Friday, February 14, 2014

Sharing Love

obama, obama jokes, cartoon, humor, political, michelle, valentine, valentine's day, gay, reggie love, sex, stilton jarlsberg, hope and change, hope n' change, conservative, tea party

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then Hope n' Change figures we've saved ourselves the trouble of writing a lengthy Valentine's Day commentary by simply posting the two heartfelt images you see above and below.

Happy VD, Mr. Obama.

obama, obama jokes, cartoon, humor, political, michelle, valentine, valentine's day, gay, reggie love, sex, stilton jarlsberg, hope and change, hope n' change, conservative, tea party
In the TV commercial, the background music is by Archie Bell & The Drells.


  1. A Texas A&M University Study rates Obama as the “5th Best President in our history” From a total of 44 US Presidents: Obama is rated as the 5th best President ever The news release said,"...after only 5 years in office, Americans have rated President Obama the 5th best President ever." The details according to Texas A&M University :
    1) Reagan & Lincoln tied for first,
    2) Twenty three presidents tied for second,
    3) Seventeen other presidents tied for third,
    4) Jimmy Carter came in fourth, and
    5) Obama came in fifth!

  2. I finally found out about lamont's accomplishments at college. This picture motivated me to search diligently to discover what degree he earned... he has an MBA in putting worms on hooks! He's a Master Baiter Asshole. I even scooped Fox News on this one!

  3. I can STILL remember that song! "we're Archie Bell and the Drells .... from Houston, Texas ..... and we're here to show you how to do the 'tighten up'!"

    it may be a fitting song for the ad, but WHY connect it to 'jug-ears'?

  4. Ahhh, Reggie Love. And here I thought it was Kal Penn that had access to Ă˜bama's personal "Oval Office".

  5. Oooooo...Stilt, you are soooo getting audited!!!

  6. I'm guessing you're the one one that's going to need the Prep H!!
    I'm surprised you can walk, your balls must be as big as basketballs!!
    Best of luck my friend!!

  7. I'm just guessing that Valentine's day is a bigger pain in the ass to some.

  8. Excellent cartoon and insight as always Stilton. ;) Thanks to his healthcare debacle, Benghazi, the 14 million+ LIES, etc., O'Blamer is giving VD to all of America. He's the gift that just keeps giving. [sarc/]

  9. Do you think the truth will ever 'come out?'

  10. @Readers- I enjoyed the jokes and comments above. Even Mrs. Jarlsberg cocked an eyebrow at me this morning and said today's cartoons were pushing the bounds of good taste farther than usual. She then told our daughter that we're all likely to be killed in a drone strike, but "at least it will be fast." We try to be a "glass half full" kind of family.

  11. Best cartoon of the year! Now I've got that song playing in my head...

  12. @Stilton: worrying over two halves of a glass is irrelevant when both halves are empty due to redistribution...

    Happy VD, indeed.

  13. An optimist sees the glass half full. A pessimist sees the glass half empty. A scientist sees the glass completely full - half of it with air. An engineer sees a glass that is twice as large as nescessary. A politician sees a reason to raise the sales tax on glasses by 50%. A surrealist sees a giraffe eating a necktie..................

  14. I hope Archie Bell (assuming he wrote it) got a good paycheck for the use of that song--even though it fits pretty well for Prep H. I hope he doesn't redistribute that money, either!

  15. Mighty great cartoons! I laughed out loud!

  16. Great stuff as usual, Stilt!

    Was just wondering last evening....the O could actually just declare himself KOTUS if he wanted, and who would stop his royal highness if he said he used his magic pen to be 'King Obama'? Wonder what would happen then?


  17. Stilt as always - hilarious! But you forgot TOTUS in the VD celebration. Was there a divorce? A spat between it and Reggie?

    Only 1069 days (13 hours, 58 min) to go. We can do it!

  18. Just read king hussein played his 161st game of golf.
    But he only hit two balls.

    When he stepped on a rake!


  19. Blogger WMD said...
    "...he only hit two balls."

    So, the only conclusion I could reach is either the rake hit magilla's gorilla "mommy" parts, the rake hit magilla's purse, or hit Reggie in the mouth, (the REAL tea baggers)!


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