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Despite the president's stern admonition that legislators should share America's belt-tightening during these tough financial times, a recent audit of Nancy Pelosi's expenses includes a line item of over $100,000 for in-flight booze and snacks over just the past two years.
Mind you, Nancy didn't put away all that liquor without a little help. When she travels, she brings other Democratic congresspeople. And their spouses. And kids. And friends. And probably pets.
For instance, Nancy's recent "Copenhagen Climate Summit" travel party cost taxpayers over $1 million, and treated an entourage of 106 people to 5-star hotel accomodations, gourmet dinners, and drinks. And drinks. And drinks.
For this reason, Hope n' Change encourages president Obama to immediately form a fact-finding commission to explore the huge potential cost savings if, in the future, Democrats only conduct their business during Happy Hour.