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Although a "Happy Tax" is intended as a joke, we here at Hope n' Change are just a bit concerned to even mention it, in case it catches the President's attention. On the positive side, there's less to be happy about every day...
Click picture for full size --- Click envelope icon to share with friendsThe President would have confronted North Korea before they tested a nuclear bomb, but he was too busy forcing credit card companies to drop their bonus programs. Mission Accomplished, sir!
Click picture for full size --- Click envelope icon to share with friendsDespite the President's previous threat to consider forming a study group to look into the feasibility of drafting a terse letter from the UN, North Korea detonated a nuclear bomb which took the Administration by complete surprise...despite a Wall Street Journal editorial published 3 days earlier, in which a former Bush team member warned it was about to happen.
Too bad it wasn't in the NY Times...maybe someone in the Whitehouse would have seen it.
Update: Apparently, the threat of a Presidential pouty-face hasn't deterred North Korea from firing more missiles after all.
Click picture for full size --- Click envelope icon to send to friendsToday is the day designated to remember and honor the legions of men and women who have given their lives for our country. To them, we give our most profound thanks...and our promise to continue fighting for the freedoms for which they paid so dearly.
Click picture for full size --- Click envelope icon to send to friendsEven in these days of Hope n' Change, it can be tough to be a Democratic politician. They want Guantanamo closed because Bush was keeping those poor souls locked up illegally. But the Dems also don't want to get blamed if the prisoners turn out to be "terrorists" once released on American soil. So they've denied funds to close Guantanamo...thus making themselves the new jailers.