Friday, August 15, 2014


obama, obama jokes, stilton jarlsberg, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, iraq, boots on the ground

We're keeping the commentary short today because Hope n' Change is actually in favor of the president's recent authorization of military activity in Iraq to help protect religious minorities under siege by Islamic militants on Mount Sinjar.

We just wish that everyone could back off from using the phrase "boots on the ground" for awhile, as it's an unhelpful oversimplification of America's options in dealing with a complex and volatile situation.

And frankly, we're more interested in hearing that American boots are way, way up ISIS's ass.


  1. I assure you, if American troop presence is in Iraq, you can be confident that their boots will be EXACTLY "aligned" with the target asses! The ONLY thing that can fornicate that up is if lamont and other stupid-ass politicians start making the decisions that God created GENERALS for!!!

  2. We had "boots on the ground" weeks before the first bomb fell on Afghanistan or Iraq. They are called forward air controllers, who's job it is to direct the aircraft to the targets or to mark targets with a laser marker.
    Here is another great cartoon:

  3. Needs a Boot up his a**.
    I want him to take the action he has taken but I wonder if he asked congress? I'm sure he did. lol.

  4. The average lo-info Obama supporter probably thinks ISIS is some kind of Egyptian bird.

  5. At some point the civilized, barely anymore, but still civilized western world needs to wake up to the reality that Islam is evil and is our enemy. As throughout history, there will be a winner and a loser. We need to decide which we want to be. If we want to be the winner we need to start acting like it, and the sooner the better.

  6. Considering ISIS was secretly trained by the US at bases in Jordan to fight against Assad in Syria, and were armed by our "allies" in Turkey and Saudi Arabia, Øbama's recent intervention is the least he should do - and he will probably try to get by with the very least he can do to give the impression that he actually gives a damn about those religious minorities trapped on that mountain by the monsters that he has supported:

  7. Armageddon anyone? I see no other end to the mess in the Mid-East.

    1. After ISIS succeeds in completely controlling Iraq and it's oil, they will undoubtedly move on to Syria. Once that country also falls to them, it is but a stone's throw to Mount Megiddo in Israel where Armageddon supposedly will be fought.

  8. Truth be told, I respect what you are saying (I do but you know a "but" is coming, huh?) but I am so bloody tired of it all. The NSA spies on Americans rather than focusing on their correct mission, foreign threats. The IRS has become a Democratic Party Operative, as has the Justice Department and... all hell, the entire Federal Bureaucracy. The debt has reached suicidal proportions. And we continue to interfere in world affairs when we have no clue as to what we are doing. Nor should we. And we simply can't afford it anymore.

    And yes, people die. And yes, Islam is a cancer (sorry Muslims but you really need to get your house in order - if you assume that Muslims want to get their house in order without bloodshed).

    Still, I have to admit to more than a little schadenfreude regarding The Great One, The One That We Were Promised, the moron who ran on getting us of Iraq, now sending troops in. Suck on it, Obama! Suck on it, you hypocritical Democrats! Suck on it, "progressives"! And swallow.

  9. " hell, ..." not "... all hell ..."

    I think spell checkers are a "progressive" plot.

  10. Cheney's Magic JohnsonAugust 15, 2014 at 11:28 AM

    And now Ukraine - all because of that pussy in Martha's Vineyard - I mean, the White House.

    You know, using force and having a credible threat of force are two different things. This "president" is, in a weak way, doing the former with nothing of the latter.

    Why? Because that is the "progressive" way.

  11. Any troops sent to Iraq on a "rescue mission" should have very liberal Rules of Engagement. By liberal ROE I mean start killing the ISIS vermin and don't stop until they're all dead or they cry "uncle".

  12. Progressives Are Effing IdiotsAugust 15, 2014 at 4:03 PM

    "... based on my friends who are senior Democratic senators, this president has checked out." NSS! [See the interview with Scarborough.]

    The world has come a-knockin' and The One is not in the house. He left with Elvis. Hosanna!

    But look on the bright side - we have images of Biden skinny-dipping to look forward to. Class act, this administration.

  13. Thank God our Nobel Peace Prize winning president has stated that the world is less violent since he took charge, otherwise little things like actual facts might depress me:

  14. Carl "not-SoS" SpacklerAugust 15, 2014 at 6:50 PM

    Sooooo....way off subject. Whatever.

    I just read that Rick Perry was indicted for .... threatening to veto something?! Anyone from Tejas out there can explain that one to me? I mean, c'mon Tejas. Wendy Davis is bad enough.

  15. @Wahoo: Couldn't agree with you more! AND the LOFO MOFO'S probably think 'ISIL' is one of the Von Trapp kids as well.
    Can't wait for Oblamer to send a bill to Bush 43 for the re-deployment of Troops to Iraq.

  16. It' WAR. People die in WAR. Innocent people are already dying in this WAR. They died in WW2, even though many were innocent, they died. It's how WAR works, and why it should be avoided, but if it cannot be avoided, DO IT RIGHT! Stop the bloodthirsty maniacs in the middle east! Defeat them over there, please. We will have our hands full with American jihadists here at home!

  17. Just when Øfrauda thought people have given up questioning his birth certificate and presidential eligibility, the Supreme Court may be forced to look into it over a measly $90 fee:

  18. @Carl nSoS S - Perry pressured the Travis County DA's office to fire or force to resign a DA who was arrested for DWI, and then became abusive and belligerent and abusive. (video here) (FYI, Travis County is basically the same as Austin, a very liberal town deep in the heart of Texas).

    Texans for Public Justice, a leftist special interest group, made this their cause and got a special prosecutor appointed to look into Perry's actions. TBJ was apparently okay with a mean drunk being a DA, but not okay with the guv doing something about it.

    That said, I'm not a big Rick Perry fan. Granted, he's done some good things while in office. But he's also been in office too long, and has begun acting like it's his birthright. He's become arrogant, obnoxious, and a bully. He's a great argument for term limits (like we need another one). Nevertheless, IMO he's done nothing worthy of indictment.

  19. CenTexTim -

    I couldn't agree more with term limits for all politicians. Like Judi K. said (at some point, all of us have said probably), politicians are truly evil.

    I am sure that it is not lost on the people who comment here, but have you stopped to consider the corrupting power of ... power? In all its forms? Political, money, influence (e.g., Jesse Jackson), corporate lizards, bureaucrats, HOAs, and so on and so forth.

    Like I said, no one here would be shocked by that but this is, to me, at the core of libertarianism. Dilute power in all it's forms. Keep the individual "free".

    But two felony counts because he wants a drunken DA to resign? I mean, OMG! So SoCal, sorry.

    And PRY, I agree with that too. Like someone said earlier, if you are going in, getterdone. I don't know if we can afford it but wipe them out. We must never forget the lessons of the VN War - doing something half-assed only gets people killed.

  20. @Readers- Just wanted everyone to know that I haven't been able to add to the comments, but I'm reading and enjoying the conversations. Is it possible to be a lurker on my own blog? (grin)

  21. That's fine, but let's also be honest about who funds ISIS and who gave them their weapons. After all we did release one of their top leaders from custody. Oh how convenient. Maybe because we need a CIA funded and created army like ISIS to overthrow Syria and start crap in the region. No that couldn't be it. (It is it.)

  22. Carl "not-SoS" SpacklerAugust 16, 2014 at 5:56 PM

    Well the left-leaning sites (e.g. Yahoo) are sure having a field day with Perry's indictment on "abuse of power". Wait a minute here, ya know, seems to be a lot of similarities to another super hero out there. Eh? Like a famous philosophers is quoted as saying, "You're a lot of woman, you know that? Yeah, wanna make 14 dollars the hard way?"

    It sounded relevant at the time ....

  23. Progressives Are Effing IdiotsAugust 16, 2014 at 6:05 PM

    And don't forget that His Highness was warned about all of this a VERY long time ago but he merely called ISIS/ISIL the "JV Team". Yeah, they mucked with things and now it's biting them. Not the first time in our history (or many other countries for that matter) - sure wish it was the last. Yeah, a crude guy like me can have dreams.

    And speaking of "anonymous", I hope all the HnC commenters are getting some much read R&R before Monday's troll(s) show up. Get your gas masks ready for the highly ammoniated urine they pass as "intelligent commentary" 'cus they is so smart, being "progressive" 'n'all. Yes, sir!

  24. Dude! Delete this email!

  25. Mr. bad Anon....weapons don't kill people, people kill people. Get a clue.

  26. PS: There is such a thing as "Trolls Anonymous". I think we're stuck with one here.

  27. @ Whopper: I took it as a "Blame America First" comment which I'm sick of. But wherever the weapons came from, they are being used for an inherently evil agenda. But you could be right.

  28. Judi K. - "Inherently evil".

    No truer words. These are bloodthirsty monsters. I had read of the misuse of the term "war crimes" earlier. If there ever were war crimes, they are going on right now in Iraq.

    This kind of wholesale slaughter is exactly what "war crimes" are. These hoods are using religion as a cover for their heinous evil. Not a very original choice, I might add. Shows distinct lack of imagination. But the Muslim word has been there a very long time.

    And speaking of racism, I read this morning that His Holiness, The One, is defending the Ex-Im bank!!!! Candidate Obama was against it! And The One is critical of Tea Partiers for wanting the "bank" closed down! He says that shows a distinct lack of interest in global or free trade!

    Now, see, this is what that Piscopo piece was about. These so-called "progressives" can be bought and sold just like the RINOs. That too is evil. Obama is a total hypocrite.

  29. Oh my! Rereading my words - I am an infidel! Spell checker caught me again! ".... Muslim world...." Oy .... going to be beheaded now for sure. But will anyone know the difference?

  30. Progressives Are Effing IdiotsAugust 17, 2014 at 12:42 PM

    "He neglects to point out that he is an important enabler of it."

    Kevin D. Williamson - a writer to read. His work is always good.

    Get your big-boy pants on folks - rioting and looting are not "justice". It is rioting and looting.

  31. Replies
    1. Yeah, damn that Rand Paul giving free eye surgery to the poor folks in Guatemala. Like they really need to see the squalor they live in. Hopefully, Hillery will counter by rushing down there to give them something really useful, like instructions on how to order room service in 5-star hotels.

  32. I must apologize for my previous comment about Queen Rodham. I never meant to suggest that she may be out of touch with the American people because of her lavish lifestyle - after all, she was "dead broke" when she left the Whitehouse. Hillary not condemning her sexual-predator husband and later letting it be known that she has the same taste in women that he does mearly shows how caring she can be. Whether it be Whitewater, Travelgate, Chinagate, or Filegate; she has always held an "Open Gate Policy" and must be commended for that in my opinion.


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