The world's smartest man made one of the world's most jaw-dropping mistakes this week when he referred to "Polish death camps," causing outrage to millions of Polish people.
For those, like Mr. Obama, who are a little sketchy on items of historical trivia like the Holocaust, Auschwitz and Treblinka were Nazi death camps which were built in German-occupied Poland... and millions of Polish people were brutally murdered by the Nazis. Which, apparently, they're still sensitive about.
Astonishingly, despite requests from the government of Poland, Barack Obama has refused to apologize for his gaffe...no doubt because he cares far more about polls than Poles.
Hey Jew, Don't Make It Bad

In a meeting this week with Jewish leaders, Barack "Hussein is Yiddish for Hebrew" Obama insisted that he's a terrific ally of Israel (despite all evidence to the contrary) and, in fact, knows more about Judaism than any other president ever has because...because...he's read about it.
Seriously, that's what the man said - capturing perfectly the classic idiocy of the Ivory Tower liberal who believes that books and theory are superior to reality and experience. And frankly, we're skeptical that Obama has read up on Judaism, and suspect that he's actually remembering being stoned out of his gourd in college and giggling during some movie called "Torah, Torah, Torah."
But Rabbi Obama wasn't done lecturing his assembled guests, and told them that he was demonstrably in Israel's corner because "all of my friends in Chicago are Jewish" and at the beginning of his career, he was accused of being their puppet.
Yikes. So suggesting that he was not part of a Zionist puppetmaster conspiracy in Chicago is Obama's idea of impressing his Jewish guests?
Readers- I'd also like to call your attention to the new conservative humor website "It's Big Fur Hat" which showcases words, cartoons, interviews, and rib-tickling (or rib-cracking, if you're a liberal) graphics from Big Fur Hat himself- the creator of the delightful comic "The Obamas" and one of the most popular contributors to the also excellent website "I Own The World."
Check 'em out...the more we laugh, the more nervous the liberals get!