Wednesday, August 25, 2010

CBS Evening Noose

According to Katie Couric on the rarely-watched CBS Evening News, "there is a debate to be had about the sensitivity of building (the Cordoba House mosque) so close to Ground Zero." And we agree.

Unfortunately, she kept talking - saying "But we can not let fear and rage tear down the towers of our core American values."

Did she really just refer to "sensitivity," and in the very next sentence equate those who are concerned about a mosque at Ground Zero with the radical Islamic terrorists who destroyed the World Trade Center towers and killed over 3000 Americans?!

It's hard to imagine a more insulting or dismissive comment. Or really, a more inaccurate statement - after all, most of the opposition to the Ground Zero mosque is not based on fear or rage, but rather on the sincere belief that this is hallowed ground and a place of deep and lasting pain for many Americans.

And that for once, just once, our sensitivities should be respected.


  1. But it is precisely the treatment of this issue we would expect fro Couric and her ilk. Why would anyone be surprised?

  2. Of all the expressions to use... "tear down the towers"? Really? Does she need to be reminded who did the tower destruction in question?

  3. I can't help but wonder if Couric might be a truther at heart. That idiotic belief would give rise to such a sentiment as it doesn't so much equate us with the Islamofascists who attacked us but rather blames us for doing "again" what we already did to ourselves. Therefore, it's not insensitive in her mind.
    Yeah, it's a helluva stretch, but I have to contort my thinking to delve into the tortured logic of that dumb b*tch.

  4. The Perky One has spent the last thirty years nursing and nurturing that chip on her shoulder.

  5. Isn't it about time for another live video shoot up Katie's ass? What is the medical recommendation for frequency of colonoscopies? I think her last one was 8 years ago.

  6. The only surprise here is that someone was watching to hear her say that who understood how silly it was.

  7. Or the fact that you want to deny American citizens to build a building they have a permit for?

    Maybe tearing down rights and shredding the constitution doesn't matter to you guys...figures that rights only apply to you and nobody else.

  8. Anonymous (immediately above)- We're not talking about denying anyone their rights. We're saying "what you want to do is painful and offensive, and we'd prefer you not do it"

    In other words, we're simply trying to invoke the same courtesy which stipulates that non-Muslims shouldn't publish any pictures of Mohammed, and that Dr. Laura shouldn't use the n-word (even though in both cases, there is a constitutional right to do so).

    And in return, the sensitive, eager-to-heal Ground Zero mosque builders are executing their unimpeded constitutional right to say "Go to Hell," which hasn't exactly convinced anyone that their true intent is to balm the wounds of 9/11.

  9. The best revenge is low ratings, so I was pleased to read in today's paper that Katie's CBS news show averaged 4.89 million viewers last week, the lowest for evening newscasts in the nearly 20 years in which compatible Nielsen Co. records exist. And last week's coverage included a two-day trip to Afghanistan. Tee hee.

  10. Maybe tearing down rights and shredding the constitution doesn't matter to you guys...

    Is your statement regarding the majority of the US citizenry (check the polls, ali-bubba. You libs seem to love them when they support your various agendas. Why are you all so apparently blind to what they're saying now?!) or is your comment regarding 0bama and those in the house and senate? It's not clear from your context.

    In any case, as Stilton indicates, no-one has ever said they don't have the right to do so as citizens of the US, assuming they have the necessary legal permission to do so. But, then again, we get into the technicalities involved with who might be FUNDING this building. I wonder how many US citizens, beyond s/he who applied for the permit, are actually involved in the effort to erect this glorious war monument?

  11. Katie Couric is a very good news reader. I don't think it is fair to judge her based on the content of what she is reading.

    I don't think she knows what she is reading.

  12. Much like 0bama and his teleprompters, hey? I don't buy it...

    (Slow day at work today :o)

  13. I still wonder how some of our heroes of liberty in the past would handle this one...what do you think Reagan would have done for instance? maybe..."Mr. Raul....DON'T BUILD THAT MOSQUE!"

    It really is an insensitive act on their part...cant help but feel like you guys do...just a thumb to the nose towards us!

  14. This is interesting...according to David Limbaugh's new book...

    Everything about Barack Obama’s radical background signals his visceral contempt for America—its culture, its values, and its political and economic systems. His unmistakable goal is to bring America down to size—an America that has been, in his view, too big for its britches, selfish, exploitive, unfairly wealthy, arrogant, and dismissive."

    Kinda sounds like what the head imam has been saying, with that 'osama bin laden was made in the usa' crap. I'm trying to get a handle on where they arae coming from, but sounds like Obama is coming from the same place.

  15. CBS = Crescent Broadcasting System

  16. Anon 2 above (No name? Not surprising.)

    I refuse to stoop to their level of thinking as you seem to have done.

    There is little doubt that a Ground Zero Mosque (which is forever what it will be called in spite of the media efforts to change it) will be a magnet for every nut "with a mission", but I think that is part of the plan. Build it and then be outraged at every act of vandalism, however slight, and further demonize legitimate criticism of Islam.

  17. Readers- If some of the comments above seem confusing, it's because I had to nuke the comments of an Anonymous blogger who insisted that killing Muslims was the only way to resolve this issue. He then suggested that your own Stilton Jarlsberg might be Muslim for erasing his comments.

    So let us put this in the most delicate way possible: if you think the way to resolve this issue is to kill a building full of Muslims during their prayers, you're a stupid effing asshole who is weakening the position of those of us who are opposed to the Ground Zero mosque.

    And if you think that Stilton Jarlsberg has spent a year and a half creating cartoons and tending this blog FOR FREE because he's a closet liberal, well then, you're just so fucking stupid that you don't deserve any additional explanation.

    Create your own blog, genius, and make logical and well-documented arguments that will sway people to your side. But if all you want to do is attack this blog, we can only infer that you're actually a liberal troll (maybe even a liberal Muslim troll?) who is against the principles that made America great.

  18. Johnny 'One Note':
    Make 'o' a Half-Term pres!
    "We The People" still rule the USA. . .
    "We The People" ? ? ?
    It is Up To U.S.!!!
    Hate? I removed that word from my vocabulary 50 years ago!
    It IS STILL used and practiced by those who Despise Freedom and Liberty!
    Islam does not own God!

    "We The People" have the Internet as our Pen and Sword . . . together "We The People" are a mighty force.
    Roy Stewart,
    Phoenix AZ

  19. Stilton and readers, I am confused...did they change the name of the Ground Zero Mosque to something else? Like L51? And why?

  20. I note that no one has made a comparison to Pearl Harbor, like, "What if a Japanese person/group wanted to build some kind of 'Japanese cultural center' overlooking the USS Arizona memorial?" The Ground Zero Mosque is certainly comparable. What would the oh-so-tolerant liberal types say to that?

  21. Stilton-That was a great rant; Really top notch. :^)Since the guy who harassed one of the Mosque protesters turned out to work for ABC news, and the loathsome fellow who knifed a cabbie turned out to work for the Cordoba Project, you may be correct. The fool poster may be a liberal plant.

    Thanks for doing your great cartoons. I post them lots of places and of course always include a link. Lord knows that in today's political climate I need a laugh.

  22. Here's your anser to:

    "I note that no one has made a comparison to Pearl Harbor, like, "What if a Japanese person/group wanted to build some kind of 'Japanese cultural center' overlooking the USS Arizona memorial?" The Ground Zero Mosque is certainly comparable. What would the oh-so-tolerant liberal types say to that?"

    Obama would condone it as well as would all the socialist followers that voted for trud and at the base of the Jap monument would be an apology for nuking them until they glowed and shoot them in the dark.

    Would I condone or allow such an atrocity go by without comment. You can bank I will not, hell I might even become a tagger.

  23. The answer to the Mosque BS can be found at by clicking on the word (solution). I also have the cure for the drug cartel and the gang bangers of this world


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