Sunday, October 31, 2010

Night of the Living Dems

When you open your door this Halloween and see a terrifying ghost, ghoul, or zombie begging for a treat, it might be a trick-or-treater...or might simply be a Democrat trying to scare up the last few votes before election day.

By all accounts, Tuesday is going to be the scariest day of the year for Democrats, who have been so engrossed in their monstrous work at forbidding castles and secret laboratories that they've only recently caught on to the fact that the peasants are angrily heading to the polls with torches and pitchforks.

Hope n' Change would like to wish everyone a very happy Halloween...and remind Democrats not to eat all your candy at once. Last time (specifically in 2008), you enjoyed the initial sugar rush but then it made you sick.

Along with everyone else.


HALLOWEEN BONUS: The official Democrat "song and dance" starring Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barney Frank(enstein), and Joe Biden!



  1. Sadly what their souls really look like - at BEST!

    Coming trying to be disguised as angels of light, if it were possible, coming to deceive the deceivable.

    - Rose

  2. Tuesday is just the first step we must take to bring this Republic back on track. The road to recovery is going to be long and there will be problems. Stay true to the course, remember what the great Progressive Socialist experiment nearly did to us and hold those we entrust with the future of this great nation, accountable each and every day!

  3. Any kids who show up at my door dressed as Democrat monsters will get extra candy for knowing who the most terrifying ghouls really are.

  4. HAHAHAHA good one.

    Beware of the Democrat trick or treaters...they will try to steal your whole bag of candy in the name of "redistribution" and then when you aren't watching, they keep it.

  5. Rick Armstrong- You're absolutely right; even a huge Republican victory on Tuesday will only be "step one" in a long and painfully slow-moving process. For the next two years, perhaps the biggest accomplishment will simply be to prevent Obama from doing more damage to the country, while prepping for the 2012 election and a chance to repeal Obamacare.

    By way of metaphor, consider the polio vaccine. It couldn't't cure polio, or undo the damage. But it prevented further damage...and was thus one of the greatest accomplishments of its time.

  6. Makes you wonder just how long the Obama death panels would have kept the energy going to iron lungs. Or how much "green" credit Gore would donate.

  7. Beware the Demorcats might Forbid "trick or treatiing!". They'll think its a national treat to society! Bum hum bug....Blah,Blah,Blah!

  8. Lets hope the america people put a trick on the socialist democrats they will never forget once and forever... If not America is done for good and it'll be welcome to the one world order the democrats have been striving for, for 50 years.

  9. I suspect that some of those on this station have IQ's in the triple digits and more importantly actual EXPERIENCE around politics and NOT JUST ELECTORAL POLITICS. Our biggest problems are newby activists and radiotypes that are most definitely NOT ready for prime time. People screaming that people talking changing obamagate etc better watch out, people saying that they are going to throw this batch out also in two years. DUH, that would be putting the dems back in? We do not cannot possibly get a veto proof majority this time. for one thing only 1/3 of theee l Read. Study. Talk. CALL YOU ELECTED REPS NOT JUST RADIO SHOWS. AND..............................THINK SOME MORE when you make a good contact stay in touch. OUT OF THE PUBLIC EYE.most people vote on emotions but you cannot discuss how to push those buttons out in the open.

  10. Wow, MP - bit early to be hitting the sauce and kbd together, no?
    Just saying, what ever signal you thought / felt you were sending got totally drowned out in the noise..
    For me, anyway...


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