Readers: Original Announcement - After publishing fresh cartoons every day for over two years, I've decided to scale things back a teeny-weeny bit. You'll still get new cartoons and commentary Monday thru Friday, but the weekends will now be "catch up" time for all of us...when you can go back and read cartoons you may have missed (or visit the frequently spirited comments sections), and I can spend time working on some additional mischief.
This is purely a time-management situation (despite rumors that I just closed a $315 million dollar deal to become part of AOL-HuffPost-HopeNChange) and I assure you that I'm every bit as dedicated to Hope n' Change Cartoons as ever. I'm not going anywhere, no matter how much the Left might want me to.
And it's not impossible that the occasional weekend cartoon will turn up, depending on what kind of jackassery is in the news and whether or not I can keep my opinions bottled up for two days without having an aneurysm. (I've already delayed this announcement a couple of times as the world was unraveling).
In the meanwhile, if you're concerned about going into cartoon withdrawal, let me recommend that you visit the links in my sidebar to check out Diversity Lane, Angie comics, Day by Day, and the non-political but equally depressing Johnny Optimism. For that matter, Diversity Lane and Angie both have new, lovely, oversized paperback collections available (again, see the sidebar) and I highly recommend them...not only as well-done and funny books, but as a way to show your support for conservative cartoonists (who also happen to be really nice guys).
Which brings me around to saying "thank you" for the wonderful support that you show me on a daily basis. It gives me tremendous pleasure to see how the readership numbers have grown, and it means a lot to me when you re-post my cartoons or share them with friends who will hopefully become regular visitors to this site.
That's it for now - see you back here on Monday! -Stilton Jarlsberg
Readers: Updated Announcement - Having perhaps underestimated my OCD and need to post daily, I'm going to try posting cartoons from the "Hope n' Change Vault" on weekends, selecting cartoons that are in some way relevant to today's news and adding a quick bit of perspective from the present. Let me know what you think!