Friday, January 24, 2014

Call of Dooty

obama, obama jokes, cartoon, humor, dog, dogs, bark obama, conservative, tea party, stilton jarlsberg, maggie,
Yes, our old flea-infested self-described "mutt" Bark Obama is back...and therein hangs a tail (see what I did there?). So bear with me - today I'm going to ramble a bit, but I also have a point.

For those of you who follow Hope n' Change closely of your own volition (as opposed to our nation's security agencies, who read this as part of their job duties) you'll know that in early November of last year, the Jarlsberg family sadly lost our much-beloved dog Maggie (and you're damn right her name was a tip of the hat to Lady Thatcher). It hurt a lot. Still does, for that matter.

The last time this happened, we went years without getting another dog. Mind you, Mrs. Jarlsberg and Daughter Jarlsberg were ready...but I dragged my feet, afraid to get hurt again. And in the end, Maggie (an undernourished stray, heavy with child and not having easy access to Planned Puppinghood) wandered into our lives and adopted us. All of her ten pups went to good homes, and Maggie became a vital part of our family - and a huge comfort and calming presence when life and politics felt overwhelming.

I could easily drag my feet for years once again - except for the fact that I know in my heart that those dogless years were a mistake and an act of emotional cowardice. Which is why on Monday, my family went to a shelter and selected a new pup with whom to share our home and lives. Not to replace Maggie, but to become a new furry family member.

And frankly, I'm scared about it. Scared of getting hurt again, scared of the work and sleepless nights it will take to raise a pup (even with huge help from the whole family), scared of doing it wrong, and scared of the deep emotions that I've been suppressing and must now confront.

BUT (weren't you really hoping that I'd stop whining like a liberal about now?) I'm moving ahead with it all because I want change...and I have hope that we can make things work.

Oh yeah! Hope and Change.

And it occurred to me today that there's a parallel between my personal situation and the broader political picture. A parallel which is undeniably clear if, and I can't recommend this highly enough, you're drinking.

And this is it: I really want Change for the better...and I have Hope that I will have the strength, the endurance, and the responsibility to make it happen.

But that's not the same kind of Hope and Change that Barack Obama sold America (twice, God help us). He pushed Change that, realistically, couldn't happen - and that he had no intention of making happen. And he pushed Hope that really amounted to blind faith...with no work or commitment on a personal level required from the voters.  They wanted it all free - and that's exactly what the Kenyan Lion Dog promised them.

And here's an additional thought which occurred to me. I'm currently reading scads of puppy training manuals, emphasizing the ways you encourage good behavior and discourage bad behavior. And guess what? The American press and electorate have done everything wrong when it came to training president Bark Obama before giving him free run of the White House.

There must be rules, and they must be consistently and immediately enforced. Good behavior needs to be rewarded, and bad behavior needs to see those rewards withdrawn. Otherwise, as years go by, you end up with horrible behavioral problems...

Peeing all over everything, destroying precious heirlooms, pooping in inappropriate places, tearing things to pieces just for the fun of it, begging and always wanting more more more, and totally inappropriate licking and humping.

I'm referring, of course, to Barack Hussein Obama. 

But I'm pretty sure that without guidance and discipline, these things could happen to a dog, too.

puppy, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, name
 Here she is - Miss Hope n' Change 2014!
She's 3 months old, a mix of Shepherd and fast-talking stranger, 
and she currently lacks a name. Any suggestions, folks?


  1. Scared of getting hurt again,

    You know it's going to happen, so accept it and enjoy all the good years you're going to have.

    And I like the 'Zena suggestion above too. However I don't know this little ladies personality, so you might have to wait a bit and find out what she shows her name to be.

  2. Ah, I think you made the right decision to get a new dog. She's a baby doll. I can't think of a name, it's too early to think for me, sorry. Good luck with her :-)

  3. Speaking as someone who has had many dogs and, frankly, cannot imagine life without one, getting a new dog immediately after the loss of one is the best thing you possibly can do. It does not devalue the previous animal, but rather is a testament to it's worth and rapidly fills that terrible hole ripped into your heart. When my last dog, a Beagle named Huntley-age 15, was taken from me, within two days I got my current companion, a Border Collie mix named Quester, from the pound. He was one day from euthanasia, so I saved his life. Two months later, my fiancee-the love of my life was taken from me in a car wreck. If I had not had Quester at the time I doubt I would still be here, as the two things I loved most had just been ripped from my life. He gave me strength and love to carry on. That was in '04 and Quester is now 11. I know I will have the pain and joy of choosing a new dog within a few years. As far as this days cartoon is concerned, I find it quite demeaning and racist towards the Whitehouse residents. Naturally, I am referring to Bo and Sunny, the Liar in Chief's dogs.

  4. As far as suggestions go for the name of your new dog, that really is a personal matter. It can reflect the animal's personality as well as your own. I named my first dog "Gandalf". That was more a reflection of me as I had him back in the 70s when I was a mere teenage pup myself. I know I grew up in the 70s, because I don't remember a thing. If I ever own an all black dog, I think I will name it "spot"-as in one big one. Obviously, I prefer more, shall we say, unconventional names for my dogs. As dogs will answer to anything and really have no choice in the matter, I recommend creativity. The world has too many Lassies and Rovers.

  5. She's a beauty, and I wish you a long, happy life together. I think she looks like "Hope" in a little furry package. That's the perfect name and sentiment for your new little girl. Hope Jarlsberg, it's a good fit.

  6. Why don't you call her "Stay"?
    You know, come here, Stay! Come here, Stay!

  7. Too bad she's not a yellow dog, you could name her Demi, short for Democrat.
    Being part German, she could be Lili after Madeline Khan in Blazing Saddles. Or the Red Baron(ess).

  8. How about Ronnie? Everytime you call her, it will also remind you of Mr. Reagan...

  9. What a sweetie! My first dog, my parents got when I was two, was a German Shepherd named Princess. She was always a wonderful, loving friend.

    But, knowing how dogs take over your heart (and life), if not Princess, how about some other royal name to demonstrate her place? Empress? Dutchess? Queen?

    Seriously, congrats on the new puppalito!

  10. If you want to stay with honor/remembrance names, there's Maggie Juniorette, Andie (the picture of her was juxtaposed with Andrew Breitbart on my pooter), or Phyllis (Schlafly). When my wife and I got our little girl (11 lb. Shih Tzu) her name was Del. As you know from my E-mail name, Baby Bear was very apropos, ergo...
    As far as Bark Obamski, his ears are too small and his snout is up Reggie Love's colon. I say let's send him to Mars so he can add a hammer and sickle flag next to the one "the astronauts put there".

  11. I see from the picture she has at least two legs. If she had had no legs you wouldn't have to name her.
    She wouldn't come to you if you called her anyway.

  12. Stilton, this smart girl will reward your courage a hundred times over. Bless her and bless you and your family.

  13. Stilton my friend, I've shared the same feelings about getting a new furry friend after the loss of a good friend. I'm glad you took that step, you are ready.

    She's cute and looks like she has spunk.

    I suggest Sarah for her name.

  14. In light of your naming convention with your last dog, Maggie, I might suggest Condi. Especially if she wants to watch the Superbowl.

  15. The German word for "treasure" is Schatz. It's old school German (most of the young never use it)but I guess back in the day it was used by men for their ladies. The other way to say it is "Schatzie". Pronounced "Shot-ze" or just "Shots".

    In any case she's a real treasure and I'm sure will bring you a lot of great times ahead.

  16. LUCKY

    Lucky because the Stilton family was lucky to find such a beautiful dog.

    Lucky because I have masters that appreciate values and discipline and responsibility.

    Lucky because I will give you more love than our president.

    Lucky because I will outlive the presidency of King Hussein.

    Lucky because....just because!

  17. My suggestion, in keeping with your previous naming theme is Sarah. She was rolled by the enemies of freedom but stayed classy and relevant.

    And I have to say what a pretty girl you got! The hard part in getting a new puppy is remembering that they don't know everything the last dog did, and, as you said, will never replace them. Patience pays dividends.

  18. Stilt and family, I'm so happy y'all brought home another baby! No name suggestions, that's a personal decision between you and "baby" (she'll help with her personality) but please do let us know what is chosen for her. I know that you and she will be blessed for years to come with friendship and happy memories. You've done the right thing. Talk about scared of being hurt again, when I lost my little Maxie (mini schnauzer) last September, I didn't want any more dogs. Hubby said otherwise. Now we have the Jack Russell Terrorists, brothers Jack & Sam, and I'm so glad they're here. You'll be thankful too. Best wishes! ~:)

  19. I made my suggestion before reading the previous comments and see that I agree with @Reiuxcat. Pure coincidence.

  20. Cheddar... will likely be shortened to Ched

  21. Anonymous not only beat me to it, but said it much better.

    "The German word for "treasure" is Schatz. It's old school German (most of the young never use it)but I guess back in the day it was used by men for their ladies. The other way to say it is "Schatzie". Pronounced "Shot-ze" or just "Shots".

    In any case she's a real treasure and I'm sure will bring you a lot of great times ahead."

    No matter the name,no doubt the dog is already happy.

  22. Off topic, but I had to share this with y'all. I found some Therapy. And I feel just a little guilty for having so much fun with it!

  23. Naming her Lady Liberty (Lady or Liberty for short) would remind you of your freedoms--like having a dog every day--does not cross your mind too often, until you lose them. Having a dog who will be there during life's UPs and DOWNs is basically an analogy of, "I'd rather be broke, hungry, and free than taken care of my the government after giving up my freedoms. Life will never be perfect, but having a dog by your side and being free is the next best thing!

  24. Congratulations on the new addition to the family.

    Personally, I'd avoid any overtly politically referenced names for the dog. At the end of the day, I appreciate the disconnect that my dog has from the concerns of the world that I have to deal with. He's a joyful and comforting escape from such worries.

    Also, pick a happy-sounding same that sings when you call. It sets a good tone for the upcoming interaction that you both will enjoy.

  25. Congratulations Stilton. Having lost our sole remaining Labrador just last week I understand the trepidation you face in starting the cycle over again. Certainly she can't replace Maggie, but she will return to your household the unique joy and love that only a dog can provide. I agree with John the Econ that you should go with a timeless name that isn't associated with the political angst of our current situation.

  26. Liberty. I'd name her Liberty in memory of what we once had in this country, so long before my birth date.

    Beautiful pup, Stilt. I'm a sucker for the Shepherd mixes.

  27. I was overjoyed to see Bark in the comic strip today. Then MORE overjoyed to read that you added a beautiful little girl to your family. She is ADORABLE!!! I've been through that grieving process too many times in my life, so I know how difficult it is. You are going to enjoy this new family addition so very much and she will help heal the hole in your heart left by Maggie. Best of luck with the name. You and your family will choose just the right one. We will all look forward to hearing about it when it happens. God bless you, Stilt, for all you do to help us get through these hard political times.

  28. Whatever name you choose I'm sure it'll be something "cheesy".
    -signed the man who is owned by his dog "Nancy" and married to a woman named "Regan".

  29. I looked at the picture for a long time. Those big floppy ears remind us all of someone, no?
    My two previous comments were obviously attempts at humor but in all seriousness, I'd go with whatever your daughter may be inclined to call her.
    I have a 13 yo daughter and she is great at coming up with stuff like that.

  30. 'Ronnie' or 'Reagan' based on your past naming habit.

    Congratulations and much happiness - to you and your family.

    You could call her 'Family' in the manner of 'Emily'.

  31. Congrats on the new addition to the Jarlsberg family. I'm sure you'll all be very happy together - in spite of the inevitable accidents, chewing, digging... ☺

    As for a name, how about our favorite drink - 'Coffee'

  32. One of my favorite female names, Elizabeth, shortens nicely to Betsey, or Bitsey. As I'm rather taken w/ a young beauty named Sarah, I'm all for that as well. In terms of names that 'sing' Kylie has nice bounce - and the advantage of beign the first half of "Kylie Wayote"
    Just sayin'

    As for pain of loss, and fear thereof... a young friend had a falling out w/ someone she was close to. And was hurting. I offered that I agreed, it was painful. Every time. I'd like to say it hurts less every time, but it doesn't, really. You just kind of get used to it. The trick is to remember the good bits, and to know that the only way to avoid the pain is to avoid feeling. And that's just too horrible to contemplate...

  33. "Buckley" as in William F.

  34. How about just simply, Hope.

  35. @TrickyRicky ~ So sorry to hear of your loss! Heartfelt sympathies from the Sparky Household. We never forget, but time can heal all wounds. God bless.

  36. Congrats on the new addition Dr. She's adorable. As for a name, create your own and stay away from the political realm.

    And in the unfortunate event she turns out to be a PITA, re-name her 'TedBrist'... ;) I hope you know I'm kidding you and the rest here.

    Again, congrats! I teared up a bit when I read it. And please, more pics down the road.

  37. Whrrrrrrrr--- click! (can opener sound). That brings 'em running every time.

    OK.... how 'bout Sam; short for my favorite Swedish cheese, Samsoe.

    Or, how about Steve Martin's dog's name in the movie, "The Jerk?" ...just kidding...

    Congrats on your new adpoted child, and remember to always wear shoes in the house for a while, until the potty training is complete.

  38. I was thinking you could name her Gertrude (like Grrrrr trude). You could have many nick names with that sound that she would still answer to.

    My dog's name is Buster but I have about three loving nick names to call him (mushie or mooshy is one of them - he likes to moosh his head into my face when he really wants something from me).

    So glad you added a new member to the family.

  39. Cute pup! Looks intelligent, too.

    How about Nadyezhda (na-DYEZH-da) which means "hope" in Russian. Say it a few times, it'll roll off the tongue and have a nice sound to it. Its meaning is certainly appropriate. It was a very popular name for girls after the second world war. It's NOT a commie thing.

  40. @Readers- Wow, to encourage readership and comments I should have a dog on the page every day!

    Seriously, I'm overwhelmed by all your great remarks, jokes, name suggestions (which my family is weighing carefully), and stories about your own pups.

    Today is our last "getting ready" day before bringing her home on Saturday. So we're assembling crates, buying the food she's used to, speed-reading instruction manuals about potty training and general behavioral training, and just generally getting keyed up like kids on Christmas Eve.

    There are too many great comments for me to respond to all of them, but let me address a couple...

    Regarding names, we'll probably avoid the overtly political ones because, as John the Econ mentions, I'm really looking forward to this pup being an escape from politics and the worries of the world.

    However, I have nothing against using political names for other things we'll soon be seeing a lot of, as in "Naughty dog! You made a Hillary on the rug!"

    @Pete (Detroit)- Kylie Wayote?! Actually, that one's growing on me a little...

    Again, THANK YOU for all the great comments and suggestions!

  41. Lotta good suggestions up there! We also were adopted by a young hound about 10 years back...been a pretty good ol dog...when she jumped in the car with us at WalMart one night and stuck her head into the wife's armpit for comfort, she said, "oh, poor BABY", and guess what...the name stuck!

    BTW, news has it the North Koreans just put a man on the sun!

  42. My 8 year-old granddaughter thinks your new pup looks like a "SusieQ"

  43. OMG, look at that face, what a cutie. Gotta love a Shepherd mix. Congrats on the newest addition to the family. Let the fun begin...

  44. Love dogs. Always had one around me 'cept while I was out punchin holes in the ocean. Uncle came back from WWII to recuperate from a bullet in his butt, about '43, and got me a puppy when I was around 3.

    Somewhat related joke 'bout 'Brack 'n' dogs:

    Little boy and his mother watching a sunset on a beach. He looks up at his mummy and asks, "Why is your skin white but mine is black?"

    The mother looks off toward the sun setting over the Pacific and says, "Don't worry 'bout that, Barry. From what I remember about that party, you're lucky you don't bark."

  45. I don't suppose "Velveeta" is on the list.
    Didn't think so.

  46. I love Condi, or Andy, AC might be nice too. Sarah is a little on-point, but Grizzly could be a fun homage.

  47. With a totally innocent face like that I'd call her Venus, the goddess of love. She'll only know the life you give her. Make it special.

  48. 'Hope' looks like a name that fits her.I'll use anonymous since I can never get the name/url thing to work with this computer. chester arthur

  49. 1) Bertrille, after the Sister's name in "The Flying Nun". Just look at that dog's ears!

    2) Sally, after Sally Field who played the Sister in the series.

    'Tis a fine looking dog. May you all make each other happy.

  50. You could call her "Mom".

    Then you could say things like
    "Mom's digging in the trash again."
    "Mom peed on the carpet again."

    Yeah, you could have some fun with that one.
    However, your mom may be less than pleased...

    - Charlie

  51. Czar of DefenestrationJanuary 25, 2014 at 4:47 AM


  52. How could anyone resist that face? And those eyes?

    I think I'd call her Lovey because that's what she would give and that's what she'd receive.

  53. Consider LADY, which would be a reference to (lady) Liberty suggested earlier, OR,

    Could be a reference to the old Disney classic, "Lady and the Tramp". And to make that a more contemporary comparison, "Lady" is a reference to Princess Barry, and the Tramp would refer to Mooch.

    Good luck with name selection, and good luck with your new family addition.

  54. One other reference for LADY could be the Iron Lady - a way to keep Maggie's spirit with you.

  55. Got a Blue Heeler pup recently and named her Olive. Your welcome to take the name.

  56. Beautiful ears; and intelligence gleaming from her eyes. We have two cats: Maggie and Annie. I submit Annie.

  57. Very very happy that you decided not to wait. Ain't nuthin' like a new dog.....mmmm, that new puppy smell....
    So, names.........
    Jarvik, cuz she helps heal your heart.
    Or Ace, she sure looks like the kinda dog you can get wrapped up in.

    A good weekend to all,

  58. How about Kyp, as in Keep Your Plan (pronounced "Kip".

  59. What a sweetheart, and I bet she's smart too. How about naming her "Pepper".

  60. Call her Disco.....simpler times and sure to raise a smile and a pat on the head

  61. My vote goes for "Hope".

  62. ginger

    All rescue over the last 36 years

    455 Racing

  63. If you watched "Alf" back in the day, he named a dog in his 'hood "Bob". For "Bob BARKER". Always loved that moniker for a pup.

    Way to go, Stilt. Lotta love in that pic of your new family member.

  64. Very cute. I heard once that, when you die and go to heaven, you are greeted by all the dogs you ever loved. I haven't found that in any holy writ, but I still accept it as an article of faith.

  65. I read once that, when you die and go to heaven, you are greeted by all the dogs you ever loved.

    I haven't found than in any holy writ, but I still accept it as an article of faith.

  66. Late to the party, but I'm gonna suggest abbreviating Liberty, and just call her Libby.

  67. Obviously, the dog should be called Something

    If you are looking for a little security from the pup; i.e. a watchdog--a good name would be Timex as being a mixed breed, Rolex would be inappropriate.


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