Just when it seems that the War on Terror can't grow any more brutal or frightening, word has come out that Al Qaeda has now made personal threats against Barack Obama's grandmother in Kenya in response to the alleged killing of Osama bin Laden.
Sarah Hussein Obama is being protected by 24-hour police patrols after being targeted by
Al Shabaab, which surprisingly turns out to be the name of a terrorist group and not a used car salesman.
And frankly, it doesn't really seem fair to target the woman Obama calls "Granny Sarah." After all, she lives in a small dirt-floored hut in Africa raising chickens...she isn't an actual blood relative of Barack Obama (being the third wife of Obama's paternal grandfather)...and like virtually everyone else in her family she's a devout Muslim.
Moreover, since Barack Obama doesn't seem to have the usual emotions associated with people from Earth, Al Qaeda would have a better chance of shaking him up if they ignored his distant relatives and instead targeted his top campaign donors.
Not that we want that to happen, of course.
But in the words of Jeremiah Wright, it seems unfair for an old woman who raises hens and roosters to be the target when Barack Obama's chickens come home to roost.