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A recent poll of the President's approval numbers showed a double-digit drop from just a few weeks ago, owing to soaring unemployment rates, expanding deficits, the failure of the "stimulus," lack of Presidential support for allies or freedom fighters, and unceasing criticism of the President's policies by media powerhouse Hope n' Change Cartoons.
Okay, the poll didn't really mention Hope n' Change, but we can dream...
Click picture for full size --- Click envelope icon to share with friendsApparently our innocent little gopher has missed the news, and more news, and still more news that Michael Jackson was buried without his brain. Though in all fairness, his confusion is understandable.
Click picture for full size --- Click envelope icon to share with friendsThe President has made clear that one of the ways his healthcare plan will cut costs is to deny life-extending treatments to whomever the government chooses, which will be especially hard on the elderly. And any of us who ever hoped to be elderly.
Click picture for full size --- Click envelope icon to share with friendsAt least he has an excuse...
Click picture for full size --- Click envelope icon to share with friendsHave you noticed the linguistic shift to "Climate Change" as the scary new environmental threat now that "Global Warming" lacks scientific support? That's because "Climate Change" is impossible to disprove, because the Earth has always been in a state of climate change, and always will be.
Click picture for full size --- Click envelope icon to share with friendsAlthough it's now seeming less likely that "Cap and Trade" will successfully tax bovine flatulence, we wanted to give a great big Hope n' Change welcome to failed liberal talk-radio weasel Al Franken!
By the way, Senator, to help protect the dignity of your new office, we want to make it very clear that Hope n' Change will not stoop to printing pictures like this one...
Click picture for full size --- Click envelope icon to share with friendsAt this year's big Hope n' Change 4th of July company picnic, it seemed that some of the joy of the 4th was diminished by people's fear of the 5th...and 6th, 7th, 8th and on and on. Conversations weren't about America's history, they were about its future - and actually wondering if there will be one.
If you had a similar experience on Independence Day, then take a couple of minutes to watch this get angry, to get hopeful, and to get motivated. It's strong stuff...but then again, so was the original July 4th.