(As always, you can click the cartoon for a larger view)
As Yogi Berra would say, "It's Deja Vu all over again." Only this time we're not talking about Barack Obama's latest effort to spend hundreds of billions of dollars (that we don't have) on shovel ready jobs (which don't exist).
No, we're talking about "Attack Watch," the new website which exists for the sole purpose of letting people rat out anyone who speaks negatively of Barack Hussein Obama. The website, which sports a black background which is about as welcoming as a hug from Darth Vader, invites people to share what "attack" they've heard, where they heard it, and promises that tipsters will receive 30 pieces of silver in the future "if those terrorist sons of bitches in the GOP House just pass the president's entirely paid for spending bill".
Okay, it doesn't actually say that, but it's pretty clearly implied.
And the reason that all of this smells so familiar is because Obama did it all before when he demanded that citizens turn in their neighbors at the offensively-named Flag@Whitehouse.gov a couple of years ago (and which Hope n' Change covered here).
And while all of this suggests the frightening totalitarian mindset of Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, or East Germany, there is good news to report.
The president's "Attack Watch" website has rapidly been turned into one of the biggest jokes on the Internet by tens of thousands of Americans who believe that Freedom of Speech is something to be exercised instead of reported...and that attacks on the Constitution are more dangerous than attacks on a sleazy, hate-mongering political hack from Chicago.