Click picture for full size --- Click envelope icon to share with friendsOne of the reasons the massive "Cap and Trade" Tax needed to be passed quickly is that scientific support for the theory of man-made global warming got smaller every day. And since there was no scientific reason for the legislation, then the only thing "Cap and Trade" accomplished is...well...the government takeover of every industry in the country.
If passed by the Senate, "Cap and Trade" will mean skyrocketing energy bills (and higher prices on every manufactured item)...billions of US dollars "redistributed" to other countries...and the potential loss of millions of jobs.
SPECIAL BONUS: From the Hope n' Change Archives:

Click picture for full size --- Click envelope icon to share with friendsAt his recent press conference, the President said he would "wait to see how things play out" in Iran before speaking up in defense of the protestors who are being shot in the streets. However, in an unusual display of backbone the President has finally revoked his invitation to Iranian diplomats to visit American embassies for punch and cookies on the 4th of July. That'll show 'em!
Click picture for full size --- Click envelope icon to share with friendsTonight, ABC television officially turns its news division over to the Whitehouse. And just to be fair, we should point out that ABC's show is really called "Dancing with the Stars." We wouldn't want to offend any whores.
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In these odd days of Hope n' Change, the President's firm promises "should not be taken literally." Sigh... Remember when words and promises actually meant something?
Click picture for full size --- Click envelope icon to share with friendsBesides the accusations above, the President also said that under his proposed healthcare plan, doctors will be paid less, will be forced to order fewer diagnostic tests, and will not be fully paid for patients who don't get better. Good luck finding an oncologist!
Click picture for full size --- Click envelope icon to share with friendsDespite the President's repeated promise that people can keep their existing health insurance plans if they like them, the Kennedy Bill has a nasty surprise: you (or your employer) will be fined unless you go with a government-approved plan. So you can keep your insurance, but you'll be fined. And you can drive 100 mph in a residential zone, but you'll be fined. And you can intimidate white voters with a nightstick, but you'll wait, that guy wasn't fined.