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And Krell metal? It sucks. Sucks. It's metal for losers. You need real American steel. |
Dr. Morbius (we don't know if his first name is Donald) is the smartest man in the universe ("I have a very high IQ, very high. It's beautiful."), has built many impressive structures, and has a plan to make the world, under his guidance, absolutely perfect for everyone using the power of his wonderful, wonderful very big brains.
The only little problem is the appearance of an invisible monster which rips to shreds anyone who disagrees with Morbius about anything. Which, sooner or later, turns out to be practically everyone. Oops!
It's his "monster from the id" that acts on subconscious qualities of fear, anger, envy, lust, and resentment. Our baser extincts which are so hard to contain, and which feel soooo good to let out - whatever the consequences.
And in some significant ways, Donald Trump is starting to feel like our collective "monster from the id." The personification of unsubtle, ignoble, and anti-intellectual impulses which are entirely understandable given the provocations we've all endured for over seven years.
Before any Trump supporters swear off Hope n' Change forever, we'll admit the possibility that there are reasons to support Trump which can appeal to the "thinky" parts of our brains, although personally we're still desperately looking for them (his big and frequently self-contradictory foreign policy speech on Wednesday sounded to us like an 8th grader's oral report on a book he hadn't read).
Frankly, we still like Cruz and approve of his selection of Fiorina as a possible VP. But we don't think they're going to stop the Trump juggernaut, any more than the Krell metal door above kept the monster from the id from turning on its creator.
Rest assured, however, that if Trump does land the nomination, we have no plans to criticize him in this forum unless he goes waaaaaaaaay off the reservation. Rather, we will focus our efforts exclusively on the ongoing disaster that is the Obama administration, and the impending disaster which would be a Hillary administration.
And however we personally feel about The Donald (and we'll even concede that there's a chance he might be just who we need right now), he'll definitely get our vote if only because it gives us the deliciously sweet opportunity to vote against Hillary.
Which we would do, gleefully, even if she was running against the Horrible Syphilitic Monster that Lives Under the Bed and Sharts on your Face in the Dark.
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Interesting trivia note: if you don't think Robby is the greatest robot ever, you're dead wrong. |