Monday, July 28, 2014

Uncle Ream Us

obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, stilton jarlsberg, hope n' change, hope and change, brer rabbit, impeachment, irs, border

In case you're wondering why the president is now greeted with the musical strains of "Zippity Doo Dah" rather than "Hail to the Chief," it's because Barack Obama has decided that the only way he can pull the midterms out of the fire for the Democrats is to deliberately try to get himself impeached. Which is why the White House has started floating accusations that some unnamed person or body is thinking about impeaching the alleged president.

But why would Barry want to get impeached? Because in the current political climate, he could never actually be convicted by the other Democrats and so he can happily use the mere threat of impeachment as "proof" that he's the victim of racism. And the GOP knows this, which is why it doesn't want to start impeachment proceedings despite the fact that Obama is so clearly guilty of a vast buttload of high crimes and misdemeanors (including using the IRS as a political weapon, and rewriting healthcare law on a nearly daily basis for his own political benefit).

In the Uncle Remus story about Brer Rabbit, the wily hare begged the fox not to throw him into the briar patch - which was actually what he most wanted. Similarly, Brer Obama is doing his best to goad the GOP into throwing him into the impeachment patch. And since just being a wretched anti-American president hasn't been enough, he's now upping the ante to "triple dog dare" status.

Failure to support Israel in a time of war didn't get impeachment the president sent $47 million in relief to Israel's opponents as provocation.

Failure to secure our southern border didn't start the impeachment ball the president is starting a new program to let kids apply to come here without even bothering to make the trip across Mexico. Moreover, he's openly declared that this week he's going to take some major unilateral (and entirely illegal) executive action to shred our nation's immigration laws.

Sadly, the "Brer Rabbit" strategy is a win-win for Brer Obama: he can operate in an absolutely insane manner to enact any destructive policies he wants...and if the GOP tries to stop him via impeachment, his race-baiting party will clean up in the midterms.

This is one fairytale that can't possibly end "happily ever after."

obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, stilton jarlsberg, hope n' change, hope and change, brer rabbit, impeachment, irs, border, biden, tar baby, holder


  1. The day the Republicans try to impeach obama is the day the a modern Nat Turner whips up the plantation hands to hit the streets.

    It doesn't take a tin foil hat to understand why this administration created a ammo shortage.

  2. Want to stop him? Take out Jarrett.

  3. The other side of the coin is that the more outrageous his illegal and anti-American actions become, the harder they are to sweep under the rug for his minions in the alleged media. There are cracks starting to show in his entitlement addicted base as well as they see "their" stuff going to the usurpers swarming across the border. We just have to survive until November, no mean task.

    We can argue until the cows come home about RINOs, conservatives, how party no longer makes any difference in the age of plutocracy, but at the end of the day we need to be shut of Dingy Harry. With both houses perhaps we can put legislation of merit on Der Messiah's desk and force him to veto it.

  4. Brilliant concept and probably true. Question.....does the US need Washington DC any longer? In my opinion, the only purpose for a federal government is national security and maybe a few infrastructure oversights such as US highways, etc., but what it has devolved into is constitutionally illegal not to mention immoral. The whole city should be impeached/removed. I agree that nothing would come of impeaching the "dic". Perhaps a major change in congress in Nov. would give us a slight reprieve in the inevitable collapse that a too powerful government can only bring about.

  5. The Democrats are desperate for distractions, any distractions from the dismal state of affairs leading into November. The economy is great, at least if you you're one of the lucky ones to still have the job you had 5 years ago, or work for the Federal government; not so much if you're now employed at a fraction of your previous wage or have to work two or more of the newly created part-time jobs that the Administration gets to count twice. More people are starting to realize that they're getting robbed by inflation, while the stock market continues to reach new highs over an economy that struggles to grow at a mere 2%. Our foreign policy "reset" has resulted in an global environment where our allies now fear us while our enemies laugh. The southern border is, for all practical purposes, open while at the northern border, instead of combating illegal aliens, terrorists or contraband, government agents are shaking down what Democrats see as a bigger enemy, boy scouts.

    And contrary to popular myth, "liberalism" is not as popular as its adherents would like you to think. In the various races for house and senate seats, I've yet to see an ad that says "I'm a liberal for more government, more taxes, more spending, and more intrusion into your life". Nobody is running on ObamaCare. Everyone is calling themselves "a true conservative". Even the Democrats running for office are trying to out-conservative each other.

    Certainly impeachment proceedings would suck the oxygen away from the real scandals of the current Democratic establishment. So don't expect to see it unless something truly bizarre happens.

    Barring this, just expect more "Baghdad Bob" behavior from the White House, like last week's "The world has never been more tranquil, really" message.

    @Judi King, you mean a "republic" as defined in the Constitution? Silliness.

  6. @Judie King: I have a dream (a dangerous thing), it would take a few years to accomplish but I see benefit to this nation and it evolves around the core ‘intent’ of the Founding Fathers’.

    Bulldoze ‘K’ Street and construct the appropriate number of extended stay suites, similar to Courtyard for the Representatives and Senators, and have them managed by a company with extended stay experience.

    Leave the term for the House the same, but change the terms for the Senate to three years (with one Senator up for replacement every year), the ‘candidates’ are chosen from the jury pool. The Congress (both houses) are paid juror wages for the time Congress is in session. Congressional office space and staffing funded by a service contract and provided by a company similar to Regus. Congress shall be in session no longer than 6 months.

    No bill originating in the House or Senate may be longer than 10 double spaced pages, be written in plain English, without referencing US Title codes and sections by number, and shall contain the Constitutional Authority for the bill in the first paragraph.

    Set term limits for all Federal Judges, and pass a law to allow recall by the popular vote of the citizens. Set term limits for Supreme Court Justices. The persons nominated for the Supreme Court must be by a commission of independent bi-partisan jurists.

    Establish an independent bi-partisan ‘Ethics’ commission with full legal power of subpoena and prosecution. Mandatory sentence for consorting with lobbyists is a minimum of 10 years without pardon/parole in the general population of a medium security federal prison.

    It would be a start.

  7. Impeaching Obama is sort of pointless. For it's true that the "racism" charge will come fast and furious. If successful, Biden will get a sympathy wave that might well give him power to do things Obama doesn't dream of. If unsuccessful, then Obama will have even more confidence to run rough shod over it all.

    In some ways, people like us are now constrained to think in the short term -- while we are in a long term game. For this system of ours is not going to be changed overnight. Nor will the fine ideas of @Grumpy Curmudgeon or @Judi King come to fruition - ideas along my own, which I call a Second Bill of Rights -- the changes required are so huge, as to preclude quick action.

    In a sense, we are in for this for at least another presidential term or two. I had predicted under Bush II that it would take about 16 to 20 years for this mess to work itself out (think food poisoning, eventually it works its way through,) because there are too many cracks in the wall. There are too many Americans, the vaunted "silent majority," that have sat it out because both parties are rather hopeless and power mad at the same time.

    The only party that remotely could affect change for the good is the Libertarian Party - and it's the only other party that is currently on all 50 ballots.

    Sadly, it will have to get worse before it gets better. Think hurricane - we're at the beginning of the storm -- but it's a-coming.

  8. Grumpy (love your name), your dream sounds pretty good to me. I'm a constitutional conservative and believe our constitution is the greatest document in the history of the world. It breaks my heart to see it so corrupted. I really like the term limits idea but think it should apply to all. Congress (both houses) was never intended to be a full time job or a career. I especially think the only mistake the founders made was to make the Supreme Court judgeship a lifetime job. Too much power and, as they say, "power corrupts".

  9. Unless Republicans take control of the Senate in November, impeachment would be a wasted effort and may backfire as it did with Clinton. Unfortunately, that does give Der Führer almost unlimited power to further destroy our country. However, that also could backfire as more and more Democrats shy away from the party causing the destruction. My greatest hope now is that Arpaio finally releases his "universe shatterng" evidence, and we can then skip right over impeachment in favor of felony fraud charges and prison time.

  10. Anons 1 & 2 - right on!

    And forget the border fence. Build one around DC instead. No one gets in or out. Kind of like the movie "Escape from New York" except we leave the prez to rot.

  11. Froaderick BarbarossaJuly 28, 2014 at 10:09 AM

    Ah yes, playing up to the LoFo MoFo. The Dems do that so well. I suppose you are correct, Stilton. No point in impeaching the retired president at this point before the 2014 elections.

    But he is impeachable.

    And like Judi, Grumpy, et al, Washington is a morass and should be,if not bulldozed as mentioned above, starved to death. The bureaucrats are lazy bastards, overpaid (their pay has been increasing to ruination levels since 2008 despite the economic downturn) and worth zero so far as I am concerned. There is so much fraud, mismanagement and waste - it's truly hard for me to imagine how we could not get the debt under control if it weren't for these sycophants and parasites. And they are ALL Democrats. Or at least mostly ... they know who butters their bread.

    Too much for a Monday.

  12. @Judie King: I would settle for the bulldozing of K Street to set up arrangements, but more importantly, cut the pay to juror's pay/day. That will at least cut down on the pay and play wannabe's - ever wonder how Dirty Harry, on a life time of 'public service' became a multi-millionaire?

  13. Froaderick BarbarossaJuly 28, 2014 at 11:59 AM

    Grumpy -

    EXACTLY! Federal "service" is a racket, falls under the RICO act, I am sure of it.

    There should be a web site where anyone, even the LoFo MoFo's, can go each to see the tax returns of everyone employed by the Feds, pols, bureaucrats, thieves in general so that we can better understand how someone like Harry Reid got so rich. Pelosi, Warren, Clintons, yeah, even Boner.

    BTW, isn't "grumpy" and "curmudgeon" redundant?

  14. I'm not sure what the "rules of impeachment" are; maybe one of my fellow HnC bloggers knows? If O'Liar was impeached and found not guilty, could he be impeached again in 2015? I think not, but....?

    Impeachment is originated in the House, but the Senate runs the trial (or in this case, the Kangaroo Court). If the House brought charges right now, there is no doubt of the outcome with Prince Harry residing over the court. However, If, by some miracle, Republicans gain control of the Senate and retain control of the House in 2015, then is the time to let O'Liar have his coveted day in court. But, more than that, I would LOVE to watch O'Liar get bill after bill after bill shoved down his throat for two solid years.

    All great ideas, but I respectfully disagree with your porposed 3 year Senate terms. We already have House members spending most of their terms running for re-election; if Senate terms were cut, we'd have nearly the same problem. I'd suggest cutting them to (2) four year terms, and INCREASING the House to (2) four year terms. 8 years is plenty of time to get your ideas heard. I also think House and Senate rules should not allow members to duck votes by not showing up, or allow them to vote "present."

    I also have mixed feelings about term limits for the Supremes. Granted, we'd be rid of judges like Darth Vader Ginsberg, but we'd also not have Clarence Thomas. Two edged sword....

  15. Oh, and another thing...

    A constitutional ammendment that forces the Senate to vote on EVERY bill brought from the House, and vice versa. Nobody, and I mean NO SINGLE PERSON should have the power to table legislation like Reid is doing. He actually wields more power than President Phone'n'Pen. Wrong wrong wrong! Jefferson, Madison and Adams could light Manhattan with their grave spinning.

  16. It is truly amazing what the devious mind can come up with. I really did not see this coming. We can all add a new card to our decks...the 'impeachment' card, first cousin to the 'race' card!

  17. More on impeachment.

    WRT things like term limits on Supreme Court justices and what not, I really wish we could return to some degree to what the founders originally set up. There really was some careful thinking there, all of which is systematically getting destroyed by the progressive desire for a strong central source of power, meaning the president. This movement has been the case since at least Woody Wilson but predates him.

    To wit, the founders originally had it set up for the House to be elected by the people (each representative being elected by the people of a given district), the Senate by the governors of the states, and the President elected but all. The House, the People's representatives, would instigate legislation, the Senate, the States' representative, would confer and approve, and the President would see to its implementation. The latter would not legislate in any form but would only do the House's bidding.

    I can't recall which amendment made the Senate voted on by the people but I think that was a big mistake. And since they would approve Presidential appointments like Supreme Court Justices, it would have tempered these extreme judges (Darth Vader, for example). The Supreme Court is only supposed to decide what is or isn't Constitutional so term limits don't really help there. As Colby said, it's a two-edged sword.

    The underlying problem is the progressives' blatant hostility to the Constitutional and how they permeate everything these days, media, academia and so forth. THAT is what I would like to see "wiped out" somehow.

    But that is probably racist ...

  18. Yes, the Supreme Court is only SUPPOSED to decide whether a law is constitutional or not but that concept has obviously been corrupted by which side of the political fence any particular justice falls on. They no longer seem to be very objective.

  19. Could it be that Barack Obama is taking liberalism to the ultimate level?

    Post-modernist liberalism is all about group status victimhood used as an argument against other groups. Liberals love "victims". Could it be that Barack Obama wishes to the the ultimate victim? He's the President of the United States, formerly considered to be one of the most powerful positions in the world. And yet the world is in disarray and and complains that he's not getting any respect. Can it be that Obama is a "victim"

    Well, an impeachment certainly would make him so. America isn't worthy of his vision and leadership. So we're going to crucify him, just like Jesus Christ. (except when Obama rides in it's on a 747 instead of a donkey)

  20. So your insane racism causes you to label everything that happens a major scandal, and now you're trying to claim its a conspiracy to trick Republicans into impeachment? This is a new level of delusional.

  21. Froaderick BarbarossaJuly 28, 2014 at 4:28 PM

    Hey there you go folks - criticizing a black man gets you label a racist again! Good work Anonymous! You fell into the trap! You and your progressive fools are ... well, fools!

    The fact that Dems play politics while Rome burns is hardly a racist statement. Criticism is criticism.

    Grow up. And quite playing with yourself in public.

  22. Froaderick BarbarossaJuly 28, 2014 at 4:30 PM

    Er ... quit. Yeah quit. Not quite. Spell checkers were written by progressives.

  23. Yeah, Mr. Anonymous, and political bias is labeled "liberal"!

  24. Froaderick BarbarossaJuly 28, 2014 at 4:39 PM

    Hey anonymous - don't you think it is YOUR racism that see racist motives in every criticism?

    Please explain how that is not true? You racist.

    How is this stuff, really tame in comparison, any different than the berserker stuff you lame-brains threw around when Bush was president? You racist.

    Are we supposed to play patsy with yor fool, Obama because he is black? You racist.

  25. Froaderick BarbarossaJuly 28, 2014 at 4:41 PM

    Man, when I am angry, I can't spell worth, well you know what ...

  26. Froaderick BarbarossaJuly 28, 2014 at 5:40 PM

    Pssst! Hey Judi. Where'd he go? He drops a turd and then runs off. Do you think I over-reacted? I am so embarrassed....

    Germans are so hot-headed. OOOOOPPPPSSSSS. That was racist!

  27. Ah yes, the "I'm not a racist, it just makes me SOOOO ANGRY when a black man does things that I have ever once had a single problem with white men doing at any time before."

    See, a rational person would do some self examination and ask why you believe that the things this president does just like all presidents, is somehow unacceptable and the worst affront to America ever. However, the racist idiot will of course invent a parallel reality where its all a sign of some deeper conspiracy.

  28. Froaderick BarbarossaJuly 28, 2014 at 6:10 PM

    Ah, I thought you ran off in shame as you should.

    "I'm not a racist, it just makes me SOOOO ANGRY when a black man does things that I have ever once had a single problem with white men doing at any time before." ---- WHAT THE HECK DOES THAT MEAN, SUNSHINE? I can even understand that.

    Anyway, no matter who it is, criticism is criticism. Whether the man is black or not seems to be YOUR issue. You are apparently one of the LoFo's out there. There was much discussion in recent editorials and commentary that the Dems (apparently you) would welcome impeachment proceedings as a way to drum up support in front of the 2014 midterms. Do you understand, Sunshine? Do I need to write that more slowly? Did you read the doctor's words at all? Do you know how to analyze and think?

    Nooooo. You are an idiot. Get outa here.

  29. Froaderick BarbarossaJuly 28, 2014 at 6:13 PM

    Oh did it again .... can't even....

  30. Okay, no-one is disputing that the Republicans showing their true colors via attempts at impeachment, and making it as clear as possible that they are gigantic whiny babies who refuse to admit that they lost the presidency, would be good for Democrats - it would make it clear which side is to blame for all the problems in America because they are bad losers and are sabotaging everything out of spite. Yes, its obvious now, but the Right Wing propaganda machine has confused the issue to a lot of Americans.

    So yeah, Impeachment would help, because it would prove once and for all how big of an America-hating bunch of racists your party is in a way you can't spin.

    As for the first bit you didn't understand, lets try and make it clearer - executive orders under a white man = business as usual. Less executive orders under a black man = UNCONSTITUTIONAL! SCANDAL! EMPEROR TYRANT! AMERICA IS DEAD!

    See the little difference?

  31. Froaderick BarbarossaJuly 28, 2014 at 6:37 PM

    Yeah anonymous I see the difference. You are an idiot that is the difference.

    That was total gibberish - something that you left-wingers seem to be good at.

    Think two party system, gridlock as a good thing when the president over-steps his Constitutional powers, think gridlock as meaning not everyone thinks the same way, think about "sore loser" Democrats when a Republican was a president ala Bush or whomever. It's called "politics" you dummy. Your kind practices it with more deceit, are more adept at lying to your masses of idiots - so maybe that is why you see it in something as comical as the Doctor's cartoon.

    Right-wing propaganda machine. Wow. What kind of paranoia does that take. Well, it's no bigger than the left-wing propaganda machine. How's that, idiot?

    Where the hell is all of this racism your kind keeps bringing up? How old are you? Did you live through the 60's, 70's? You have NO idea what racism is. None.

    Get outa here.

  32. My contempt of Barack, I mean Barry, Øbama, I mean Soetoro has absolutely nothing to do with his skin color. The fact that he may possibly be up to 50% black seems now to be an excuse for his blatant, considerable, and ongoing violations of the Constitution and everything our country was based upon. Evidently, liberals will excuse any un-American action on his part simply because he is the first president with some highly questionable African blood in him. I would say that basing one's opinion of a world leader on his ancestory instead of his performance is highly racist, and the liberal progressives such as Anonymous above seem to have the monopoly on that way of thinking. Guess what? I didn't like Bush either, and I believe he is a white man. Does that make me a reverse racist, or does that make me someone who actually looks past skin color and instead at the issues that actually matter to me and what is left of the country I was born in? I have never once even thought that Øbama should be removed because he is a partially black person, but I have many times thought he should be removed because he is a Communist, Socialist, anti-American fraud with no experience to lead what used to be the greatest nation in human history. From what I hear, he is not even that good of a golfer even after spending hundreds of millions of our money on the game.

  33. Yes, overstepping his constitutional authority, by being the president while black, since there has not been a single solitary thing that President Obama has tried to do that Republicans have not abused the filibuster on, including paying the money that Congress already agreed to spend in the budget.

    Oh, yeah, there was totally so much Democrat sabotage against Bush, which is why Bush's tax cuts and his war in Iraq, and the Patriot Act, were all stopped by Democrats. Oh, wait, that's the exact and total opposite of what happened.

    Ahuh. The right wing propaganda machine that nakedly and openly says that it is a tool of the Republican party and doesn't have to be truthful is a media empire that is worth about $56 billion. The left wing propaganda machine is non-existent. The people who report the actual truth of the matter, are worth $500 million. So, you want to scream at basic and objective fact about how 50 billion is a smaller number than 500 million?

    So your argument is that because you aren't as open with your racism, you're not as racist? Do you even listen to yourself?

  34. Anon Dude....
    Bush was ordering pizza
    Obama orders the execution of American citizens overseas w/o trial.

    See the difference?
    (and yeah, I agree the d-bag in question deserved to die, but legally he was entitled to due process. )

  35. Froaderick BarbarossaJuly 28, 2014 at 7:10 PM

    You babble again.

    Cite your sources for those numbers regarding the press - I don't believe them at all. You are merely making that up.

    Don't you DARE call me racist you scumbag. You have no idea what I think, none at all. And if you think I am a "secret racist" then you might as well think I am a "secret genius" or whatever other "secret" paranoid thing you want. You're living in dreamland at that point. And no, it is YOUR argument that just because, supposedly, I am not "open with racism" that I am therefore a racist. You are projecting again Sunshine. How do you know what I think? You don't moron. But I know you are moron because you said that idiotic thing.

    Your first point is politics again. I can't vouch for any of it. But politics is politics, get over it. But when a president starts signing executive orders to have things enacted that Congress didn't enact (for example, delaying the worker mandate or providing subsidies to federal exchanges when the law states clearly only to state exchanges, or unilaterally changing immigration law enforcement without the consent of Congress), these are things that border on the unconstitutional and impeachable. Bush only did what Congress authorized - and that included Democrats (Feinstein for example supported both the war and the so-called Patriot act). I did not like it but your kind agreed to it.

    Obama is going beyond what he is constitutionally authorized to do. That is arguably impeachable. And this is not a racist statement unless you yourself are in fact racist.

  36. Froaderick BarbarossaJuly 28, 2014 at 7:27 PM

    Hey Sunshine this has been real fun but I gotta go eat dinner. Is that racist?

    So I guess you get the last word for a while but I'll pick it up later. So babble on - MORON!

    Hey let me know what "truth" is BTW. Who determines that? Can you define "truth" in some sort of object way?

    If so, you way out ahead of philosophers, mathematicians, and computer scientists who have wrestled with this throughout the millennia. But you seem to have some sort of inner voice who tells you that we are all "secret racists" just because we disagree with you. Does that inner voice have a name, even when you are taking your medication?

    Yeah, truth all right, you demented one.

  37. Don't annoy Anonymous The Troll, it hasn't had its nappy time, its diapers are full, and its running out of Cheetos....

    Froaderick: You're making the troll blow spit bubbles and wear it's burpy bib to the front to catch the drool.

  38. Froaderick BarbarossaJuly 28, 2014 at 7:28 PM

    ...objective way ?

  39. Froaderick BarbarossaJuly 28, 2014 at 7:29 PM

    Sorry Grumpy ...

  40. Why is it that only libtards bring up the ethnicity of Øbama? Why is it that libtards totally ignore the entire planet's disgust and lack of respect with our current president? Last time I checked, the entire planet is far more black than Øbama can ever hope to be.

  41. @Pete: Ahuh. Is the execution of Abdulrahman al-Awlaki the thing Republicans are calling for Obama's impeachment over? Was it the reason Boehner is trying to sue the president? Did it appear anywhere on Mr Jarlsbergs big list of paranoid delusions about Obama? No? Welp, guess that kneecaps that idea.

    But lets follow it anyway.

    Obama was trying to repair infrastructure that needs repairs.

    Bush was committing war crimes and torture.

    See the difference?

    These are the values of their assets on the open market, MSNBC being valued according to double the value of Microsofts holding. Look it up yourself.

    Seriously? You're now going into the 'You can't call me a racist cause I'm acting like a racist. That's mean!'? You might not think you're a racist, but you act and speak just like a racist. So maybe you should try not doing those things if you want to not be called out for being a racist.

    Ahuh. I will quote Bush verbatim on this.

    "I got a little frustrated in Washington because I couldn’t get the bill passed out of the Congress."

    "Congress wouldn’t act, so I signed an executive order – that means I did it on my own."

    Gee, its almost like he's talking about how he used an executive order to do what Congress wouldn't let him. And then bragging about it to Republicans in 2004. So, when did the freedom loving Republicans try to impeach him over doing that? Oh, never? What a shock.

    As for the latter thing, congratulations, you just proved that Democrats are not, and have never been, whiny petulant children who will kick and scream forever if their guy doesn't win, but will in fact go along with the President, and attempt to compromise, even if they disagree with him. So, yeah, you just proved that Democrats are the adults in politics.

  42. Twinkie just discredited himselfJuly 28, 2014 at 7:51 PM


    He has no numbers. He is making it up.

  43. Twinkie just discredited himselfJuly 28, 2014 at 7:52 PM

    Dreamland - take your meds.

  44. @Goeff: To answer your questions - because Republicans seem to think minorities are idiots, and that if they aren't screaming the n word, people won't realize they're racist. Meanwhile, Democrats are calling them out on that shit, and they're trying desperately to say its totally not racist that they referred to Obama as uppity.

    Because liberals are aware that worldwide Obama has increased Americas respect and admiration over the universally despised Bush.

    @Sore-ass: So, your argument for leftist racism is that being upset that Israel used targeted missiles to kill 4 children on a beach fleeing for their lives, is anti-semitic?

    And isn't it amazing how the Republicans plan to attract Latinos seemst o be "Do exactly what we've always done, and those stupid latinos will realise we're good for them. What? Support Amnesty, a thing Latino's actually care about? GET OUT OF HERE YOU RINO TRAITOR!!"

    @2.718: OH my god this is priceless. The fat smelly kid has deluded himself that he's cool. Yeah, never mind that anyone even vaguely recogniused as cool is solidly Liberal, its gotta be the old fat white racists who are the REAL cool guys.

  45. I think we can all see that our anonymous visitor most likely voted or Barack Hussein based solely on the color of his skin. Anyone who votes for or against someone based solely on the color of his skin is what? That's right, a R-A-C-I-S-T.

    I, personally, would never vote for a communist, socialist, communitarian, narcissist, or whatever else you want to call someone like Barack Hussein--Just as I would rather die than vote for a Slick Willie (or Hillary) Clinton. The last halfway-decent Demo_Rat president was Harry Truman. Too bad he didn't find a good way to purge the country of all the communists...

  46. Its also amazingly telling that you don't consider the Democrat president who signed the Civil Rights Act to be a good president.

  47. I hate to criticize such a fine group of people as the commentors here at hope and change, but there are no changes needed to our laws. No changes to lifetime Supreme court appointments, no need for term limits. No need even to impeach our fine Kenyan.
    All that is needed to set or once great nation back on the path to greatness is to guillotine every single member of the press from the editors to the cub reporters along with every single person ever to teach a single journalism class.
    Granted, that not all are guilty, but the proportions are high enough that it would be a shame to miss a few by trying to weed out a few innocents.
    The rot that threatens to utterly destroy our country had been planted and nurtured by a press that is more than simply complicit, they are the driving force.
    Ask a journalism student why they chose the profession and the answer is almost invariably that they want to help change things. They have succeeded.

  48. @Readers- Geez, I take a few hours off to do my volunteer work at the children's hospital and my website gets all infested with creeping crud from a delusional and demonstrably racist liberal. My apologies to anyone who accidentally got some of his/her/its flying spittle sprayed on them.

    I'm not going to bother address ing all of anonymous's pointless accusations for the umpteenth time, but will at least indulge myself in a hearty chortle at the notion that "liberals are aware that worldwide Obama has increased Americas respect and admiration over the universally despised Bush." ooOOooh!

    Yeah, yeah - right. In the words of the White House (which are absorbed directly into the neurons of liberals) Obama has "substantially improved the tranquility of the global community." Except for the carnage in Israel, Russia downing passenger aircraft and firing missiles into Ukraine, North Korea threatening a nuclear attack, our scurrying out of Libya (pity that we're doing it too late for Chris Stevens), our collapsing borders, anti-Christian genocide, and on and on.

    But liberals somehow know (perhaps by listening to vibrations from their harmonic crystals) that the world is better, happier, more peaceful, and more in awe of America's wonderfulness thanks to Barack Obama's tireless fundraising!

    Sadly, the reason they "know" that is because they are so convinced that Black people are inferior that they refuse to criticize this president for his genuine incompetence.

    And that, folks, is as racist as you can get.

  49. Thank you Stilton. And to quote the great Western Cowboy orator; Gabby Johnson: "Revorett"

  50. OK: it was actually 'Reverend'
    Sorry I'm such a racist.

  51. Anon - "kill all the media"
    well, you have a point
    If you offer to toss in lawyers as targets of oppertunity (ESPECIALY in the DC area) I'd even xfer you my 2nd fave AR-15 (hint - it's made by ruger, has a wooden stock, looks not at all Evil or Black - and eats ANYTHING) 5 30 rd mags, and 1k rds of ammo... go have funs, hey?

    Other than that -
    Bush's wars, approved by congress (including HC, JFK, and [gasp!] BHO)
    Obama's wars (specificaly Lybia, arms to Syrian rebels) NOT approved..
    Swap gitmo prisoners for desterter Berghdal, not only not approved, but illegal... opening the southern border, not only not approved, but illegal... amnesty, as far as Hispanic voters? (most of whome came the HARD way?) not only illegal, but NOT APPROVED (60 / 40, I think was last poll I saw)
    so, not only is s/he stupid, but also ignorant and Just Plain Wrong.
    No need to feed the troll, just GAZE upon it in all it's gleeful glorious ignorance, and ignore it -
    moving on now...

  52. Hey guys, you're trying to reason with a brainwashed box of rocks!!! Futility!!!!

  53. PS Did the troll know that more Republicans than Democrats in CONGRESS signed the Civil Rights Bill. Also, did it ever hear of the Emancipation Proclamation President Lincoln is responsible for (a Republican) This LoFo is clueless.

  54. Pssst. Don't tell him that the KKK was founded by the Democratic Party, and that no Democrat voted for the 14th Amendment to free the slaves. In fact, Democrats fought tooth and nail against any civil rights for blacks. It wasn't until they lost that battle that they shifted gears and decided to entice all those new voters with handouts to join their party. In the words of LBJ: "I'll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years".
    You can cut the Democratic hypocrisy with a knife...or a burning cross.

  55. The world portrayed in "idiocracy" is happening far sooner than predicted in the movie.

    It's pointless arguing with anyone who thinks that LBJ was a "good" president.

  56. Analorifice...AKA anonymous(the liberal troll) is getting angry.

    Now that's funny.

  57. Hey Pete (Detroit) -

    I'm all in favor of wiping out politicians, media whores, and lawyers - can I have your Ruger?

  58. Froaderick BarbarossaJuly 29, 2014 at 9:23 AM

    Aw well, it was fun, really. It is like playing with a dufus dog. They run around and slobber everywhere, then they roll around in their own sh1t. Very humorous as long as it isn't your dog.

    So if it wasn't clear before, racism as a word has no meaning anymore. Thomas Sowell would probably agree with that. I wonder if that idiot even knows who that is? Walter Williams? Ben Carson? Tim Scott? Deneen Borelli? And so on ...

    And the mind of the left was ably demonstrated by this anonymous turd as being vacuous jelly. There was never a coherent thought. Totally brain washed.

    So when Hillary or Elizabeth become president, our disagreements on policy will now be sexist. And then sexism will have no meaning.

    Part of a grand right-wing conspiracy to create meaningless words. We keep offering up these stalking horses to the left until the populace is one vast zombie population, then we take over! Yes!

    A vast right-wing conspiracy.

    And then I get all the Double-Doubles I want!!!!!!!!

  59. @Froaderick Barbarossa- Although liberals have made the words "racist" and "sexist" meaningless, as long as folks like Anonymous roam the Earth, the word "idiot" will still have meaning.

  60. Froaderick BarbarossaJuly 29, 2014 at 9:49 AM

    Alas, good doctor, you are correct.

    BTW, I commend you on your volunteer work. I did not know that you did that. Is that the source of your other cartoon, Johnny Optimism? I admit, unfortunately, that I cannot read that one too much. Sick children disturbs too much - but for people like you, the world would go to hell in a you-know-what. You are a good man.

  61. @Froaderick Barbarossa- Ouch. I have to fess up that I was only kidding (to further agitate Anonymous) when I mentioned the volunteer work at a children's hospital - as you kind of surmised, I was actually taking time working on some new Johnny Optimism strips.

    Mind you, I do care about kids who are sick and try in various ways to do what I can to help. But I don't want to take any false credit.

  62. Hey, Abdul, my donkey ... er Jihad buddy, tells me something about someone named Anon Ymoous. Apparently, he has his head stuck up his ass. Abdul thinks this would make a better Jihad buddy for him since my squealing is making his ears hurt. Hey, it is making a lot more than that hurt for me! And surely, someone with his head up his ass so often could not possibly notice Abdul's ... er, presence.

    So, you can keep your Wendy Davis now - I would like to get Abdul off of my back and get back to beheading people. Please send me your Mr. Ymoous. Soon.

  63. I've been away for a while and seem to have arrived at the fray after it's over, but...

    This "If You Ain't an Obama Scrotum Licking Democrat, You're Racist" horse shit is growing really, really, REALLY old. But, should Billery decide to throw her hat in the ring, we can take solace in the fact that all of us racists will magically become sexists overnight. I'm surprised the Liberals have not yet stumbled onto the idea of running a black lesbian for president so us "bitter clingers" could be labeled racist, sexist homophobes for the next four to eight years.

    I wanna know how these human suppositories we affectionately call "progressives" have so successfully re-written history. Liek Geoff King said, it was a Republican President and Republican Congress that fought for years with the DEMOCRATS to free black people from slavery. Republicans also fought DEMOCRATS tooth and nail to give (gasp!) women the vote, and to shame Lyndon Johnson into signing the civil rights legislation.

    But... sigh.... what the Republicans did NOT do is come up with a zillion different gubmint programs that reward people for not working, and that, my friends, is how we got here.

    Finally, for poor misguided, "gets his news from Facebook" Anon. Let's not be too harsh on the poor bastard. It's not his fault. It's not as easy as it sounds to live in Mom's basement and have to follow all her stupid rules like bringing your own dirty dishes upstairs, and remembering to shut off the TV at 3 AM. Tough stuff, that.

  64. Trucos de los PolíticosJuly 29, 2014 at 1:03 PM


    And beer - they go together well.

    And jalepño poppers. Yeah, them.

  65. Froaderick BarbarossaJuly 29, 2014 at 4:59 PM

    Hey, I think I just heard a toilet flush .... Sheesh it stinks in here all of a sudden.

    Per earlier remarks, estás jodido!

  66. Trucos de los PolíticosJuly 29, 2014 at 5:09 PM


    This is the best one yet!

  67. Hey, you learn something new every day here but what is the "S word"?

    I thinking "stupid" - fits, ya think?

    "Schizophrenic"? The poster is rather bizarre, could fit.

    "Scheiße"? The poster is full of it, maybe.

    "Sociopath"? Poster has leanings of that sort.

    Questions, questions.

  68. The KKK was started AFTER the civil war ended!!!!!!!!!!! You moaron!!!!!!!!!!! Try looking up some facts yourself!!!!!!!!! And LBJ couldn't have passed the Civil Rights Law WITHOUT the Republicans in congress.....again look it up. What country are you from????

  69. There is a special hell for those people who blame everyone else for their shortcomings.
