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Joe the Plumber (remember him?) questioned Obama's intent to "spread the wealth." It turns out that the real plan all along was to "spread the debt" to those who've been careful and responsible with their money.
Click picture for full size --- Click envelope icon to send to friendsRemember the good old days when we could worry about a President who couldn't keep his pants on, instead of worrying about one causing us to lose our shirts...?
Click picture for full size --- Click envelope icon to send to friendsActually, the 47 million year old fossil is being called "Ida," and scientists say that it is astonishingly well-preserved. Which is another way to tell it apart from the Speaker of the House...

Click picture for full size --- Click envelope icon to send to friendsThe grand finale of "American Idol" has been described as a Red State vs Blue State contest. But here at Hope n' Change, we're much more interested in "American Idle," because it has millions of contestants, and trillions in prize money!
Click picture for full size --- Click envelope icon to send to friendsIn his remarks at Notre Dame (which were sporadically interrupted by protests from pro-life Catholics) the President called for "open minds." Opening the mind, and cranium, of a full-term fetus is called "partial birth abortion" - a procedure which Obama endorses.
Click picture for full size --- Click envelope icon to send to friendsMassive generational debt is the gift that keeps on giving. And giving, and giving, and giving...