READERS- In case you're experiencing "deja vu all over again" with the debt ceiling "crisis," it's not your imagination. Here's the Hope n' Change cartoon and commentary exactly as it appeared on July 13, 2011. Sadly, the reference to Barry threatening to withhold Social Security checks is as timely today as it was over two years ago...

There's a time-honored saying that "When the going gets tough, the tough threaten defenseless little old people." Mind you, it's only a time-honored saying in the Democratic party, but it's still as true - and despicable - today as it ever was.
In his effort to blackmail Republicans into agreeing to potentially job-killing tax hikes on businesses and investors, Barack Obama has announced that he may choose to not send out Social Security checks to senior citizens on August 3rd, sneering "there may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it."
Which strikes us as a little odd. After all, if no debt ceiling agreement is reached, the government's bills will be paid in the order that Obama decrees. And money is flowing in to Social Security every day, meaning that its "coffers" should be full-to-bustin' with cash which has allegedly been accumulating for decades...suggesting that it should be other programs that bring in no money which should be the first to go unfunded.
But nooOOOooo, the president would prefer to inflict the greatest and most visible pain that he possibly can... essentially making his elderly hostages shriek in terror in hopes of getting the Republicans to pay a $2 trillion ransom.
Of course, the president - who has claimed he's "bent over backwards" to negotiate with the Republicans - has yet to put a single actual fiscal proposal on the table. And he's flat out refused any short term solutions, saying that our country is "not a banana republic." And he should know, considering that he's the only president to hail from banana-growing Indonesia and Hawaii.
And so the debt-ceiling game goes on, with no guaranteed winners...but millions of guaranteed losers as long as Obama's hostage-taking strategy goes unchallenged.

Millions of elderly people like this are afraid of losing their Social Security checks, wait.
This is just Obama's taxpayer-supported Aunt Zeituni who is watching her soap operas. She'll be fine.