Friday, August 1, 2014

Going Viral

obama, obama jokes, cartoon, political, humor, ebola, illegal aliens, border, stilton jarlsberg, terror, hope n' change, hope and change, al qaeda, isis

You might not notice the first signs of contracting Ebola for anywhere between two days and three weeks after exposure. Then, as with many viruses, you'll get a fever, feel body and throat pains, and have a headache. Then you start bleeding. From your eyes, ears, nose, mouth, genitalia, and rectum - melting like a human popsicle under a searing sun. The pain is agonizing and, up to 90% of the time, ends in death.

Which is why it's so concerning that the biggest-ever outbreak of Ebola is happening in Liberia right now, and it's out of control. Authorities there are pulling healthcare workers out of the area, and warning that we may be on the cusp of a global pandemic. So who in the world might consider this horrorific situation to be good news?

Off the top of our heads, we're thinking your garden variety death-to-America type terrorists. Because getting the highly-contagious virus into the United States could do inconceivable damage.

But how to do it? Even an airport TSA officer is going to be made suspicious by a fuzz-filled petri dish in someone's shoe, or an alleged bottle of V-8 that is coagulating into layers of blood plasma.

Which is why the best way to smuggle in the virus is to smuggle in someone who's infected. Sure, it could be your standard suicide vest-wearing nitwit who's anxious to start boinking virgins in the hereafter...but how much better would it be if the viral timebomb was inside a child who might not even know he or she was infected? A child whose unrestricted movement into and around our country was actually facilitated by our government?

Consider this scenario: terrorists obtain vials of infected blood in Liberia (not hard since everything there is spinning off the rails). Transport those vials into Central America, pay off a few "coyotes," and start giving "free vitamin shots" to unsuspecting kids heading for the American border. Then just sit back and enjoy the apocalypse!

Because these kids aren't being stopped at the border. They're not being returned to their home countries. They're not being thoroughly medically screened (which is why infectious diseases are already a huge problem for the "refugee centers"). And they're being moved around the country in public transportation, sometimes with no medical screening, while our government refuses to disclose their destinations.

The greatest risk of contagion comes from exposure to the bodily fluids of the infected. Which sounds pretty easy to avoid, but... what if you were on a long plane flight and had no choice but to share the same bathroom as hundreds of other people? That's exactly the situation the Obama administration is creating when it puts young, illegal aliens on hours-long taxpayer funded flights to Hawaii.

In the end, the Obama administration can either protect young illegal aliens from our laws, public scrutiny, and medical screenings or they can protect the security and health of our nation from a potentially nightmarish threat.

Sadly, for their own political benefit, they've already made the wrong choice.

Okay, maybe Ebola wouldn't be ALL bad...


  1. As they have already recently detained illegals crossing our Southern Border from places other than Central America, including from Africa where the Ebola is erupting, the chance of a major outbreak in our country is now almost a certainty. Normal proceedure would be to quarantine all immigrants for 3 weeks, which is the incubation period of the virus. Instead, our great humanitarian leader is giving them all expense paid trips to Hawaii or any other destination they chose. The death of our country is literally at hand.

  2. Doc this is so far fetched that... wait a minute, they are fly the first every ebola patient into the United States!
    Ahhhh never mind, belay that, I stand corrected, carry on Doc. Good job.

  3. Let's hope that Chewbacca chooses Monrovia for its next Fundcation.

  4. @REM1875-I have to point out that there is a huge difference between the not at all far-fetched and horrible scenario that Stilton has outlined and the humanitarian and closely controlled flight of an American citizen home for treatment that might save her life.

  5. Ebola? We've been devastated by the Obola for 5+ years.

  6. A truly frightening scenario. I hope you didn't give these evil people any ideas but, if you thought of it, they probably have already thought of it.

  7. Regarding the "Walking Dems" poster, am I the only one that thinks a few of them look better as zombies than they do in our current alternate reality?

  8. Well, we can rest assured that Raychill (Isthereaheterosexualinthehouse) Madcow and Larry (IsthereANYmeatonthembones) King will expose the danger that lamont insane obama is causing here in New Lie-beria, and ALL the diseases being "imported" shall suddenly disappear (along with a VERY aggressive strain of Mexican Leprosy).
    "Obola"... great allusion to the most devastating virus this nation has ever seen! "It" should be quarantined in, Idunno... KENYA!!!!

  9. Brilliant! Now that we all fear an Ebola pandemic (which is really difficult to contract), Buck Ofama has used that hysteria to sign yet another Executive Order to detain any American that so much as sneezes:
    Allergy sufferers beware! You may be headed to a FEMA Camp near you.
    Problem, Reaction, Solution: Create a problem, foment public unrest, then mandate a solution involving more loss of rights. The expressway to total Authoritarianism.

  10. Ebola should be in Atlanta today from what I read this morning. An American aid worker is being transported here as we speak.

    Thank you President Obama. You're a peach!

    Anyway to get the numbers back on the CAPTCHA? The lettered ones are super difficult.

  11. Kinda reminiscent of the Egyptian plagues of Israel's very early days!

  12. I think if you wrote a novel with a plot about the president of the United States purposefully importing diseased people to spread contagion among Americans no one would take you seriously.

    I just don't get what they think they'll have left after they kill millions, destroy this nation's economy, and otherwise wreck the place -- does "kill the goose that lays the golden egg" mean anything to these people?

  13. Tony, Orlando, and DonAugust 1, 2014 at 10:18 AM


    You are a "racist" - and you are most certainly correct.

    Racists everywhere!

  14. So, OK, this is totally TMI. Maybe we should send him to Africa? Maybe?

  15. @Geoff King- Without border security, there is no security. The Obama administration not only knows this, but is embracing the consequences.

    @REM1875- I'm a bit worried about that patient being flown to the US, but I also think it's important for medical personnel to know we've got their backs when they're on the front lines of a medical crisis. I just hope the people who are arranging medical security aren't the same ones who cobbled together

    @Mike- Unlikely, since Barry wouldn't even share the same air with illegal kids when he visited Texas. Maybe he's not as dumb as he looks...

    @TrickyRicky- Exactly. If we just throw every patient on a pyre, then people will be afraid to either give or seek treatment.

    @Frankie- Man, I wish I'd thought of the word "Obola!" I certainly intend to use it in the future if you don't mind.

    @Judi King- I wondered if I should spell out such a specific scenario, but I'm trusting that the bad guys have already thought this through - and if the good guys haven't planned for it, then they needed a wakeup call. Hopefully one of the NSA folks monitoring Hope n' Change will ask a superior "are we on the lookout for this?"

    @Chuck Baker- I share your opinion. At least as zombies, these people are entertaining.

    @Bruce Bleu- Even if we're spared from Ebola, there are plenty of nasty illnesses migrating into the country. Sadly, I think a big public health crisis would only play into Barry's hands. Sadder still, I think he knows it.

    @Woodsterman (Odie)- Unless you're black or liberal, it's racist to ask anything.

    @Geoff King- You won't hear me say it often, but I actually think having this kind of power is important to control things like Ebola and drug-resistant TB.

    Of course, like anything else, the power can be abused. Just to be safe, I'm not sniffling or sneezing until further notice.

    @Gorbachev- Sorry about the CAPTCHA, and I don't have control over whether they're words or numbers. I had to turn it back on because so much spam was turning up on old pages and it was taking me a lot of time to clear it all out.

    Hopefully if the spammers get discouraged, I can turn off the CAPTCHA again. My apologies in the meantime.

    @Jim Hlavac- For Barry, I think this is less about "killing the goose that laid the golden egg" and more about "America's chickens coming home to roost."

    Put simply, he doesn't particularly care if there's anything left, as long as America is brought down.

    @Tony, Orlando, and Don- Per your link, Pelosi claims the Dems will be pushing a "middle-class jumpstart" in the run up to the midterms. But doesn't focusing on the middle-class have a disparate impact on black Americans? Egad - Pelosi is a racist!

  16. @twinkie- Oh my stars and garters - Biden likes skinny dipping?!

    Thank heaven I sterilize all of my drinking water with bourbon...

  17. Stilton, feel free to use it. He certainly is the biggest pandemic this country has EVER incurred

  18. Biden? Skinny dipping? Seriously? Anyone (who doesn't have to see it) actually CARES?!??!
    On the list of 150 things to be upset about, that's GOT to be about number 675, no?
    WELL below smart meters, and Sudden Colony Collapse of the honey bees... (no, I'm NOT saying those two are related, really, no....)

  19. Sounds like just another good argument for sending all the 'immigrants' to Washington D.C. for initial processing and probable placement.

  20. As for the CAPTCHA, thus far I have seen only numbers. This may be due to my being on a smartphone.

  21. Actually Geoff, it is because you are a good man. Me? I am a racist! So I only see letters.

    And now, Joe Biden naked. Oy.

    Беда (никогда) не приходит одна. - "Misery loves company."

  22. The Administration says that Ebola has never been in the US - wrong! A book, The Hot Zone, details how Ebola got released from USAMRIID, Fort Detrick in Maryland, and in 1989 Ebola-Reston broke out in an animal quarantine unit in Reston, VA.

    All it would take is to infect the little humanitarian plague carriers coming across the border and being dispersed to God knows where, and with no acceptability, to put the US into a pandemic.

    Surely our little islamic friends wouldn't think of that.

  23. Meanwhile at stately Jarlsberg Manor...

    "Stilton Jarlsberg, by order of The Attorney General you are under arrest for making terroristic threats, aiding terrorists activities and just being a nuance, especially to The Dear Leader."

    "Hey boss, haven't they been saying the same thing on the news? Why aren't we arresting those guys too?"

    "Shut up and cuff 'im, he's a pain in the neck!"

  24. Ugh. Got the President on with his impromptu presser today. What a whiner!

    Oh, and the latest jobs report? Don't be impressed. Most of those "created" jobs are just part-time jobs made of up divided full-time jobs that the Administration gets to count twice. The "participation rate" continues to stagnate at historic lows.

  25. And meanwhile Mr. Econ, there is this. It is absolutely criminal that our tax money is wasted on over-paid, lazy, turf-defenders who hire more people than they have work for.

    Oh, and the unemployment rate ticked up - MarkerWatch (left-wing BS) hails that because it means more people are re-entering the workforce to look for jobs. Yippee!

    Gorbachev, you commie, I'm getting numbers on CAPTCHA. The doc is trying to weed you commies out.

  26. Yeh, I know Congress's ratings are underwater, but it's totally because of the kinda president we have! Bill Clinton was a lefty but managed to work with both houses to get things done. I'm proud of Republicans for sticking to their guns and refusing to compromise with the left and their policies, plus I'm SICK of hearing the dems' whining about how the GOP won't come across! Of course, they know why...but they also know there a lot of lo-info types who are clueless and so do the media.

    How do we get around this childish behavior that is destroying our country in so many ways?

  27. Well on the plus side, I guess this means he will not play so much golf? Of course, what it really means is that he wants to be DIC, Dictator In Chief. And a dick he is.

    PRY - Progressives are, by their nature, childish. They are children. They want, they whine, they think manna flows from DC (which is a substitute for their parents). Ending the "childishness" means ending progressivism. Been around since at least the French Revolution in one sense or another. Ain't going away. What we need is an awakening - something almost biblical in nature. Unfortunately, I believe that will only come with a collapse. Sad but true.

  28. Ebola coming to America, floods of people racing across the border, the so-called president making unilateral laws and enforcements ...

    ... and he is having a sissy-fit that 3 or 4 high ranking al Qaeda types were abused. Can such people really be "abused"? Are they in fact, people? "We tortured some folks," the "wise one" said in his moron-speak.

    And speaking of sissy-fit....

  29. In the Good Old Days, immigrants were quarantined on Ellis island is they appeared ill. Why is EI (or some similar place) not reopened?

  30. Obama is deliberately importing ebola to the US because he thinks more people will sign up for Obamacare.

  31. I can only pray that if ebola does break out in this country, Barack Hussein and all of the "progressives" catch it. Karma-like, y'know?

    Oh, and for all you "progressives", The ONE AND ONLY thing about Barack Hussein that doesn't bother me is the color of his skin.

  32. AAHAHAHAHA! Good ones.
    Hatin' on Ebola = racism.

  33. Pamecon -

    Yeah, it's all racism now. Which of course means that nothing is racism. Paraphrasing the old saying, "When you believe in everything, you believe in nothing."

    But that is of course racist.

  34. Being a racist is very bad. You could lose your driver's license from too many speeding tickets.

  35. Geoff King -

    Harharhar! Bit too racy for me though.

  36. Sort of like Rainbow Six without the Rainbow Six team. And we just don't have a coordinated capability to fight this. . .

    Stay away from crowds and illegals, my friends.


  37. This is just too, too scary. In my back yard. It's hard not to think in terms of conspiracy theories. But I suppose they had to bring them over - they (the two brought here to Emory) are Americans. I just hope the quarantine precautions are sufficient...

    And Mech, you are right in general. TB, H1N1, and so much more coming across the border. Probably a good dose of al Qaeda too. Party time!

  38. Way off subject but something significant from "Mr. Government Is What We Do Together". Yeah that guy. Despise him but he actually says a few coherent - albeit racist (he is critical of the President) - things here.

    He needs some sensitivity training here from Pelousy.

  39. The Ebola scare may be more hype than fact:

  40. Also, the response to Ebola may be, gasp, racist:

  41. Me y mi familia be in Tejas by Monday! Looking for pot de oro!

  42. Wait a minute! A racist Democrat? I thought that was an oxymoron.....or is that: ox-brained moron?

  43. This is why they say a picture is worth a thousand words....

    Honor vs Dishonor

    F'ing Animals

  44. Grumpy -

    "F'ing animals" you are sooooo right! Did you see that Hamas has their headquarters in the basement of a hospital? I have it bookmarked somewhere.

    What scum, using human shields. I just hope the IDF wipes their "fighters" out.

  45. Per the comments above, I'm fully behind Israel's efforts to neutralize Hamas with (ahem) extreme prejudice.

    Meanwhile, I believe it was the UN which criticized Israel for not sharing "Iron Dome" technology with their enemies. This world baffles me more every day...

  46. I just can't believe the U.S. gubment ALLOWED those Ebola infected caregivers to enter into our once sovereign nation. Why in the hell health workers COULD NOT go to where they are is beyond all comprehension.

    God Bless those brave humanitarians for volunteering to care for those in need in another country, my Prayers are with them and their loved ones.

    Please Pray for our safety and protection from this pre-planned invasion of illegal/infected,(with who knows what; nobody's checking),illegals from who knows where,(who knows, nobody's checking), at the invitation and welcoming of the Osocialistamericahating Administration.

    May God help us all, Obama won't.

  47. David in SoCal - What you said.

  48. Scary thought.. but so far every single supposition about Obama has been proved true.

    And he did mention he would force quarantines in the US... might explain why he's so aggressively importing infected young folks. It seems muslims always hide behind women adnd children, don't they? I honestly don't think there will be elections in 2016, Hussein is gearing for a major pandemic.


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