a repeat of the first half...

  13. Heck of time to be off the internet, with Pajama Boy making his appearance. Looks like a character that should be in Johnny Optimism.

    ObamaCare Clusterf*** Advertising: A New Low: "Pajama Boy"

    This is one of those times the comedy just writes itself.

  14. Quite frankly, I'm impressed his ratings are as low as they are. Today, roughly half of US households receive a check from the Federal government.

    You'd think that people who like getting free money from Washington would overwhelmingly support a openly redistributionist President.

    @alan markus, Peggy Noonan is writing as someone who honestly believes that Obama is the kind of President who'd actually push that button. That briefcase might as well be filled with issues of the New Yorker from 1992...

  15. I thought all dogs going to Hawaii were quarranteed since the islands do not have rabees. Poor Bo, locked in a cage when his family has fun; or am I wrong. Special treetment , maybe. Service dogs are not exempt.


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