Now that Thanksgiving is over, it's time to get down to the serious matter of cleaning up all the leftovers.
By which we don't mean turkey, stuffing, and pumpkin pie.
Rather, we're talking about all of the political "leftovers" from earlier in the year... and the year before that...and the year before that. Like the failure to control government spending, the failure to establish any realistic energy policies, the failure to make America's strength known to either her allies or enemies, and the abject failure to seriously address our nation's unemployment crisis.
The thing about leftovers is that they get less and less appealing the older they get... and the leftovers cited above are absolutely ancient.
Although Washington traditionally does even less than usual (as hard as that is to imagine) between Thanksgiving and the new year, we'd be delighted if the politicians actually decided to celebrate the fact that they're employed by doing their jobs for a change.
Because after awhile, leftovers really start to stink. Which is why when next November rolls around, we'll definitely be throwing some things out.