Monday, April 14, 2014

Gone But Not Forgiven

obama, obama jokes, obamacare, sebelius, resignation, hope n' change, hope and change, cartoon, stilton jarlsberg, conservative, tea party, health, insurance

Hope n' Change doesn't actually have a lot to add to today's cartoon because it pretty much sums up exactly what we believe the Obamacare strategy to be - a deliberate fustercluck designed to force people into an unworkable system and destroy the private insurance agency. The eventual goal being a single payer system for everyone...and cost-saving euthanasia ("painkillers not pacemakers" in the president's words) for the old, infirm, and inconvenient.

Sebelius will now join the teeming ranks of those who will be nearly impossible to hold accountable for their actions in this wretched administration, like Hillary "What Does It Matter" Clinton, Eric "Fast and Furious" Holder, and Lois "I Refuse To Even Admit That's My Name" Lerner.

Obama's proposed replacement for Sebelius is Office of Management and Budget director Sylvia Matthews Burwell, who has no experience or expertise in Human Health Services whatsoever, but has a long history of sycophantic service to the Democrat party - demonstrated mostly by cooking the budget books, stonewalling Congress, and issuing the orders to barricade the WWII Veterans Memorial (and other open air national monuments) during the preposterous "government shutdown."

With that kind of experience, erecting barricades between Americans and their health care should come as easily to her as it did to her predecessor.


  1. Wait till all America get to know the joy of being equal to the indigent at the county hospital and low paid staff get to take out their frustrations on, just like dmv. Unless you are an illegal or welfare recipient in which case even disgruntled staff will fear being anything but polite.

  2. Ă˜bama's Assinine Care Act, Eric Holder's Fast and Furious, Hitlery Clinton's Benghazi, Lois Lerner's IRS fiasco, Harry Reid's illegal BLM standoff in Nevada so he could sell the land to the Communist Chinese, etc., etc., and of course - etc. Is there now a single member of this administration or the Democratic Party leadership who is not involved in a scandal? .....Damn, I never thought I would miss Nixon.

  3. All according to plan. Nothing else to say.

  4. Remember Dirty Harry's statement regarding Obamacare, "It was never supposed to work!" - Yes the liberal progressive Dems salivate at the thought of ComradeCare, the single payer system for the Motherland - coming soon to a gulag near you.

    Burwell - late of the OMB. Isn't that the White House's budget office? Providing budgets so off the wall, year after year, that they can't even get Dimocrats to vote for it?

    The BLM stand-off - remember when ol' Dirty Harry was investigated by the Senate Ethics Committee for the land deal where he purchased land for a paltry few thousands that miraculously appraised overnight to be worth millions? Result - nothing to see here, move on. I understand their next move is to federalize all the golf courses so Bimbi doesn't get a bad tee time or have to pay green fees. Caddies will be provided by the ComradeCare rehabilitation program.

  5. I wanted to leave a comment for the 'Hillary thrown shoe' cartoon but that comment area doesn't come up. This is too good to waste!

    'What difference , at this point, does it make!?"

    'The shoe missed the mark by one foot!'

  6. The last panel of this photo makes me wish someone would throw the Wookiee's snowmobile boot at this bastard's "shit-eatin' grin"!!!!!

  7. I have nothing to add to today's message other than to agree w/Mark Levin that we should move election day to April 16th - right after tax day. Maybe that would cut through most Americans' short-term memory problems.

    Also, I'd like to follow on to Grumpy Curmudgeon's handy post during the last thread. There is a trick to getting HTML tags to show up that I think might work here. If so, the following text should show you how to make a link in your comment, such as this one to the Hope n' Change blog.

    <a href="">Hope n' Change</a>

    Remember, you can always use the preview button to check and see if things look OK (the code above did, anyway)

  8. Thanks Doc - perfect. And yes, they are in fact out for a single payer system. Hey, I read it's working great in Vermont. And of course, the waiting lists in the UK grow like Obama's nose.

    And thanks @txGreg. I wish I could post a copy of the cover of Reason Magazine a couple of months ago, it was perfect - "They Lied". But I am still doing the snoopy dance over my first victory with HTML. Baby steps.

  9. As I try to listen to the news, or read about what is going on in this country, without hurling, I am seriously considering changing my "name" to Taz. That would be as in Tasmanian Devil. The way Taz came spinning into the picture, snarling and gnashing his teeth, is exactly the way I feel anymore when I subject myself to the news about the further destruction of America by the current regime. and just a helpless to really do anything that will realistically change the situation for the better. I believe that all politicians, regardless of the (d) or the (R) behind their names are just different sides of the same worthless, counterfeit coin. What can I say? It's Monday.

  10. How anyone could believe that putting a bureaucracy between providers of any goods or services and the consumers of those could ever lower costs is beyond me. It is not economically rational. The bureaucracy will cost extra. So either more money will be taken from the providers and consumers in the form of taxes or fees -- or the amount of goods and services will be reduced to pay for the bureaucracy.

    Meanwhile, for the vaunted 30, 40, 50 million people without insurance allegedly waiting for something -- maybe 7 million signed up. Some Rand study the other day said "between 5 and 12 million did," they're not sure from their "survey" of 2500 households. Egad.

    Meanwhile, as for repeal -- ah, I recall Prohibition, Slavery, The Soviet Union and that other subject I mention from time to time -- the Repeal of laws is a given -- as much as the enactment of them. For eventually, reality will hit even the clods. Oh, the true believers will continue on, for there are many of "faith" who are delusional. But the mistakes, the "untimely deaths" and the realities of the human condition will continue - and the people won't even be able to sue for redress.

    And so the nation will teeter further towards Grecian bankruptcy -- and alas, we must live through these times.

  11. Stilton, I must disagree with your premise that obama et al. deliberately hatched a Machiavellian plan to force this country into a single payer health care system. That would require a degree of intelligence and competence that is noticeably lacking in every single other thing they've attempted.

    Given the choice between obama as an evil genius, or as an incompetent buffoon, I'd go with incompetent buffoon.

  12. @CenTex Tim: actually how about evil buffoon or incompetent genius, or remember "What a Maroon"?

    @Chuck Ef: Speaking of Covers:

    New Yorker 2008 Cover - Prophetic?

  13. OK so @Grumpy and @txGreg have spurred me on to new heights of HTML loveliness. Here is that most wonderful of Reason Magazine covers:

    They Lied

  14. So long to the "Baghdad Bob" of "Health Care Reform". I'm sure she'll do fine on the lecture circuit. And in another 10 years or so, she'll proudly proclaim her contributions to the destruction of private health care in America.

    I wish I'd kept a list of every dumbass liberal who said I was full of it when responding to my statement that the real mission of ObamaCare wasn't to deliver health care, but to destroy what was left of private insurance and care in America. I think they all owe me a mea culpa. I won't be holding my breath for it.

    Over a decade ago, I was forced to spend the better part of 8 hours at the DMV. I passed the time by telling anyone who'd listen that this is what was awaiting them once the government took over health care. Today, we're closer than ever.

  15. @txGreg, I seriously doubt that moving the elections to April 16th would do any good today. Remember, less than half of Americans actually pay income tax anymore. To too many, April 15th is only seen as the deadline for getting money from the government, frequently in the form of refundable tax credits that they never paid in to begin with.

    The government has spent the last several generations training idiots that April 15th is a wonderful day that you can get thousands of dollars back, as part of the interest-free loan they gave the Federal government. It's hard to compete in a "democracy" against that many idiots.

  16. @John the Econ:

    "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." - Benjamin Franklin,

    Only too true today!

  17. Grumpy Curmudgeon...
    I am getting more inclined to favor that those who are welfare CANNOT VOTE!!!! If you collect welfare during an election year, or are on welfare sometime during each of the preceding years YOU CAN'T VOTE!!! It has been said that there are those who WORK for living, and those who VOTE for a living. I, for one, have HAD it with the latter! Starvation is a GREAT motivator, and if they still bitch about being kidnapped from their homeland, (their parents and tribe members SOLD them, (and I doubt most could FIND Africa on a globe)), I support a one time payment to SEND THEM THE HELL BACK TO AFRICA, but they can NEVER return!!!

  18. @Bruce Bleu, I've long argued that the IRS 1040 form double as the ballot. Your vote counts only as much as the amount that shows up on line 61: The total tax you actually pay. Zero-taxes paid means zero vote.

    That alone would go a long way to reforming the republic, short of replacing the entire income tax regimen with the "Fair Tax".

  19. @John the Econ,

    Unfortunately, you're absolutely correct. Even some friends of mine who DO work for a living, get excited about getting a refund, until I gently remind them that they're not being "given" anything (unlike an unfortunately large % of our population). They are only getting a part of their own income returned to them. A part that the government has "borrowed" as a zero-interest, involuntary loan.

  20. OK, OK, some levity from an anti-RINO ad. Just saw this and it cracked me up. From Boehner's primary rival -

    Important question of the day: Just how DO you pronounce "Boehner"?

    The borders will be secured

  21. My company just received a quote to renew our medical policy. A mere 60.75% increase in premiums and a 125% increase in the family deductible. No I did not make up those numbers, I have the sheet in front of me. Of course this replaces a substandard policy that was no good and did not cover all the things that we never knew that we needed. Or something like that.

  22. @Stilt: '10 spot' toon and commentary as always! I too was shocked and amazed that Ogenious hired an HHS director with absolutely NO knowledge or experience, dealing with the task at hand....Oh, wait: sounds just like every other Opolitburo chief, and even the Oczar himself; never mind.

    @Chuck EF: I'll admit that when 'The Boner Man' was placed in the big 'House' chair, I was anticipating a 'hard' liner who would 'rise to the occasion' and hold a 'stiff' stance against the Dems. What we got was a 'limp lizzard' wind-sock, more concerned about keeping his tan 'up' than his manhood. His second last name should be 'Wilter'

    @All: Please pray for the Bundy's, their supporters, and all other Ranchers fighting the good fight against gubment tyranny. Bless them and their supporters for standing firm, and bless FOX News for covering the truth.

  23. @TheOldMan, sorry to hear about another ObamaCare mugging. Can't wait until I get my next letter come this summer. I feel your pain.

    The upside is that millions more people just like us will be getting these letters over the next 6 months or so, right before the November elections. The Obama Administration can keep illegally changing the law, but there's nothing they can do about these in-the-face 2x4s of reality letters. And no amount of spin and cheerleading that the sycophants in the media can do to convince people that this isn't really happening anymore.

    But my "spidey sense" is tingling: The Administration knows this is going to happen, and I have to suspect they have a plan; an "October Surprise" to bring the faithful back into the fold. I'm wondering what that might be...

  24. @Readers- Argh! Lots of great comments above, but my schedule isn't allowing me to comment on them just now. So, uh, "high fives" all around!

    Also, I just found out that Glenn Beck put one of my cartoons on his website today, and was even cool enough to have it link back here. So HOWDY to any new visitors, and here's hoping you become regulars here!

    Check out Glenn Beck's HnC page at this link!


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