Friday, September 19, 2014

Terrorists Will Roo The Day!

obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, australia, terror, kangaroo, ISIS, ISIL

Hope n' Change has been considering the institution of "Good News Fridays" in which we help kick off your weekend with happy, uplifting, optimistic news items. Unfortunately, this is unlikely to become a regular feature because it doesn't seem like there is much good news lately, and the odds of it happening on any given Friday are about as likely as Barack Obama spontaneously singing "God Bless America" at one of his $100,000 a plate fundraisers.

That being said, there was good-ish news from Australia yesterday, after some 800 federal and state police officers raided and rounded up a group of Islamic State terrorists who were about to move on their plans to start grabbing ordinary Aussies off the streets, behead them, then distribute videos of the brutal murders on social media sites.

But Hope n' Change has a better idea.

Now that these wankers have been caught, how about putting them into the ring with really skilled boxing kangaroos, and then release the video of the terrorists getting the ever-loving crap knocked out of them!

Not only would the terrorists lose face (perhaps literally) in the eyes of the world, but it would make for some great video. In a world that desperately needs good news, it's time something went viral other than ebola.


  1. General Dempsey is already calling for US troops back in Iraq:
    However, since Øteetime stated that there would be "no boots on the ground", the opinion of the lowly Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff will likely go unnoticed - at least until the midterm elections are over. At that point, Øcoward will probably just issue Birkenstocks to all soldiers prior to deployment in order to keep that promise.
    All in all, if we are to have an Iraq war part III, I would much prefer seeing all that expensive weaponry actually being given to soldiers that we know are on our side. Not to " moderates" or "freedom fighters" who quite likely will change allegiance or abandon the arms while retreating at the drop of a burka.

  2. precisely what I've been telling people, Geoff! "no boots on the ground" leaves it open to all manner of footwear as long as they aren't boots. I was thinking something more on the line of "sneakers". as for arming somebody already over there, arm the Kurds! they are our friends AND they want to fight ISIS. hell, they will fight at the drop of a hat and they'll even bring the hat!

  3. Unlike Scotland, Obama has successfully chosen independence from his Joint Chiefs and their advice. And reality, for that matter. Somehow, six months hence, he'll pull off convincing the low-fo's they should "clearly" blame Congress, the Pentagon, the Intel community, the Koch brothers, the Tea Party and other assorted racists, global warming, NFL violence, Pres. Bush, Scott Walker and Fox News.

    Anyone care to join a sea stead colony or move to another planet with me? Can't take 2 more years of this crap...

  4. God bless Austraila! I'd buy a ticket to that boxing match. Of course, the difference between the US and the Austrailian government is that the Austrailians don't want the terrorists to succeed. Barry seems to be doing all he can to make sure America gets exactly what he thinks she deserves. Remember what his mentor Reverend Wright had to say about the 9/11 attacks? Our chickens have come home to roost.

  5. Great idea Stilton, it would be an improvement on the typical MMA fare. Being an old fogey, I would suggest a spectacle a bit more leisurely and less frenetically television-centric. Perhaps bring back the iron maiden in the town square. No, not the band, but something more aligned with the sensibilities and era of Islam.

  6. I like the good news friday idea but considering that in a few hours after business today and every friday will come the 'media dump', so that by monday we will be too tired to scream and froth at the mouth and the media will refuse to cover it cause it's 'old news'

  7. I'd rather sea swimming with the crocs than kanga boxing but I would really enjoy see kanga boxing followed immediately by swimming with the crocs or maybe some great white trolling. Now I think a line up like that will get ratings while teaching cultural sensitivity towards muzzies.

  8. And in other defense cuts the military will no longer be allowed any footware, thus serving a dual purpose of saving money for the presidents i-pad for poor democrat voters and freeing him to send US combat troops to Iraq

  9. Although the cartoon is funny, as always, I hesitate to make fun of the Australians. They've always been the unsung, steadfast allies of the US. They were among the few who fought with us in Vietnam, and were at our side in the Gulf War, Afghanistan and Iraq.

  10. @Geoff King- I'm certainly no expert on military matters, but it seems like there's an impressive roster of military minds saying no real victory can take place without boots on the ground. And you make a good point that it seems preferable to arm our own troops rather than whoever shows up at "free weapons day."

    @George in Houtx- Agreed.

    @Pamecon- Obama is always careful to make statements on both sides of every issue so that his team can pull the appropriate soundbite when the public has forgotten recent history (which seems like about an hour these days).

    And "two more years" is going to be a long, long time...

    @SusieBee- The Australians are great, and it was nice to see their decisive actions taken without getting lectured about the many gifts of Islam to modern civilization.

    @TrickyRicky- As "Pulp Fiction" reminded us, sometimes it may be a good idea to "go medieval on their asses."

    @REM1875- I'd like to regularly do "good news" as some relief to the onslaught of bad news, but there are only slim pickings out there. And as you say, Friday is usually a "news dump" day for NEW bad news. Sigh...

    @Larry Gilbert- Let me be very, very clear: there's nothing about the cartoon or commentary intended to make fun of the Australians! I love the Australians, and am delighted they stopped this plot in time.

    My inclusion of a boxing kangaroo wasn't intended to demean Australia's law enforcement agencies in the least, but rather is a nice (and funny) way of symbolically representing the terrorists getting their asses kicked by Australia.

    As you say, the Australians have been among the truest of American allies. You won't find any criticism of them here.

  11. Judge Napolitano nicely sums up Ømoron's ineptitude and illegality in the Isisisisil crisis:

  12. The current threat in the Mid-East, ISIS, is evil and needs to be completely destroyed. If I were the commander in chief, I would gather the Joint Chiefs of Staff and say "go to it boys", but, whatever our "leader" decides to do, islam will be the winner. As for Australia, they, at least, have the guts to take care of the monsters in their country. More power to them.!!!

  13. "Terrorists Will Roo The Day", Stilt, I LOVE it when you puntificate [sic] on matters!
    Anyway, as you know, lamont would RATHER sing "Allah Blast America", 'cause that's the kind of girl he IS!
    Also, back in '78 I was part of a team manufacturing an 18" green laser for SDI when Jimmuh Cahtuh was saying ALL funds were cut off of star-wars projects. What a steaming pile of excrement THAT "news" was! So, when lamont says "there will be no boots on the ground", it is ANOTHER ignorant statement made by a moron who doesn't have the REMOTEST clue what the hell is going on in the military. We don't do ANYTHING in a country without "boots on the ground"... THAT'S WHY WE WIN! In the dictionary, under the word "dumbass" there is a photo of lamont!

  14. WRT Obama's new troop policy, the LoFo's won't be able to understand any of it anyway. Generally speaking, any polling result that is 15% or less is noise. You can get 15% of the people to agree on anything. This means, I suppose, that about 10% of the people know anything about what is going in this country. And I suspect they all come to this web site.

    We are so screwed.

  15. Er, well I didn't do the math correct. 20%! Oy ...

  16. Heck, put it on Pay-Per-View!!! I'd pay good money to watch that!!! Dana White and the UFC better watch out!

  17. Crikey! I think that roo gave O'Golfer a black eye! See Barry, this is what real men in real countries do. They have actual testicles, and would piss on your stupid coexist sticker if they could only find where you parked Prius One.

    Regarding the "gubmint funding Syrian rebel weapons and training" clusterf**k... Geez-O-Pete! Really? Why don't we just skip to the end ,and give ISIS the weapons right now? All the military experts say it will take a friggin' year to train these morons, so a fat lot of good that's going to do. ISIS will be in Israel by then.

    And I want to know how we can take a kid fresh out of high school, send them to basic for what, 12 weeks?, and then they're capable of going overseas and kicking ass. Why does it take a year to train a Syrian? Hell, we've been "training" Afghans and Iraqis for years, and they STILL can't defend their country?

    Huge waste of money, huge waste of time, and more to the point, a huge attempted distraction from O'Liar's ineptitude. Wake up America; you are being led down the rosy path to living in a third world country, subject to the whims of China, India, and Russia.

    I remember the 50's and 60's, but damn, I kinda wish I couldn't.

  18. I'm tickled as a koala in a eucalyptus orchard that our friends in Australia put the kibosh on the terrorists' plans!

    Don't have a good feeling about any of this, however, 'boots-on-the-ground' or not! Why...did this terror army deliberately antagonize us with those beheading videos? Are they HOPING we will do what we are planning to do by getting us all 'wee-weed' up? I'm ESPECIALLY ill at ease with the Anointed One at the helm since it is obvious he could not care less what happens to this country! It is definitely not as simple as the simpleton in the White House wants us think it is.

    Sorry to get all 'religious' again, but, plainly, the collective known as the USA is under discipline from God Almighty...a student of the holy scripture would recognize the way HE does things!

    It is HIS world after all, not ours, and HE has every right to bless or not bless a people or nations, depending on their choices...and we as a nation have not only turned from him by and large, but too many are attempting to lock HIM out rather than responding to his knock at the door of repentance and forgiveness.

    May God help us all.

  19. @John the Econ: The president of the United States of America has at his disposal the best military and intelligence advisors in the history of the human race. Although I truly wish I could write his actions off as "clueless", I fail to see how that could be possible. He mearly reads from a programmed script on teleprompters. That leaves only one other possibility. The total destruction of our country and way of life has been his and his handlers plan from the very beginning. It took him being the first " black" president in order for that plan to succeed. A white man would have been impeached or assassinated long ago. Fear of being labled racist is what has allowed him to continue the systematic and well thought out erosion of our Constitution and Republic.
    I also take exception to your labeling our country as "violent and gun obsessed". That is what the controlled MSM would like us to believe. In actuality, gun related crime is down over 40% in the last 20 years, and is much lower than many countries - Australia included - which have banned guns.
    As you alluded to, and as Admiral Yamamoto so eloquently put it, we most likely have not had terrorists roaming our streets because they would met with " a rifle behind every blade of grass".

  20. As there is absolutely nothing happening in the world or here at home, congress has decided to quit working until after the November elections. Evidently they need to unwind from having all of August off. Last year they took 239 days off and are trying to beat that record this year. If the average American had to work for a mere 6 figure paycheck, they would likely also demand 8 months of paid vacation per year:

  21. Geoff...I'm all for tight gun-control also!! Hold it tight with both hands so you won't miss!

  22. @PRY: Yea, verily :) Furthermore, I'd like to add "... The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."
    James 5:16, KJV

  23. It appears that Mr. Nobel Peace Prize really is caught between Iraq and Assad place. Does he stick to his promise and commit no ground troops and thereby allow the entire Middle East to be overrun by his ISIS brethren, or does he follow the advice of practically every military advisor who has an opinion and put boots on the ground. Either way, his legacy will be one of impotence and indecisiveness. It really must suck to be him - and that has nothing to do with current events:

  24. Soooo.....we're sending 1600 troops to Iraq where there is a real threat to the entire world, and 3000 troops to Africa to fight Ebola. What is wrong with this picture? Unbelievable!!!

  25. How about taking them all out to dinner at "Burke's Bacon Bar" in Chicago.

    When they're done, let them walk the streets of Chicago or Detroit wearing saggy pants.


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