Click picture for full size --- Click envelope icon to send to friendsWhen I think of incisive, topical humor, I think of cows - don't you?
Click picture for full size --- Click envelope icon to send to friendsAt the first Global Warming summit in recent memory that wasn't cancelled owing to blizzards, Al Gore said it was foolish to continue debating his "inconvenient truth." He would have said more, but his tank ran out of air.
Click picture for full size --- Click envelope icon to send to friendsTuesday was a busy, busy day at the Whitehouse. Obama enjoyed green champagne at a Presidential party with wealthy and influential friends, announced that he'd appear on the "Jay Leno" show to swap some jokes...and floated a plan to make our injured soldiers buy private insurance to pay for treatment of any injuries they receive when fighting for our country. Maybe he should call it a "hero tax."
Honestly folks, I try my best to inject humor into these daily postings, but some days the news makes it hard. Our military men and women deserve only the best...and heaven help us when that's not obvious to our elected officials.
Click picture for full size --- Click envelope icon to send to friends7000 people have been killed by the cartels in recent months - and every death was paid for by American drug users "partying" like the President did. But hey, it's not an important crime. No one gets hurt, right?
Click picture for full sizeHappy St. Patrick's Day to the readers of Hope n' Change (all of whom are Irish today). And remember, if you do catch a leprechaun he has to give you a bailout!
Click picture for full sizeThis cartoon would be extremely offensive if human life began at conception. But apparently the President has decided that it's no longer "above his pay grade" to decide exactly when life begins. Or ends.
Click picture for full sizeThe problem with demanding somebody else's pie is that there's a good chance it will be well chewed by the time it gets to you.