Yes, this is one of those days (Thursday, at the time of this writing) when a LOT is going to be newsworthy on Friday...but none of it has actually happened yet. Which makes it pretty difficult to write anything like cogent commentary, even when we're cold sober.
On Thursday night, Barack Obama was scheduled to do a town hall meeting on race relations and policing in America, and there's no way he could say anything in the least bit helpful. Seriously, do we need to hear him again claim (as he did at the memorial service for five murdered officers in Dallas) that it's easier for inner city black kids to get glocks than books?! Now, if he'd said "thanks to the dead end inner city educational system institutionalized by Democrats and teachers unions, it's easier for black kids to understand glocks than books," he might have had a valid point.
But no, we expect him to simply harangue white people again, leaning especially hard on an invisible "implicit racism" which is the Left's only explanation for why things have gotten so much worse for black Americans after 8 years of a black president.

Taking another look in the "hasn't quite happened yet" news category, we're on the very cusp of the Republican convention - which we're betting will be anything other than "conventional" this time around - especially after Barry puts his stamp of approval on (ahem) "peaceful" demonstrations at his racial town hall meeting. And even now, we expect that George Soros is bussing in a small army of protesters, agitators, arsonists, ne'er do wells, scofflaws, rock flingers, socialists, and sociopaths along with truckloads of professionally union-printed signs to make it appear that there are many independent groups rioting instead of just one huge, very well-funded group.
Also in the news on Friday will be exhaustive (and exhausting) discussion of Donald Trump's selection of running mate, currently expected to be Indiana Governor Mike Pence. This isn't exactly a shock, owing to the fact that pretty much all of the other VP finalists had at one time or another called Trump an idiot, faker, or racist on video - which would make for pretty easy and damning campaign ads for Hillary. Not that she's exactly hurting for material as it is.
Frankly, we would have liked to see Trump name Ruth Bader Ginsburg as his surprise running mate simply because the shock might have been more than her withered old heart could stand. One can always dream.
But because we've been reduced to largely speculative commentary today, we'd like to leave you with at least a little something more tangible. Specifically, a repeat of last year's recipe for the official Hope n' Change Summer Cooler:

Seriously, these are good. And all things considered, probably necessary.
Long after the page above was finished, we started getting news about the horrible carnage in Nice, France where scores of innocents have been killed in the streets. At the time of this writing, not many specifics are known and the body count is rising.Today's commentary was deliberately intended to be lighthearted and funny after a really rough run of recent domestic news. Which forced us to make a choice: scrub the commentary because of the seriousness of the attack, or leave it up because we desperately need a few chuckles?
Eventually, we chose the latter...but it was a coin flip. With the deepest of sympathy and sincerity our hearts go out to the many victims and grieving families in France.