Friday, July 29, 2016

Going to Hillary in a Handbasket

Readers- Owing to various time constraints, we couldn't create an exhaustive (and quite likely exhausting) commentary today. But as consolation, here's a panoply of cartoons which probably don't need much explanation.

The endorsement...

obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, hillary, democratic convention, qualifications

The queen's coronation...

obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, hillary, democratic convention, qualifications, aliens, queen, eggs
If you never saw the movie "Aliens," don't even TRY to get this joke.
The likely consequences...

obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, hillary, vladimir, more flexible, election, russia, emails, scandal


  1. Words fail me. I didn't, and couldn't watch the farcical proceedings for either convention. Stick a fork in me, I'm done.

  2. I'm just glad that I have a place to hide about 50 miles back in the mountains....... And, I didn't have enough eye bleach to watch any of it. Sigh.

  3. To all of the women who want a woman for president, regardless of her morals, regardless of her incompetence, regardless of ineptitude I have only this to say.... If you still vote for the wicked witch of the west, you have bats in your belfry. That said, I shake my head for what you are willing to put this country through.

  4. @Jim Irre- Instead of a fork, I recommend a swizzle stick.

    @Fred Ciampi- I skipped watching Hillary's speech last night. I have my limits.

    @chef621- I genuinely don't understand the thinking of anyone who believes the "historical importance" of electing a woman president outweighs the importance of finding a good and competent woman for the job.

  5. I didn't watch any of the DNC. And now OMG, how do I un-see the second cartoon?
    But maybe THIS really will be her crowning achievement. She's old, high-strung, obese, under stress, and she about to catch Hell like never before...

  6. Well done Dr. J. No words needed, the 'toons take care of that. We need to re-clone/resurrect Ellen Ripley before it's too late.

  7. Here's another good laugh:

  8. All classics!
    First cartoon: Funny!
    Second cartoon: GAAAA! Mental image sooooo disturbing (but perhaps accurate)!
    Third cartoon: Also funny, but does this mean Vlad already did Trump's bidding?

    And the, "I'm the first woman to be nominated as a presidential candidate," is another of a bazillion Billary lies. Victoria Woodhull was nominated by the Equal Rights Party in 1872. You know Hillary remembers this election, but she chose to pretend it didn't happen.

  9. Colby: Ms. Woodhull was also kicked out of the race due to a scandal. We can only hope and Pray that History will repeat itself.

  10. Don't know what they were served before teh Balloon Drop, but Bill (I didn't inhale) Clinton appears to be tripping BALLS...

  11. Helps to add the link - facepalm

  12. Stolen joke: The confetti raining down on the convention last night was made out of 33,000 emails. Bah da bum.

  13. Those like me who watched this week looking for some "Feel the Bern" drama were very disappointed. We should have known better, as a DNC that was so well prepared to shut Bernie down was also prepared to shut his people down as well, even those who were legitimately attending the convention. Bernie's faithful delegates were replaced with $50-a-night scabs who were let in early to occupy seats, and white noise generators to drown out the cries of those who did manage to get seats.

    Get it yet kids? Have you fully figured out what happened yet? You just got schooled! You were tools for Hillary too! Congratulations, you unwittingly helped nominate a candidate that is 100% diametrically opposed to everything you believe in for an ironically-named Democratic party. She couldn't have done it without the help of millions of clueless tools such as yourselves. Now do you still now think you're gonna get all that free stuff like she's been promising for the last year? Ha! Unless you've got at least a couple-of-hundred-thousand to funnel to the Clinton Foundation, you're out of luck.

    Long live the 1%!

  14. @Stan da man.
    Yeah; once again because of the damn balloons, we can't even see Busty Ross. Oh wait; she wasn't at this convention.

  15. Rod: I too missed Busty. But thank goodness that when she shows up, she brings her own balloons to the party. And fine ones they are.

  16. To all of the women who want a woman for president

    We've had one for nearly eight years. She's known as "Valerie Jarrett".

  17. @Rod- Sadly, I think she thrives on stress. Also, orphan's tears.

    @David in SoCal- In fact, a new Alien movie is being made with Sigourney Weaver as Ripley. It's going to be an "alternate timeline" that picks up after the events in "Aliens" and ignores the other movies which followed in the franchise. I'm totally in.

    @Geoff King- I've got to admit, Hillary DOES sound like a hyena.

    @Colby Muenster- The third cartoon actually means that Vlad grabbed the emails from Hillary's not-so-private server years ago under his own initiative. Regarding the "first woman nominated" claim, I notice that the Dems and their media toadies are now saying "the first woman nominated by a major party." Details, details.

    @David in SoCal- I don't see it happening, but we can hope!

    @Stan da Man- The whole balloon scene with the Clintons was just bizarre. They acted like toddlers who had never seen balloons before. Of course, I'm only assuming they were balloons; maybe someone inflated Bill Clinton's stash of red, white, and blue condoms.

    @Shelly- I also like the joke "Hillary Shatters Glass Ceiling: Thousands Wounded by Shards."

    @John the Econ- I've also read (though not verified) that the DNC installed amplified white noise machines in the convention hall to simulate the sound of applause when Hillary was barking at the crowd, or to use to help drown out any Bernie protesters who hadn't been dragged out yet. What an incredible - and depressing - farce.

    @Rod & David in SoCal- Not to worry; with "women's issues" front and center in this election, we'll definitely be hearing from Busty Ross and Lefty Lucy on a regular basis.

    @MAX Redline- Isn't THAT the freakin' truth!

  18. Apropos of nothing, it's amusing that your blog name consists of two of my favorite cheeses.


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