Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Barry The Hatchet

obama, obama jokes, hillary clinton, horseshit, syria, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, conservative, political, cartoon

Responding to former Secretary of State Hillary's Clinton's criticism (and that of many others in both parties) of Barack Obama's decision not to arm Syrian rebels back when it could have been helpful in slowing the spread of ISIS, the president exploded in a private meeting and declared the attacks on his foreign policy acumen to be "horseshit" - the second dirtiest word he knows (the first dirtiest word being "capitalism").

This is widely believed to be only the opening salvo between Hillary and the eternally failing president as she begins distancing herself from him in preparation for a 2016 presidential run.

Soon she'll be dropping intriguing little conversational bon mots to reporters like "Actually, nobody knows where the hell the president was the night of Benghazi, but he probably wasn't doing blow or having butt sex," and "Leon Panetta and I still laugh about the look on the faces of Valerie Jarrett and Barack when they found out we'd bypassed them and ordered Seal Team Six to take out Bin Laden. Good times!"

In preparation for this, the president has called for a massive build-up in his stockpile of obscenities, although he absolutely draws a red line at potentially calling his former Secretary of State the "c-word" because, painfully, it was his nickname at Harvard.

Democrats are suffering high levels of anxiety about suddenly having to choose sides between Barry and Hillary, unsure if they'd rather be considered racists or sexists.  And of course, there's the very real fear on the Left that the hostilities may turn into a full-blown war.

Which is why Hope n' Change suggests that John Kerry be enlisted as a mediator between the two sides. It's not like he's getting anything else accomplished.


  1. If there is ONE GUY ON EARTH whose whereabouts is known every damned second of every minute of every day it's the guy who has a desk in the oral office. Seven hours, lamont was MIA? When Shrillery says he was "doing blow" she meant it as a VERB!!! lamont got VERY excited when Valerie Jerkit said he should consider vacationing at the Grand Canyon North RIM!
    The "C" word he was known as for his WHOLE PATHETIC LIFE is the same as a "tub-sealant vacuum"... he was called "CAULK-SUCKER"!

  2. How dignified of the president to use such language. I guess he just wanted to add some color to the steady stream of manure already coming from his mouth.
    Since Hitlery is fast becoming his main critic, it will soon show just how petty Democrats are when they cease to worship him and start worshipping her without acknowledging that the criticism ever happened. Yes, they will jump at the hypocritical chance to now pretend that they are not sexist, just as Øbama let them pretend they were not racist. I can't wait until a deaf transexual midget runs on the Democratic ticket so we can watch them all make fools of themselves jumping on that bandwagon without even considering qualifications.

  3. How sad. I can't imagine Ronald Reagan even using the word "crap"
    in public. I guess you can take the chump out of the ghetto but you can't take the ghetto out of the chump. I'm surprised he didn't drop a "MOFO" in there as well.

  4. I use horse manure on my garden, it is a good thing but he doesn't seem to realize it. Just goes to show that he doesn't know shit.

  5. Hilbilly is a hypocritical, calculating twat. If she really thought the administration was so wrong in so many critical situations she should have resigned. She has no shred of credibility whatsoever. Benghazi. Own it.

  6. They're all the dirtiest word of all.....politicians!

  7. Don't read too much into the dysfunction between Dems. They're a den of liars, rapists, thieves, traitors, hypocrites and lunatics, but they've demonstrated a remarkable ability to put aside consistency and ethics when their HATRED of The Other necessitates it.

  8. I am always amused when those who work so diligently and successfully to construct such an effective "reality distortion field" then themselves pierce it. After all, the world's first recipient of the Nobel Pre-Peace Prize was doing so well with the "world has never been so tranquil" meme.

  9. Stilton - you're a racist!

    Ha! Ha! I just wanted to say that. Time is running out. Less than two years to go and soon we will all be sexists, just like pumpkins at the stroke of midnight. Did I use the word "stroke" at the same time a the "c-word". Oh no, that was you, you dirty old man. Well, I used the word "stroke" I guess. It gets complicated, huh?

    So I just wanted to say that at least once. There are so few true racists anymore. Used to be a lot of fun saying that back in the day, when they would let the dogs loose, and shoot the fire hoses but now? Now, we have to make them up.

    BTW - you are even worse - you are a SECRET racist! How do I know? I can see how you think. I am not sure what that means to "see" what one thinks but go with me on this. We will all have a lot more fun. Trust me.

    Oh my, too much fun for a dreadful morning. Back to the grind.

  10. Racist piece #1: She is correct of course. But that is sexist of me.

    Racist piece #2: Doc!!!!!! They have a cease fire!

    Racist piece #3: Some pussy. Pussy cat! Get your heads out of the gutter - just 'cus the president lives there? That was racist.

    OK, now really back to the grind.

  11. Another home run. Great job, Dr.

    and Judi, you've got that right.

  12. So Hillary is now publicly saying Barack Hussein can't walk on water. When will the Demo_Rats start calling her a racist for that? Yeah, I'll hold my breath waiting for it.

  13. Ooh, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are already thinking Hilary is out of the running and they are the two who will lead the Dems to victory -- her as first woman, him as first avowed socialist -- this should be fun --

    And if only a Republican might come along not obsessed with a certain small bunch of taxpayers (aka, gay guys) he might well win -- but, if that Republican goes "ooh, sissies are the peril!" - then you'll get a Democrat --

    Meanwhile, I keep hoping for the Libertarian - while cursing up a storm ... in several languages ...

    1. Well, since the Øbama and Romney campaigns each spent over a billion dollars to buy American votes, and the Gary Johnson Libertarian campaign could only afford to spend around 2 and a half million, it is doubtful that we will see a Libertarian President any time soon. However, considering Øbama paid almost 10 times as much as Johnson did for every vote recieved, there may be hope some day:

  14. Froaderick BarbarossaAugust 13, 2014 at 4:42 PM

    Personally, I think the only hope is a deep infestation of libertarians into the Republican party, basically, taking it over. For decades, both of those parties have been for big government, it's just a matter of how and where you define "big". But lately, with the spreading of the RINO disease, the two parties are really very indistinguishable other than by certain rhetoric. The RINO's are just "me too Democrats". All either party wants is power.

    Only if the electorate becomes more knowledgeable and begins to understand not only our roots, our founding principles again, and realizes that it is big government that is the enemy will libertarians ever have a chance. And then only by infiltrating the Republicans - they will never make inroads in the Democratic party.

    Third parties are notoriously bad at ever amounting to anything - unless one of the two dominant parties dies off (the Whigs v. the Republicans). In a sense, infiltrating the Repubs would do that.

    The big problem here are the culture wars though. They dominate Repub politics. I don't demean that, I just think big government in all its forms is the enemy first and foremost - culture has no place in politics.

    So my friends, infiltrate the Republicans. Going to the Libertarian party (with all due respect to J. Hlavac) will only strengthen the Dems. But push libertarian minded candidates. Justin Amash, Rand, and so on.

    Leviathan is almost here, if it isn't already.

  15. Eduardo de los FlácidosAugust 13, 2014 at 5:02 PM

    Esteban - "Liberalism is a mental disorder". Yup. Sí. The Dems are remarkably able to manipulate the voters with the help of their comrades in the media and academia. They learned a lot from their time in the wilderness - but the country more than ever wants their handouts and the Dems are only too eager to promise them. I didn't say provide - I said promise. Just enough to get elected. And don't let anyone be fooled - they are so totally in bed with the 1%. But as long as they keep throwing bones to the "common man" - that sort of cynicism will always win.

  16. Democrats are not Liberals. By definition, a Liberal is someone that believes people have the right to live their life anyway they see fit as long as they harm no one else. Dems believe people must live their life the way they are told to live by the government. Thomas Jefferson was a Liberal. Democrats are Authoritarians.

  17. Froaderick BarbarossaAugust 13, 2014 at 6:31 PM

    I wrote earlier that "culture has no place in politics." What I should have added was that politics reflects culture - that is why ours is going in the toilet. The country was founded on a very different cultural basis. I think the changes we need in the political scene will only happen when there is a cultural shift away from the ideology of identity politics, victimology, and "progressivism" (the handout mentality).... "horseshit" to quote The One.

    Not in my lifetime.

  18. Doc you are so cruel. To insert a kerry peace in the middle is just dog whistle for total war between the 2 and I support it fully.

  19. Ahhh yes a spectacular Pyrrhic victory that would be a pox on both houses, sending the tottering ruins fatally cascading onto to a floundering warren campaign would help me sleep peacefully, with a smile on my face.

  20. This is racist.

    Ha! I am loving this name calling thing. Ya 'spose we do this enough the left stops doing?

    Now I am really worried. #newmansawuss #newmanneedssomegoodbarbeque

  21. Now it appears that president Bounel, I mean Soetoro, I mean Øbama will be returning to the District of Criminals for some unknown reason on Sunday and will be returning to Martha's Vineyard on Tuesday. Other than wasting over a million dollars more for another round trip in Air Force One, there appears to be no point to the trip. Perhaps he forgot his crack pipe:

  22. Geoff - that was racist. Ha! I crack myself up sometimes.

    Not often though - Mom said it would make my palms hairy.

    1. I did not intend the crack pipe remark to be racist, as the only person I have known that did that stuff was a white guy. However, in thinking it over, I am sure His 'Øliness does nothing but the much more expensive real cocaine.

  23. Looks like The One will be addressing the Ferguson situation. Apparently, the growing militarization of police forces around the country is getting its showing in a none-too-good way. Rand Paul is calling for a review. And now the Missouri governor is "relieving" the police force.

    So we finally have something to get The One off of the golf course. Oh my, that is so racist. #newmansawuss

  24. Why, lookie here - Hillary's a racist! Does that mean that His Imperialness' "horseshit" remark is sexist?

    These progressive ways are confusing.

  25. Well, Geoff, as I am sure you are aware, we are all racists here. We have been told soooooooo many times. So you can't dodge it that easily. Ha!

    And speaking of sexism, pic of the day! Stole that from Drudge, racist that I am.

  26. St. John the ReconnAugust 14, 2014 at 1:15 PM

    BTW - I forgot to speculate .....

    I wouldn't be at all surprised if His Highness uses the ISIS Crisis (thanks Doc) to crack down on political liberties. Watch out people, stay alert.

    The ISIS threat is real (and scary, bloodthirsty monsters) but we've all seen what happens when that goes to someone's head - you can imagine what it would do to someone who thinks he is so dang wonderful.

  27. Dr.Stilton,
    I am convinced after reading many political and news sites everyday that you have the most intelligent,knowing commenters of any of them.
    I enjoy both your articles and read all of the comments. In no way could I even begin to compare with your regulars.
    For some reason I am not receiving your e-mails but I have your site in my bookmarks,so all is well.
    Thanks for what you're doing.

  28. oldredleg - WRT to your remarks about the good doctor ....HUZZAH.

    There are so many idiots out there; they seem to be working in academia, the media, or are fat-assed bureaucrats. I agree and am grateful for the doctor's blog. The few, the proud, the .... rare.

    Sorry Grumpy, wherever you are.

  29. Allen West is a racist!

    Clearly. He keeps forgetting that Obama is merely stupid. He has fully bought into the left's claim that Obama is sooooo smart so the only explanation for his action is that Obama must be an Islamist.

    Non, monsieur! Il est un fou stupide!

  30. If I did not want people to think I was a psychopath, I certainly would not go by a name like Charles Manson or Jeffery Dahmer. If I did not want people to think I was a traitor, I certainly would not go by a name like Benedict Arnold or Julius Rosenberg. If I did not want people to think I was an Islamic Jihadist, I certainly would not go by a name like Mohammad Atta or Barack Hussein Øbama - especially if I had several other well established aliases.

  31. Froaderick BarbarossaAugust 14, 2014 at 5:09 PM

    BTW, Geoff, did you see how quick the lefties were so quick to blame "conservatives and libertarians" for issues related to the Ferguson rioting?

    “I don’t see anybody from the libertarian or Republican movement who talk about small government and overstepping American citizens’ rights coming either on camera or social media to talk about this situation,” CNN contributor L.Z. Granderson said on Thursday.

    “You want to appeal to minority voters, this is how you do it. You don’t just come to the aid of white people being under siege by the government,” he artlessly added.
    (Noah Rothman - Hot Air)

    The left is quick to capitalize and lie here. No surprise. No mention of why rioting and looting are morally permissible here. Outrage, protest, yes. Talk of overzealous, highly militarized police, yes. But no, Granderson has to score some points against the very people who want to minimize government impact on people. Sorta like our friend commentator who likens libertarians with "authoritarian fascists".

    I admit that I do not have all the facts yet in this case but this lefty response all somehow seems too out of whack. I guess no surprise there. I can't help but feel that stirring the whole "racial animus" thing is important to their power cause.

    Let the name-calling resume!

  32. I heard that whenever Øbama slices a drive on the golf course and it ends up in the rough, he always blames it on the Bushes.

  33. HAAAAAA!

    OMG - I am a little less worried now, Geoff.

  34. If they ever do another remake of the movie "Caddyshack," IMHO our alleged president would nail the role of looper/greenskeeper Carl Spackler. I can easily picture him telling Uncle Joe, "This is a hybrid. This is a cross, ah, of Bluegrass, Kentucky Bluegrass, Featherbed Bent, and Northern California Sensimilla. The amazing stuff about this is, that you can play 36 holes on it in the afternoon, take it home and just get stoned to the bejeezus belt that night on this stuff.”

  35. "Great big globs of greasy grimy gopher guts ...."

    "I smell varmint poontang. And the only good varmint poontang is dead varmint poontang, I think."

    Those quotes are FAR more important, me thinks.

  36. Or ..."Oh, Mrs. Crane, I'm looking at you... You wore green so you could hide. I don't blame you - you're a tramp! Ooh! That was right where you wanted it! Ooh Mrs. Crane, you're a little monkey woman you know that? You're a little monkey woman... You're lean and you're mean and you're not too far between either I bet, are ya? Would you like to wrap your spikes around my head?"

    Spackler was in fact a genius - but a Democratic Party operative, truth be told.

  37. "You buy a hat like this, I bet you get a free bowl of soup. Oh, it looks good on you though."

  38. I'm pretty sure "stoned to the bejezzus belt" is the same as "high as giraffe nuts."


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