Steaking His Position

When asked about the nightmarish horrors of Dr. Kermit Gosnell's abortion clinic, the president (who has previously advocated killing infants who are born alive after a failed abortion) said that he couldn't talk about a legal matter which was unresolved but, like Bill Clinton, he believe that abortions should be "safe, legal, and rare."
Hope n' Change was baffled by what meaning of "rare" he could be referring to, until Mrs. Jarlsberg explained that the dog-eating Mr. Soetoro was probably using a culinary term.
Where The Sun Don't Shine

Gun Control for Dummies
When Obama stood in the Rose Garden whining, pissing, and moaning about the utter failure of his gun control bill, we couldn't help but be distracted by Joe Biden's ridiculous mugging for the cameras. We knew we'd seen that pouting face somewhere before...but where? And then it hit us: ventriloquist Jeff Dunham's grumpy old puppet, Walter.
Although frankly, Walter is better looking, smarter, funnier, and less of a puppet than Uncle Joe.