Monday, January 11, 2010

Face Time

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Over two weeks after an Al Qaeda-trained bomber attempted to kill nearly 300 Americans, Barack Obama has finally deployed his biggest weapon in a re-declared "War on Terror." Specifically, he furrowed his brow, jutted his chin...and hit the jihadists with his presidential Frowny Face.
Oh, he also blathered away about connecting dots, blaming others, making lists of lists, and blah, blah, blah. But it was the Frowny Face that told the world that any terrorist who dares to shed American blood will not only get a taxpayer-funded lawyer, comfortable accomodations, and three square meals a day...but they'll also get a darn good scowling!

Hope n' Change is sure we'll all sleep a little more soundly tonight.

BONUS: Could this be the earliest home movie of Barack Obama preparing for the presidency?


Suzy said...

This admins is such a joke.

Red said...

Our hero**swoon**.

scott said...

Yeah, I was hoping he'd handle it the exact same way Bush handled the shoe bomber! Oh, wait...

Stilton Jarlsberg said...

Scott- Granted, Bush handled the "shoe bomber" as if it were a criminal manner. But that was 3 months after 9/11, and we didn't have the many systems and options in place that we do now (like Guantanamo Bay and military tribunals, for instance). Bush did what he could with the available choices. Obama, on the other hand, made the only choice that would deny us intelligence while giving maximum comfort and succor to the man who tried to kill nearly 300 Americans on Christmas.