Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Double Trouble

obama, obama jokes, cartoon, political, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, ebola, ISIS
Owing to circumstances beyond our control related to whose turn it was to keep the dog ("Penny - the official pooch of Hope n' Change") from eating the furniture, we didn't have time for a great deal of editorializing today and will let the images do the heavy lifting.

Per the cartoon above,  we're actually glad that the president is committing 3000 troops to the fight against ebola - we're just surprised that he was able to do it without lecturing us about the many cultural and scientific contributions ebola  made to helping us land a man on the moon.

obama, obama jokes, cartoon, political, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, benghazi, documents, hillary, clinton, difference

And speaking of things which make blood spurt from our every orifice, it seems that in the wake of the Benghazi debacle Hillary Clinton's staffers raided State Department records to remove or destroy any paperwork that might make her look bad.

On the plus side, while we still don't know who exactly is to blame for the death of Ambassador Chris Stevens, we at least know who it was that defiled his corpse.


  1. Have served for many years in military medicine as a peon I know the definition of expendable. I really don't fell to good about the ebola mission not that feel any better about the isis situation. Fully funded, fully staffed, and fully supplied never happens in the field. Fully supported and democrat never even belong in the same sentence. God save them and us.

  2. Hmmm. I am unsure about sending military personel to provide support for the medical staff already sent by the CDC. As Michelle stated, they may be considered expendable. Since the State Department has ordered 160K Hazmat suits, they evidently must see a need far beyond the numbers of our people already in Africa or soon to be deployed there. As Ebola has a gestation period of up to three weeks, if Øbola wished to create an epidemic in our country so he could both further destroy our health care system and pull another problem - reaction - solution scenario to appear as savior, what better way than to send a bunch of poorly equipped and poorly trained grunts there and then bring them back in a couple of weeks without proper quarantine proceedures?

  3. I mean they already brought back infected medical professionals to our country, which is against all previous standard operating proceedures. At least they knew about the nescessity for being quarantined. What now? Bring back a bunch of infected soldiers and treat them in one of the well run and highly efficient VA hospitals? Sure seems like someone wants to see Ebola spread across the USA. Of course, it is just a matter of time beforr it comes waltzing across our non-borders anyway. Might as well speed up the process by directly importing it from Africa.

  4. With apologies to Ray Davies...

    Well I'm not dumb, but I can't understand
    How a monkey disease got into a man
    E B O L A Bola
    Bo Bo Bo Bo Bola

    Sorry, I couldn't help myself. Seriously though, I am all for trying to stem the rising tide of this horrible disease in West Africa. I'm not sure that sending in troops is the most efficacious response. I do know of another rising tide that they might be more useful in fighting....assuming ROE that allow them to actually kill the enemy.

  5. Hmmm. Shades of the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918, which was spread among otherwise healthy GIs packed into military barracks, perhaps?

    Surely he wouldn't do this on purpose, would he?

  6. Are we going to destroy ebola or only reduce it to a "manageable" level? Or shall we chase it to the gates of hell?

    What those fighting ebola in Africa really need is basic supplies (gloves, disinfectant, etc) than more Americans. For the cost of deploying a single individual (being aid worker or soldier) we could send thousands of cases of basic supplies, which they desperately lack and need more than boots on the ground.

    As for Hillary and destroying the evidence, why would anybody be surprised? As long as there aren't any flirty young women hording blue dresses, it will work.

    1. All hail President Shredder!
      Quick somebody send for the TMNT.

  7. This is Obamao in action. No "boots on the ground" to fight Islamic terrorism, but plenty to catch ebola and bring it back.

  8. I think the BOOTS ON THE GROUND, regarding this obola situation, should be securely affixed to lamont's scrawny bird-legs. Send HIM to the "front lines" of this conflagration... have HIM lead the charge against this threat! Maybe I was wrong about changing lamont's logo to a half Ritz cracker and a half ace-of-spades... I think a PUSSY(cat) may be apropos!

  9. I'm thinking Øbola probably sees this as a win-win scenario. He gets to claim a PR victory by pretending to care about someone besides himself, and he also gets to continue cutting back on the U.S. military. And if some innocent bystanders back here in America get caught in the cross-fire... "It's George Bush's fault!"

  10. @Michelle M- It's a scary mission, made all the more so by the conditions (both physical and political) that you describe.

    @Geoff King- I wish I could truthfully say that it never crossed my mind that Barry might send troops in order to hasten the arrival of ebola on our shores - but yeah, I went there.

    Still, the threat from ebola is so great that it's genuinely a vital US interest to go fight it right now. And it's my hope (I still have a little hope left) that our people are being mobilized for the right reasons.

    It genuinely saddens me that we now have a president whom we can't even trust to be on our side in a war against disease. But I don't.

    @TrickyRicky- Nice relyric!

    @DavidD- Sadly, the scenario seems a lot more plausible now that Barry has escorted tens of thousands of sick kids across the southern border and then spread them to secret locations around the country.

    @John the Econ- Nicely put! And I assume that we'll also be sending those basic supplies you mention, but there's an old saying about the word "assume" that may be applicable here.

    The Hillary situation comes as no surprise whatsoever, but genuinely infuriates me - especially since the mainstream media doesn't seem to care in the least. Then again, that same media has been complicit in burying the story for so long that they really can't report this without admitting their own guilt in the coverup.

    @ringgo1- Maybe troops returning from areas of contagion should stay offshore for awhile. I recall that Guantanamo has some nice facilities and amenities for our enlisted personnel - a short quarantine period might be a really good idea.

  11. Here is an opinion piece linking George Soros and Bill Gates to the purposeful spread of Ebola. As they both are admitted eugenicists, one has to wonder if they are not at least cheering on the spread of the disease and how much of Øbama's puppet strings they actually control:

  12. @Stilton, the mainstream media doesn't care because they have already decided that she should be Obama's heir apparent. They already installed our first affirmative action President, so installing the first woman President right after seems fitting, knowing that the GOP is going to ultimately nominate another staid straight white male. The only candidate that would be better might be Elizabeth Warren, who's not only a woman, but a native American. (Or so she used to claim)

  13. Makes perfect sense to me! We have an impending worldwide disease epidemic, so it's only logical to send in 3,000 people who have been specifically trained in war; the US Army. With this kind of logic, President "Imthekingsoeatmyshorts" will be sending 3,000 telephone sanitizers to Iraq to fight ISIS (apologies to Doug Adams).

    Don't get me wrong, I have the highest regard for our military personnel, but they are not the first group that comes to mind when I think of how to battle a health crisis. Wouldn't you instead send... oh, I don't know... DOCTORS? Medicine? HazMat gear? Quarantine booths? Doesn't the military specialize in, like, blowing shit up and shooting people?

    Maybe O'liar's plan is to just kill everybody with ebola. Problem solved... tee time again.

    The MSM ignoring Billery's indiscretions? Nothing to see here, folks, move on. Ya gotta think, though, that someday, somewhere down the road, somebody will have the guts to blab and rat the Clintons out, and live through it. I pray I live that long. I'd love to see that sleazy bag dressed in orange for about 20 years.

  14. Makes perfect sense to me! We have an impending worldwide disease epidemic, so it's only logical to send in 3,000 people who have been specifically trained in war; the US Army. With this kind of logic, President "Imthekingsoeatmyshorts" will be sending 3,000 telephone sanitizers to Iraq to fight ISIS (apologies to Doug Adams).

    Don't get me wrong, I have the highest regard for our military personnel, but they are not the first group that comes to mind when I think of how to battle a health crisis. Wouldn't you instead send... oh, I don't know... DOCTORS? Medicine? HazMat gear? Quarantine booths? Doesn't the military specialize in, like, blowing shit up and shooting people?

    Maybe O'liar's plan is to just kill everybody with ebola. Problem solved... tee time again.

    The MSM ignoring Billery's indiscretions? Nothing to see here, folks, move on. Ya gotta think, though, that someday, somewhere down the road, somebody will have the guts to blab and rat the Clintons out, and live through it. I pray I live that long. I'd love to see that sleazy bag dressed in orange for about 20 years.

  15. Sorry for posting twice
    Sorry for posting twice

  16. I find it highly illuminating that most posters on here have doubts about the Precident's [sp] resolve and motives. It is almost as if some of you believe he may have an agenda beyond what the teleprompters dictate.

    1. @Geoff,
      Nah... what makes you think that? We have all confidence in president O'iwontstopuntilthewholecountrylookslikedetroit.

  17. From Al Jazeera:

    MSF ( Doctors Without Borders) welcomes President Obama's commitment to deploy medical assets to help establish isolation units in the Ebola-affected region, and reiterates the need for this support to be of medical nature only,” the statement read.

    “Aid workers do not need additional security support in the affected region,” it added.

    WHO also said it does not believe the U.S. military needs to act as a security force, and it does not recommend that it do so.

    So, we are sending 3000 combat troops there why?

  18. Sorry for overposting, but I had to share this off topic news item: Completely ignoring the Irony and ridiculousness of their statements, a select group of so-called scientists (most likely those that have sold their souls to Al Gore) are now blaming the recent record cold spells and highest measured levels of Polar ice in history on Global Warming:|maing15|dl9|sec1_lnk2&pLid=529696
    Ya just can't make this crap up.

  19. Colby - hey now!!!

    Geoff - The way I understand it, they're to build shelters / beds for use by the inflicted, so they have some place to die quietly w/o infecting more people...

  20. Colby - Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, even if it is self-flattery.

  21. Thank you Stilton!!!! I was about to put my head in the oven, but you made me LOL.

  22. P.S. I am soooo sick of the President's chronic "Let me be clear" mumblings. It's becoming a nervous tick with him, or something.

  23. On a totally unrelated topic: To thinking people, the mere presence of Gloria Allred cheapens any issue to near irrelevance. To her, high-profile plaintiffs are like condoms; to be used at her pleasure and then discarded when no longer of any sanitary use.

  24. Stilt: Great 'toons and posts, and great post-posts by all; bless each and every Hn'C'er who thinks in a fiscal and Constitutional way!
    One thing I noticed, Dr.J, that may be incorrect in regards to the 'Shreddery Rodwilter' pic: she actually trashed Ambassador Stevens BEFORE he was deceased.

  25. Semi off topic, and sent to me by a dear friend and fellow Great American from North Dallas, Tejas:
    Author unknown:Rattlesnake Logic

    "The media is in a tizzy about this new era of homegrown radicals, Middle East Terrorists crossing our porous borders, and about why they could live among us and still hate us.
    A guy from Texas explained it all to me:
    Here in west Texas I have rattlesnakes on my place, living among us.
    I have killed a rattlesnake on the front porch. I have killed a rattlesnake
    on the back porch. I have killed rattlesnakes in the barn, in the shop
    and on the driveway. In fact, I kill every rattlesnake I encounter.
    I kill rattlesnakes because I know a rattlesnake will bite me and inject
    me with poison. I don't stop to wonder why a rattlesnake will bite me;
    I know it will bite me because it's a rattlesnake and that's what
    rattlesnakes do.
    1. I don’t try to reason with a rattlesnake…I just kill it.
    2. I don’t try to get to know the rattlesnake better so I can find a way to
    live with the rattlesnakes and convince them not to bite me. I just kill
    3. I don’t quiz a rattlesnake to see it I can find out where the other
    snakes are, because (a) it won’t tell me, and (b) I already know they live on my
    place. So, I just kill the rattlesnake and move on to the next one.
    4. I don’t look for ways I might be able to change the rattlesnake to a
    non-poisonous rat snake...I just kill it.
    Oh, and on occasion, I accidentally kill a rat snake because I thought it
    was a rattlesnake at the time. Also, I know, for every rattlesnake I
    kill, two more are lurking out there in the brush.
    In my lifetime I will never be able to rid my place of rattlesnakes.
    Do I fear them? No!
    Do I respect what they can do to me? Yes!
    And because of that respect I give them the fair justice they
    I kill them...
    Maybe as a country we should start giving more thought to the fact that
    these jihadists' are just like rattlesnakes, and act accordingly!
    I love this country; it's the damn government I'm afraid of!"

  26. @ David in SoCal, I loved your rattlesnake ananology!!!! If only.

  27. Surprise! The latest Øbama Ebola strategy has holes in it large enough to drive a bus through:

  28. @Geoff King 6:57

    Do we believe this, "Bell appeared to minimize the risk presented by the current outbreak, stressing Ebola is “not a significant health threat to the United States," or Obama who says the Ebola outbreak is a 'global security threat', or the UN officials who called the outbreak a health crisis "unparalleled in modern times"?

    I truly believe the inmates are now running the asylum.

  29. @Dave in SoCal, I agree completely. I have felt this way for years. After 9/11 I did quite a bit of reading on the subject of islam. And in their own words, they are committed to killing us (infidels) all. I take them at their word. It brings me no pleasure to say this but, it is them or us. And I have to say, let them die for their allah. I would rather live. More people need to wake up to the fact that they want us all dead.
    They carry signs in parades and demonstrations calling for infidels to be killed, have their heads cut off and worse and a lot of people, mostly on the left poo poo it. How many times are these animals going to have post videos of decapitations to get people to believe them? I believed it before Lee Rigby.
    When are people going to wake up en masse and realize that islam is an existential threat to modern civilization? Not just the US, but the entire planet?
    Our current ruling class even refuses to say the word terrorism fer Chrissake.
    I'm not a doom and gloom type of person but I think things are going to get real ugly. And mainly because our rulers refuse to even speak the name, let alone see the problem.

  30. Could it be "our ruler" is one of them? Just asking!

  31. @Pete (Detroit), I saw this yesterday, but I didn't think it through. "they're to build shelters / beds for use by the inflicted, so they have some place to die quietly"

    So, Øbola is actually acting consistently on this subject. He's giving them the gift of Øbamacare too (at our expense).

  32. @Pete (Detroit,
    Sorry about that, sir. I know there are still areas of Detroit that are beautiful and still thriving, but I was referring to the mass exodus of industry which left so many areas abandoned and crumbling. It is so very sad to see this happen to such a great city!

    I still remember Nixon's pet phrase. "Let me be perfectly clear..." Or, "Just let me say that I never said what I'm about to say." When O'Liar starts a sentence off with that phrase, I know the spewage is about to begin, and we're going to hear something that completely contradicts what the lying sack of camel dookie said last week. Sometimes he reminds me of the liar character that Jon Lovitz used to do on SNL, but Lovitz was funny. Nothing funny about O'Liar...

    @anon just above. Yep, Jay Blarney has not changed a bit; still blurting out huge whoppers. CNN is down the middle? Really?? Whatcha smokin', Jay?

  33. Colby, no biggie - if I had a thin skin, I'd move (or change my handle).
    And you're right - there is no finer example of a morally and financially bankrupt Dem Kleptocracy than Detroit.
    And you're right, watching the same policies applied nationally is truly heartbreaking..

  34. But CNN is down the middle. They equally divide their commentary between Socialist propaganda and Authoritarian propaganda.

  35. K. Øbamination has managed to convince congress to fund and arm the Syrian "moderates". The very same militants that were previously aligned with Al Qaeda, but now admit alligence to ISIS, and have already transferred weapons and the two beheaded American journalists to that special group. So, we will be aiding ISIS to fight ISIS. Now, he wishes to do the same with the Neo-Nazis in Ukraine in an apparent attempt to start WWIII with Russia.
    Am I the only one that sees the ludicriousness of what is going on and therefore am stuck in a Twilight Zone episode, or do others see that our wonderful president is trying his best to take on the role of the Antichrist with the intent of destroying our country and the human race in general?

  36. @Anonymous- So you have a problem with my artistic skills, but NO problem with Clinton's political team destroying documents to help cover up her role in a successful terror attack?

    Your sense of priorities is baffling.


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