Click picture for full sizeRemember the good old days when a bully would only take a kid's lunch money instead of his future earnings?
Click picture for full sizeIn these days of Hope n' Change, it's a lot easier to have a positive attitude if you have the right pharmaceuticals.
Click picture for full sizeIn this case, "deck chairs" would include socializing health care, taxing greenhouse gases, and orchestrating attacks on radio hosts.
Click picture for full sizeIt's important that the President's comfort doesn't take a back seat to either science or ideology.
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What's more, this machine would add a lot less hot air to the environment.
Click picture for full sizeEconomists say that raising tax rates on the "rich" will translate to even less tax money available for the poor. So maybe it really is just about enjoying the screams.
Click picture for full sizeIn these days of Hope n' Change, there's so little bad news that the media has plenty of time for fashion bulletins!