Yesterday marked the 38th anniversary of an American tragedy which is made even more tragic by the fact that so few people know about it.
On June 24th, 1973, firebombs were thrown into a former church in New Orleans which had been converted into a Gay bar...and 32 men burned to death, screaming for help that would never come. Never. Because the crime was never solved, nor even thoroughly investigated.
At the time, a lot of people thought that burning "queers" was just fine...the same way other people thought that "niggers" looked good swinging from a rope. It helped to assign dehumanizing labels, you know, to avoid any unpleasant feelings of conscience or remorse.
Great progress has been made in the past 38 years, but here at Hope n' Change we cringe when we hear contenders for the Republican presidential candidacy berating Gays (unavoidably including Gay conservatives and Gay Christians). With so many insanely critical threats to our country right now, what makes them think this should even be on the list? Can we please fix joblessness, the economy, national security, and an inconceivable deficit and then (and only then) move on to judging peoples' love lives?!
As has been said here before, Hope n' Change doesn't take a religious perspective on this (or any) matter. We don't want to debate what is or isn't "sin" according to the Bible, but do want to share our personal definition of right and wrong.
Two men or two women in a committed, monogamous relationship? We know a number of people who fit this description and it's fine with us. Hating or even killing people because of how they were born...with no more choice in the matter than their skin color? Unacceptable. And such hatred should be a sin by anyone's standards.
Whatever our personal beliefs or feelings, we've undeniably reached a point in America in which we need to consider broadening our views at least enough to team with any allies whose core political beliefs align with our own...or suffer the consequences as the Left firebombs our entire country and leaves all of us to burn.