Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Hilarity Clinton

obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, hillary, clinton, email, scandal

Hope n' Change waited patiently for Hillary Clinton's brief press conference, at which she had promised to clear up any confusion about her use of personal - and only personal - email for her duties as Secretary of State rather than the system mandated by the Obama administration and maintained by the best cyber-security people taxpayers can buy.

Her excuse was so mind-bogglingly stupid that it left us at a loss for words. Which is why we're giving the floor to special guest commentator John the Econ:

She said that she opted for her private server because she didn't want to have to carry more than one "device" to access both State Department mail and personal mail. "One device would be simpler."

. She acts as though she's unaware that you can have many more than a single email account on a single mobile device. I can't buy that. She's smart enough, or has consultants smart enough to run a private e-mail server, but not smart enough to configure a single device for multiple addresses? I have a dozen e-mail addresses for personal affairs and different businesses activities, and several of them are on my "single" device. I suspect many of you, along with millions of Americans do the same.

In fact, we know that she used multiple addresses on that single server/domain:,,,,,,,,  

From "Slick Willy" to "Slick Hilly". 

Thank you, John the Econ, for your trenchant insight. Your check's in the email.

BONUS: You've Got A Call On Defcon One...

obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, hillary, email, scandal


  1. The depth and breadth that these people are capable of LYING at is truly staggering.....

  2. Unlike many of you, I do not own a computer. I only have an advanced smartphone. Even so, I currently mantain one email address on AOL, two on Yahoo, and around a dozen on Gmail.
    Now, if I could only figure out how to use my single device to access other websites than this one, I too could be Secretary of State.

  3. Good evening! My name is Hillary, and tonight your server will be inaccessible.

  4. Her face looks like she's "passing" a cinderblock. The "smartest woman in the world" must come from a little tiny world, with ONE inhabitant!

  5. And once again a super politician considers herself above the law. She thinks that the vast majority of citizens are either too stupid or too loyal to the establishment to question her motives. Even if her smart phones only have the capacity for only one email address each, she still has many many public servants to carry her extra baggage, both literally and figuratively. And then the preponderance of liberal voters are too much in love with her ilk to question her actions. Wake up America and smell the treason!

  6. Forgot one email: "". You know, the one she uses for the AA-related emails she usually ignores.

  7. These Dems/Libs keep ping-ponging back and forth between two of their favorite Hollywood characters when the (*ahem!*) hits the fan...

    It's either:

    Butterfly McQueen -- "I don't know nuthin' 'bout [fill-in-the-blank]"


    Capt. Louis Renault -- "I'm shocked, simply shocked to find out that [fill-in-the-blank]"

  8. First, I'm honored to be quoted here. No doubt this will feature prominently in my NSA file.

    Second, it seems that as recently as less than a month ago, Hillary didn't have a problem carrying more than 1 device.

    Hillary has admitted to deleting her "personal" e-mail. What was deemed "personal" was decided exclusively by Hillary. No doubt she considered mail relating to the hundreds-of-millions-of-dollars donated to the Clinton Foundation during her tenure as Secretary of State as "personal". Republicans want possession of that server so that it can be examined. I wouldn't bother.

    As I've said many times here recently, this is just a replay of the kind of rhetorical and ethical circus we experienced during all through the '90s and can expect throughout another Clinton Administration. My favorite evasion from the Clinton years was the phrase "That statement is no longer operative" when caught in a bold-faced lie. For example, if it's pointed out that Hillary didn't have a problem with multiple devices, a spokeshole will reply "That statement is no longer operative" and then the pliant media says "Oh, okay", is supposed to forget all about it and move on to the next topic/scandal.

    In the Clinton ethical universe, "ethical behavior" is defined by the likelihood of being successfully prosecuted for a breach. If they know they can get away with it, then they just do it and never apologize. It's the ethos that's worked well for them over the last 40 years.

    I could go on, but Victor Davis Hanson did a pretty comprehensive job yesterday, so I'll leave the details to him. If you're unfamiliar with the better Clinton scandals and ethos, it's worth the 5 minutes to read.

  9. I guess it depends on what the MEANING of....personal, device, security, fundraising, honesty, ethics, law and smart....IS.

  10. Waiting for Hillary to claim the hard drive crashed in her smartphone.

    And people will believe it and viciously defend her.

  11. Well I guess I can see Shrillery's viewpoint, IF the system mandated by the Obama administration and maintained by the best cyber-security people taxpayers can buy is anything like the Ă˜bamacare online fustercluck.

  12. @drjim- Practice makes perfect.

    @Geoff King- Why would you want to access websites other than this one?

    @Proof- Well, there goes her tip.

    @Bruce Bleu- Hillary probably is very smart. I don't buy her excuse that she doesn't understand how email works for a nanosecond.

    @Fred Ciampi- I think "Above The Law" should be Hillary's campaign slogan. Although, heaven help us, it would probably be successful.

    @Fiftyville- I think Hillary needs a lot more than 12 steps to redeem herself.

    @Chris- Ironic that "Casablanca" translates to white house...

    @John the Econ- Again, I thank you for helping me meet my word count quickly yesterday so I could move expeditiously to the important business of drinking.

    It's fun seeing how badly Hillary's excuses are playing in the media so far. No one is buying the "two devices" story, her claim that the server was used for email between herself and Bill has already been shot down by Bill himself ("I only sent 2 emails in my life, both as president"), and cyber-security experts are aghast that she can say her server hasn't been hacked because their are Secret Service agents on guard outside in the yard. Perhaps she's confusing "hackers" with "ax murderers."

    Thanks for the link to Victor Davis Hanson. He reminds us that if another Clinton is elected as president, this kind of scandal will be occurring all day, every day.

    @Judi King- Exactly. And how ironic is it that Hillary now has "address" problem...

    @rickn8or- It will probably happen.

    @American Cowboy- That would actually be a smart approach for Hillary. "Look at the roll-out of the Obamacare website. Look at the cyber thefts of government information by Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden. Look at Lois Lerner's emails. And you're asking why I set up my own secure system?"

  13. It is past time for a 'Convention of States' article V!

    Hillary isn't even a good liar! But...ahem..."It's time for a woman president!"

    Isn't that one of the most self-centered thoughts ever devised? What has that got to do with 'what's best for the country'? About as selfish as 'the first BLACK president'!

    Personally, I would like to have 'the first GOOD president!'

  14. She's on video a few days before this scandal broke admitting she had an iPhone, iPad and iPad Mini in addition to the Blackberry. So she shot her own case down before she made it. For someone so supposedly brilliant, she's dumber than a box of rocks. Hillary, you dumb cluck, we all know you're hiding emails concerning Benghazi, foreign contributions and God knows what other latent scandal waiting to appear.

  15. I don't know which is more stunning, that Hillary and her shills actually expect us to believe her/their bald-faced lies or that some people, the Lucys of the world, acutally do believe them.
    It is infuriating to realize that they think the American people are really THAT dumb. And heartbreaking to realize that some of them really are.

  16. "Think about how stupid the average person is, and then realize half of 'em are stupider than that." ~~ George Carlin

  17. Slow Walking this crap seems the preferred strategy du jeur with these communists.
    Then, months or years later, they're like "What?! That's OLD stuff. BFD."
    I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sick of it.

  18. The thing I don't understand is that if she is so sneaky and has to lie to cover up stupid underhanded stuff she does, why does she want to be president so bad? She obviously hates to be questioned and her anger flares up so easily. She does not have the disposition to be a leader.

  19. @Shelly says "For someone so supposedly brilliant, she's dumber than a box of rocks."

    Ah, quite au contraire, Shelly. She's quite smart, really. What she lacks is morality. But it takes a fair amount of brainpower to be as transparently sleazy & corrupt as the Clintons and yet still be considered viable to be the President of the United States.

    Why does she want to be President? For the same reason that most people who want to be President do; power, prestige, ego. And the fact that she's been able to get away with her transparent corruption for 40 years convinces her that it's entirely possible.

    And what single group will she rely upon to make that happen? Women. During her presser the other day, she dropped this specifically to appeal to women voters: “At the end, I chose not to keep my private personal emails—emails about planning Chelsea’s wedding or my mother’s funeral arrangements, condolence notes to friends as well as yoga routines, family vacations, the other things you typically find in inboxes.”

    Those evil Republicans want to invade her privacy by snooping at Chelsea's wedding plans and her yoga routines.

    And millions of women will fall for it, just as millions of blacks fell for Obama.

    The only question is whether Democrats are willing to sell out to the devil to keep the White House. My guess is that they will. They already have.

  20. Her winged monkeys in the media have their jobs cut out for them.

  21. I believe Mrs. Clinton's main goal is to go down in history as the first women president of the US. This has been her goal for decades and she saw Bill Clinton as a tremendous means to her end. She used him as she uses anyone who crosses her path.

  22. On the topic of two police officers having been shot & wounded last night in Ferguson MO: This was just overheard on Fox TV & I quote: "President Obama responded on Twitter..."
    Never mind what he said; just the method says a lot.

    That about sums him and our culture up doesn't it? Good Lord help us get on through this.

  23. Rod, you mean the shooting of those two officers didn't even rate a Presidential selfie??

  24. Just turned on the news to check, but have yet to see Eric Holder rushing back to Ferguson with his "hate crime" squad to arrest anyone. He's probably already ruled it an "accident" due to "celebratory gunfire".

    Yes @Judi, I am certain Hillary sees herself that way. And unfortunately, if she were to succeed we'd have to endure the worst woman President, just as we've had to endure the worst black President.

    It's still my humble opinion that had the Iraq war not gone south, Condoleezza Rice would have been both the first black and woman President, and we'd all be better off for it.

  25. Yes, I'd have voted for Ms. Rice in a minute. A person of great intelligence and insight as opposed to the tokens the left comes up with.

  26. 300 televisions - this is the funniest take yet on the "two phones" thing. [hat-tip!]

  27. @Readers- Good comments above, and I just haven't been able to respond individually. In part because I'm so angry about the shooting of police in Ferguson - and the complicity of Obama, Holder, Sharpton, and myriad others.

  28. What do you mean, @Stilton? Eric Holder actually went as far as to call the shooter a “damn punk.” Tough talk from our AG. At least we've now established a threshold for punkdom within the Justice Department, because clearly robbing liquor stores, staggering down the middle of thoroughfares and assaulting peace officers wasn't.

  29. @John the Econ- It was unbelievably insulting and dismissive for Holder to refer to the shooter as a "punk." No, asshole, the shooter is an attempted murderer who probably also qualifies as a freaking terrorist.

    And note how quickly Holder individualized the shooter as being the only person responsible for the act (the demonstrators standing there chanting "Fuck the police!" surely weren't a contributing factor). Not like when Darren Wilson fires his gun and, per Holder's expressed opinion, his action is connected to every other cop in America.

    How I loathe these people...

  30. I'll give Eric Holder credit: he DID condemn the shooting of the two cops. At least he did that...

  31. I don't think you have periods of doubt, Stilton; but in case: I think you have a correct view of this. It's also very clever how you still find humor in it. I'm moving beyond that & am not pleased about that either. As said elsewhere I've seen more than enough and would like to fast-forward to elections. It's incredible what is happening.

    But our nation has a strong core. In math there are things called asymptote limits which a function may approach but it does not go beyond. I think that's a fitting description for where this is going in the less than 2 years left for this batch of self-serving assholes & traitors.

  32. @Rod- Periods of doubt? Me? (wry grin) Only every day. And while I try to make humor out of what's going on, I don't spend much time actually laughing about it.

    I hope we've about reached that asymptote limit you mentioned. I know there is still much about this country that is good, strong, and true - but I worry that we're near a tipping point. Or (gulp) past it.


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